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@Gaff - Welcome, Gaff! Thanks for the feedback from your experience thus far. Which version (date) of the ROM do you have there? Reason I ask is that save point on the train should be fixed, unless you might have wrote that down before the update. The latest ROM is 7-9-14, soon to be 7-10-14 tonight.

@ Odbarc - Got that Shenron dragon not spawning issue fixed, works with that stuck save state so it shouldn't freeze ever again =D Just had to make sure to create and show him in the event. Not sure how he would become hidden but that's what it must have been.

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Yeah mine is 7/6/14, so I'm just a little behind.

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no prob. I'll be sure and get you with the latest one here when I send it out tonight.

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About to go through Hellfire Pass after getting Aurora back. Highlights so far:

1: Psycho City

The new lightning effect = awesome. As well as running into Big Daddies and Yetis.Speaking of which, I feel proud saying I tore the yeti apart. Some of the fights are tough-ish when you first arrive, but by the time you explore the city they aren't as tough.

2 Opera House:

Mario Paint! Laugh "ahem" Custom music used throughout this part is ear candy. Delicious delicious ear candy. Loved the choices given during Tifa's scenes, though I noticed when you pick the wrong choice after the first part of the scene the text pops up in a text box instead of being just text like when you pick wrong on the first section. Other then that very minor thing I enjoyed the heck out of this section.

3: Before Facility X

Now here's where I trailed off from the story for a bit, having a whole new chuck of landmass to explore and pillage. The PHS in the town Facility X is located in is a godsend, though I wish he was in more areas than just there, or if you could take the PHS from him and use it whenever haha.

After a bit of exploaration I come across a hidden chocobo stable south of Thistle. Using this chocobo, I managed to worm past the Guarded Base's spot on the world map, allowing me to go to Hellfire Pass before doing Facility X. Being that I'm not suposed to be here yet, the XP and Gil drops are GREAT. Found the Dream Stone for the first time Laugh. When you try to go to the Trans Dimensional Gate, the game will start the scene for when you are there with Aurora, even showing her speaking, and then hang from the lack of Aurora being in the party. Nothing else but that spot messes up anything from doing this trick I found, and walking into the base and speaking to the guard wil trigger a fight and pop your party back on the overworld as if you tried to sneak through and got caught.

If an event were added to stop your party from entering the room with the Trans Dimensional gate, Hellfire Pass would be a great spot for farming xp/gil for a fast gear up for Facility X.


I sadly don't have enough time to report on the rest of my time so far, but what's here were the biggest things I've found so far. More to report later!

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Daaang, I never thought about the sneaky chocobo! And I assume Lockirby didn't as well. That solo house tile used for the base is chocobo proof, but that little piece of land above and below it I guess is just enough for the bird to squeeze through lol. I'm really glad you tried and did that. I can do something to prevent at least the event breaking sequence for sure, like put a guard there at least. I would probably put him at the very start though... He can say something funny! And thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the lightning and Mario Paint music XD That lightning turned out to be a b*t*h to get it correctly, but it seems worth it.

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Bahamut Zero .... thats BRILLLIANT what if there was an PHS item that allowed you to switch characters whenever or at least at save spots. Cause back tracking can really suck sometimes.

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Yeah that would be cool. I originally added the one because Shadow is in the Pub there before the Magitek Lab, and if you don't have room in the party for him then that would suck. Also that being the best general time in the game to have it, for the Magitek trek. But having more PHS options around or like you say an item with the PHS feature would be awesome indeed.

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(07-11-2014, 02:47 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: Daaang, I never thought about the sneaky chocobo! And I assume Lockirby didn't as well. That solo house tile used for the base is chocobo proof, but that little piece of land above and below it I guess is just enough for the bird to squeeze through lol. I'm really glad you tried and did that. I can do something to prevent at least the event breaking sequence for sure, like put a guard there at least. I would probably put him at the very start though... He can say something funny! And thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the lightning and Mario Paint music XD That lightning turned out to be a b*t*h to get it correctly, but it seems worth it.

Yeah, I thought the house would do it as well. Laugh I figured it would be a complete miracle if there were no map errors at all though. It's just too large an edit to not miss anything.

Have you increased the chances of spinning Bahamut on the Slots? I feel like he comes up more often now, though with the slots' mechanics I may be wrong.

The lightning is hilarious! Somehow it always seems to come up at either the most dramatic or the most ironic times.

I actually almost managed to guess the time on the clock with no hints. I should have gone with my gut, but I changed my guess on the seconds at the last second.

The only downside to a PHS would be that you could use it to heal for free, although I'm sure with some trickery you could avoid that.

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I was thinking, for Shadow (new one), what if you gave him an ability that worked like the old chainsaw? It could be called Darkness, it could have Shadow jump towards one enemy, a shadow dome affect goes off, and he leaps back. Chance of instant death and if that fails than a decent chunk of damage

Or you could even have it work like Cecil's Darkness did, if that is possible

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The dilemma with making new abilities is that you cannot simply add one without replacing something else. For instance to make Leo's custom blaster attack I used the Leap code, since Leap was not needed anymore. As far as I know there are no dummy ones that can be used, in spite of what FF3usME has listed.

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