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ROTDS beta testing

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Could you possibly pull Leo's Blaster and give a move to Shadow then? You don't have Leo for long, and his Blaster ability was interesting but I only used it a few times, and then only used attack or Magitek after.

It was cool that Leo had a full skill set, but since you don't get him back (unlike Astral or Reaper), it just seems to make more sense. Leaving Shadow alone is fine too obviously, I just think it would be nice for all main characters to have a full skill set Smile

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It would be cool though if there could be an event where you rebuild Leo make him.....faster....stronger.... lol or just turn his ass into Robocop Leo.... wait Leo ....Law Enforcement Officer .... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN

Or you know when Zeriel "Killed him" have his parts scatered around and find out that he is alive with just his torso and then you bring his pieces back to him and BOOM he's back

Oh and is there a way to make the Astral and Reaper that you get through the dolls be able to be re-equipped?

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Nah they are both un-equipable guest-type characters. I tried to hook them up with some good stuff, but not too too good. The thing about making them equipable how it's coded, is that if you equip or re-equip them, each time they go bye bye they would take the equipment with them, and also when you call them they would come with their equipment again. =/

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Leo's a tool. His Blaster skill was useless for me. Strip it for anything else. Give him Tools or SwordTech or even nothing. It won't be missed.
Shadow with a super cool new ability of anything would be pretty cool. Maybe... rename to Shurikens.

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Shadow the Heartless, Shadow lol.

I'll consider donating Leo's Blaster for something else, I think it's kinda useful personally, but I'm gonna be biased about it since it's like one of the only skills I ever did 100% that required a tiny bit of assembly lol. But like you say, he is on the team for a short amount of time, albeit hectic and battle-heavy...

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So is there a secret for defeating JCE3000GT? Or is it simply a matter of being really strong?

Nevermind, I beat him. A few things regarding Golbez:

Earlier I had mentioned how Golbez took off with my relics, well I got him back and now he has no relics! So this is a similar issue to the Oboro thing in that you just lose equipment.

Secondly, he doesn't have all the same spells. I swear before he had Curaga and Arise, and now he does not, he also doesn't have Meteor anymore, even though he had it to fight Zemus with. He also cannot equip Espers, but I am thinking that may have been on purpose?

It just seems unusual for him to lose spells if he has been off training and whatnot.

A different point for being able to name him would also be cool. Perhaps when FuSoYa is going to begin his flashback, he could mention how he and one other Lunarian tried to hold out in the end or something along those lines, and then it goes to the naming screen. It feels kind of odd being able to name Golbez way later, kind of like how it was weird being able to rename Magus haha

"I'll consider donating Leo's Blaster for something else, I think it's kinda useful personally, but I'm gonna be biased about it since it's like one of the only skills I ever did 100% that required a tiny bit of assembly lol. But like you say, he is on the team for a short amount of time, albeit hectic and battle-heavy..."

The thing I encountered with Leo is that, due to the section you are going through, I spent most of his time buffing everyone with Magitek Barrier, then placing him on healing duty with Revitalize or blasting off an Ice Beam when he could. Random encounters were usually ended quickly with FuSoYa casting Tsunami. And during the battles with just Leo, Oboro and Krosis, Leo was completely locked down for healing because he was the only one that really could.

Blaster may have been a good ability, but there was really never a time to use it within the section you have Leo. I understand though if you personally like the ability and want to keep it.

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If what you really want is to keep the ability itself, would you consider giving it to Shadow instead of (or as well as) Leo? I haven't given this enough thought to tell if my idea is okay or really stupid. I figured I'd just throw it out there and let somebody else make the actual judgement call. I'd offer more input, but I haven't gotten back to Shadow, so I have no idea how he plays or if it would be useful anyways. I felt like I was in the same ballpark as DJCool; there isn't much enemy variety in the burning house (unless it has been changed), so while Blaster may be useful in some situations overall, any situation in there favours Ice Beam if I recall correctly. I'll look at Blaster harder this time around to get a better idea though. Either way, the move itself is probably less at fault than the circumstances.

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Just letting you know before my computer dies, I have to replace the powercord (it broke somehow) so I won't be able to update/ play for a couple of weeks (SOO SORRY!!) I'll be right on it once I can keep my laptop from dying again!

Lord Sutebenu


Apparently I have to have the power chord turned a very specific way, so hopefully it will be okay! (still gotta replace the damn thing though, lol)


so the turning thing is extremely finicky and doesn't seem to be consistent; so I really won't be able to actively play it until I replace my charger, Sad

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Sorry to hear this - I can relate with computer issues halting progress. I hope you get it fixed up easily and hastefully =) No worries though.

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I just wanted to clarify about Golbez before I recruit him and save, is he supposed to be lacking things like Curaga and Arise while also not having acess to espers? Also I had asked before but didn't hear back where can I buy things like scrolls and ahurikens in the WoR?

As an aside, I am watching the world cup and just want someone to score at this point! Haha

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