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Mass Sprite Sheet Expansion Battle & NPC

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(12-12-2015, 01:11 PM)Zozma Wrote: how will the ending look with these swapped characters?

The ending is just normal events with current characters sprite IDs. There is no way to branch on the sprite ID currently, but you could write an event command for that. If you talk about the graphics such as the apple for Shadow, well these are hardcoded in the ending routine and can be removed. I identified a long time ago where they are loaded in bank C3 and you could either; removed the relevant code, display an empty graphic or load a default graphic of your choice for the 14 transitions. The tedious way would be to make 100 graphics for 100 characters and branch on the good graphic offset depending on the actor sprite ID, this for all 14 ending parts. The tedious part here is really making 100 graphics though.

There's also the names to consider but that's another story.

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Funk dat, I can say, without being ashamed... "that is thankfully beyond the scope of this patch".

It would be pretty kick ass to see an ending for every single character, but personally I'll be happy if someone makes the healthy fish that Celes has to chase/catch jump up out of the water (like bass fishing style). Yes, that is my second true goal, first is to add a Returner/Narsh guard to the Defend the Esper battlefield. Yes lot of work just to add an extra soldier right?

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Honestly im fine the game ending as its supposed to.

the freedom of characters on the way is the fun part for me.

i 100% plan on doing little boy, little girl, woman(shes cute tho common) a unique version of duane to go w katarin. as well as a unique vicks and wedge (no helmet soldiers look similar to the ff7 versions)

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[Image: c51hv9m09iyd9eizg.jpg]
And here's where its at currently. Character graphics #42, #40, #58, and #50 (Katarin, Bird, Fish, Vargas) with their own portraits, and their own portrait palettes.

As I've already said, currently only have approx. 81 or so, portraits to assign (the portrait table and portrait palette table goes up to #111, but without extra code 81 usable portraits is it.) going to try and get creative and make those 81 cover everything but we'll see. With 111 palettes might be able to get a little generic and use the same portrait with two different palettes for two different characters, but that's only if it really comes that close. (As in 81 portraits, 84 needed type deal).

**Would like some opinions on how this looks. Really. Note that the top one isn't really a great match for Katarin, it was close so I grabbed it, done a quick "make it fit" and put it in to see how it looked in game. So keep that in mind. I should have put Locke in the group to see side by side how they looked with vanilla portraits but, eh, wanted to show as many new ones as I could.

If you happen to know who's Vargas that is, or who's that is period, I would like to know. I know I snagged it somewhere but didn't record anything on it.

Also note, that's the best Vargas I have so unless ask to by the proven creator, or given a better option, it is what it is.

**This is how the base patch will go, vanilla portraits where available, custom that blend well with vanilla where available, the rest FFTatics style (personally I think they fit, still want to hear opinions, but going to have to be pretty bad and one sided to change that plan at this point cause I like the idea, oh and I CAN do it so...)

All that being said, after the main patch is complete enough to call "finished", I plan on making another to go with it that uses random poses from each sprite sheet for portraits. Then maybe another that uses all right facing sprites. They will then be ready to apply after the base patch to replace all the portraits/palettes as user desired. For one at that point I'll probably be able to do it with my eyes closed so it won't take long, and two because its an excuse to put off fixing vanilla events that this patch breaks (which will be yet another add-on patch to add if desired).

What do I mean by "break"? Well, when you do this kinda shit, it breaks shit. Simple as that. The biggest thing is the whole deal with normal NPC sprites that have one special pose being redirected to use the proper pose from a full sheet. The next big thing that will need fixed for vanilla events will be the combining of a few inanimate objects on to one full sheet in order to free up a few slots for all new custom sheets to be added without over writing anything. Tried this to a lesser degree before and broke it, but I've improved my methods since.

Yes I mean extra sprites in the list as well as full sprites. This morning I combine the 4-Ton weight, Slave Crown, and the Book onto one full sized sheet (using the different directions for each item North, East, and South.) Each direction is a different sprite, other than having to edit every instance of every one of them to use the one NPC and face always in the direction to display the proper item, it should work just fine, and should be worth it.

