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Mass Sprite Sheet Expansion Battle & NPC

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lol oops green. but still this red,green,purple palette is getting played out lol

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(12-20-2015, 07:14 AM)Gi Nattak Wrote: Gau in drag?! Which one of the characters pray tell would dress him as such to meet his father lol?

You could have a conversation between Celes/Terra/Setzer vs Strago/Sabin (an old conservative and the other a manly character) and the first group would win the discussion of what should gau wear by tossing a coin.

Gau can dress alone I think, otherwise it could be Sabin that convince Cyan to help him dress because he also lost part of his family. Plenty of possibilities.

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Ok so, this is about the closest I can get the Woman to being a redhead without looking sloppy in my opinion. I wanted to avoid using the purple to make it less similar to things like dancer. so i opted for gold trim instead. (there Are 2 versions here. the first one uses the dark brown shade to try to make it a more natural color the second utilizes all the shades of red available)

The sprite has a few incomplete frames but the palette should work properly in battle. Unfortunately I will not have access to work on anything for a little while. Anyone is welcome to finish those two frames but I've run out of time for now.

[Image: 41_21_12_15_3_31_23.png]

[Image: 41_21_12_15_3_55_08.png]

In my opinion, the first one blends the hair together more smoothly and compare her to any blonde character and there should be an obvious difference.

This sprite can easily be recolored back to the Vanilla version to be compatible with other palettes, however currently it ONLY works for palette 2 (Terra's palette)

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I agree, the first does look a little cleaner. Sad the being hit pose is one thats missing but eh, no worries. It is complete enough to fill the space and make work overall, can fix eventually.

On that note, I haven't done the math yet, but with the current problem being a pain in my ass, well I've adjusted the plan a bit. Since #85 and lower seem to be the only ones that currently want to enter combat correctly (but still load on the map) without resolving the issue I can only have a limited number of battle ready sprites. On the other hand, should still be able to work in plenty of NPCs just fine.

In other words, if "the red head" takes the battle ready "woman" slot, the standard blonde chick should work just fine as a normal NPC that still leaves her able to use other palettes. So yeah! All good one way or the other.

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the hit pose takes longer to do since i have to draw from scratch a weird angle. but I do these at work in my downtime and now im on holiday break. still this ones poses are also cleaner than tge vanilla paletted one I did. The first one uses 11 colors, i think, (originally the trim was purple, but I think it looks neater this way. I must say, I am having fun seeing what I can come up with using only vanilla palettes.

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Short update, just to show there is movement in the proper direction.
  • Adjusted code to account for loading graphics higher than #55 (I think)
  • Added Badass Cat
  • Added Zozma Redhead Woman
  • Updated Zozma Boy to fixed version
  • Cleaned up some crap in my notes

... I hate list. Make it look like I've done nothing really.

Anyway, cleaned up my spreadsheet, including a thing or two that might have caused problems eventually (irrelevent but I needed some fluffer in the list).

Done a quick and nasty coloring of the Red head so that the hit pose wouldn't stand out as bad (less your looking at it). By no means does my hatchet work qualify as a fix, just makes it slightly more usable for the time being. In other words a proper fix isn't a high priority, she's a great NPC regardless.

I "think" the code is now loading battle graphics higher than 55 now (it at least loads one of them correctly). The reason I say "think" is I had to adjust code and then change a value that I don't think should have needed changed. The added code shouldn't effect the normally working graphics eitherway so, but further testing required.

Will see how they all show up in combat sooner than later.

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lol Ill fix that attacked animation when i work again. the shocked animation will be lazy AF tho

youmust approve of the sprite if you went through the trouble to improvise.
your next sprite is the train engineer.

speaking of which. If i were to make him use palette 2 or 3 I could remove the skin tones on the trim, But! will only work with one palette. so either dark green or the blues both with gold trim.
my personal opinion? the green looks more drastic and refined against the gold but the blue would help keep Terra more unique? what does one care about? then again i Could use palette 4 which was default.. I honestly dont care about the buggy look of skin trim tones..

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Some battle shots from today's test.

Some new menu shots from after that. Option A & Option B same party for both menus.
No, not impressive I admit, but hey this is the "generic" stuff. If someone is going to actually really use this monster they should make their own (probably allot better looking) profiles. It's just really not worth bending over backwards to give every sprite an uber perfect exact profile picture considering, for the most part, the average user would probably only see two or three of them. Least that's my excuse, I'm working with what I got (which is no artistic talent, hey least I'm honest.)

On the upside, got the code to work for loading graphics over #55. I mean actually working for more than one of them (and should work for any others too.) It's sort of a stupid way to do it, but it is kinda clean and doesn't take up mass amounts of space (the code that is). So yeah, on to things that leave less dents in the table.

As for the Engineer, he really only works with one palette vanilla anyway, less you wanted to give him palette 0 and a pot of gold to dance around on. Maybe some Lucky Charms. As for what other options... I would almost say Blue (his vanilla outfit is black/suit like). Course if the green was darker... yeah, either way which ever you think will look more dressy/refined should work. Or at least goes with the train theme.

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so wait you managed to add extra ports to the game?

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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Yeah, that was more a matter of having space and making the table long enough to contain the offsets, they also all have their own palettes.

Without some code reworking its limited to one bank though (for just portraits, palettes are elsewhere with one for each graphic regardless if they have their own portrait)but should be plenty unless I find a way to really start cramming new sprites in there. Just in case it comes to that, the table for portraits goes the full length. (As is several are using a "blank" siloette style portrait, but none should come up with a glitched portrait regardless if they are ment to be in the party or not.)

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