As of right now, I've already picked what it going into those two extra slots. IF that idea works, I should be able to free up a few more easily. As for those, I've got a few ideas but nothing 100%. Again, all I'm talking about is adding a few to the base patch. If anybody uses it they will be able to add whoever they want, as well as replace the vanilla cast, so its not like its a big discussion, I'm just mentioning it to be thorough.

That's about it, this post is long enough as it is so I'm not going to post an updated list of have/have not's at this time. Will take inventory and do that later.

Last but not least, while I'm making a post this long I'll go ahead and say it here. Thanks for the help, support, and motivation. It's truly appreciated.

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(12-12-2015, 07:26 PM)catone Wrote: Would like some opinions on how this looks. Really.

I think they look good. They don't really clash with each others. If you had FFT style portrait for all human characters (even the main cast) it would be ideal. Maybe the Amano pastel colors will contrast a bit with FFT brownish palettes.

(12-12-2015, 07:26 PM)catone Wrote: I plan on making another to go with it that uses random poses from each sprite sheet for portraits. Then maybe another that uses all right facing sprites.

At one point I wanted to load a random (among the 4 best) pose of the spritesheet and display that as a portrait. However the tile arrangement is a bit messy (see here). At the time I did not realized tiles were probably in that order in the ROM it would require some shuffling of the poses. I'd have better chance to pull it off now than 3 years ago. Yes, you can always create a 40x40 png with a static pose in the middle, but it's lazy and less flexible. I realized that option after sending to some newbie that did that questions about how he/she managed to load a sprite pose as portrait.

While searching for my old noob portrait thread, I found another you... (or just you before Tongue)

(12-12-2015, 07:26 PM)catone Wrote: If you happen to know who's Vargas that is, or who's that is period, I would like to know.

I dunno about Vargas but I want royalties for the Fish portrait. My (now dead) uncle sprited that, he was working as a spriter on Bass Masters Classic and Super Black Bass...

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Roger that on the Bass. Done deal.

That would definatly be the way to do sprites for portraits without a doubt. Personally was thinking just a quick job/fix to add the option but if that could be pulled off, definatly the way to go. Job title and a true randomly pulled pose, hell even just the random pose would be slick.

And yeah, there is only one Catone. Long story.

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That Vargas portrait should belong to Edrin, i believe... he shared it with other portraits, like the one of Daryl and few others... they were included in his parting gift.

Ps. i dunno about FFT portraits... even if its pixels are less visible, it's a tad "toonish"? that's what it looks to me(on a side note, vanilla ones have more visible pixels, but are somehow more "realistic")

As you said... do whatever you want.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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(12-12-2015, 08:17 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: That Vargas portrait should belong to Edrin, i believe... he shared it with other portraits, like the one of Daryl and few others... they were included in his parting gift.

It doesn't belong to Edrin if he found it on Pixiv.

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Ah, your right, that is where I found it and Daryl. Least I remember now.

The whole "no nose" thing from FFTactics always got me, but if your offering to make custom FF6 portraits for the entire cast, HELL YEAH! What are you waiting for? Get to work!

Being more reasonable however, the FFT portraits are the best option I've got for the ones I can't find FF6 versions of (I damn sure don't have the skill to make them), but that's also why I planned on making other easy to use options just in case they repulse the user to that extent. Even then if your using them in a really slick hack and can bribe real spriters to make you a set of custom portraits for just the characters that your using (vs all of them) or if your just cool that talented spriters come to you... great! But that's end user problems, I just want something there.

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I'm guessing you got these. I have tons of portrait from japanese FF/DQ clones games. I remember seeing tactics ones as well as FF7 to FF10 portraits in FF6/FF4 style. I'll take a look tomorrow but they are well hidden in never ending Japanese folder paths.


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