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Mass Sprite Sheet Expansion Battle & NPC

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More portraits! I have some DQ ones but they are more cartoonish.

[Image: ElcOxzd.png] [Image: tbtaUdQ.png]

[Image: CnUdQzp.png] [Image: QXP50rA.png]

[Image: E9yzTQS.png] [Image: wQaVcJN.png]

[Image: 2BkIf3v.png] [Image: TYrjTDd.png]

[Image: 7pMuPTT.png] [Image: f9D5zqv.png]

[Image: H2VVhPf.png] [Image: ubn5ozN.png]

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So I managed to finish this dude from Figaro Castle.

Hope it all looks right, I haven't tested it in game but Im pretty sure he only uses 12 colors.

[Image: fuuuu.png]

Here ya go!

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Thanks for answering the age old question "Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" Oh I know! Go completely insane converting sprites to hex! Great! Now that I don't have to worry about THAT question, I'll have even more time to go cross eyed too! WOOT! Awesome.

Really though, Thanks for the help. Nice work Zozma, already have him in, not tested yet, but in. Really like testing in groups of three or more unless I have a reason to think its not gonna work and, well frankly I don't have that right now. Looks great. I've got some others handy that I've been putting off inserting for various reasons, so it won't be to long.

Yeah, I had a few FFTactics mugs but most of them were individual, one portrait per picture, type. Was going to dig up ones like this sooner than later. Makes it alot easier to pick what fits best if they are all together. Thanks Madsiur, saved me some digging there. Should be able to get somewhere on that side of things finally.

That's something else, even though, yeah they don't overly match the vanilla work, when I started this I had all of... maybe three portraits? Hence the reason I didn't even touch the code for that till just the last few days. As I said before, while sprites are going to be an option, I really didn't want to remove the vanilla character's portraits. There may be someone come across this, eventually, and just want the extra sprites for some crazy event orgy yet still keep the vanilla characters as playable. Wanted to leave such an option open, as well as say using the guest adder patch and adding two of many to the vanilla game. By using the FFTactics protraits, it won't look like complete ass to just add two new characters to the vanilla roster (maybe not perfect but not clash horribly) vs the other options. As I've said before, I got mass respect for good spriters, I damn sure can't do it right. End up with Final Stick Fantasy 6, maybe even FF6: Adventures of the Clones (all the guys in black cloaks from FF7... yeah that'd be my spriting).

So yeah, really, thanks.

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Here is another for you,
I know Maria has been done already but I made my own version intended to go with the patch. only having to reduce the palette by 1 color made this one pretty easy and not noticeable. (I didn't finish the dead/choco riding frames but Im putting my time into other sprites that seem to have never been done. (working on the train engineer)

[Image: fuuuu.png]

One problem that I'm seeing with many of the npc sprites is the excessive use of skin tones in the hair and as gold/bronze ish trim on clothes. (to me its no big deal, but we already know what happens when they get poisoned/berserked etc) One that uses these A LOT is the generic town Woman. but for the sake of staying vanilla i guess i should leave it as is.

Here is the Old Woman as well. It should be 12 colors but havent tested to see if i missed a pixel.

[Image: fuuuu.png]

And today I finished the Little Boy. perhaps it could use a few improvements here and there but its complete. should be 12 colors only as well.

[Image: fuuuu.png]

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Had to post the kid right after I finish transfering the other two to my laptop from phone... gotta get that bluetooth working.

The fact they're here makes up for it though. Just nice to have them. Haven't seen in game yet, might or might not get them in today. Still so far they look good, both Maria and the Old woman look great on palettes 0-4 (I'm still leaving set to vanilla palette, just saying a person could do a palette swap on either and they'd look like they were made for it. Its a good option to have.) Personally fond of Maria on Palette 3, even the dead sprite looks custom made for it, some stray pixels on the white cape/dress but really just looks like a blood corpse so YEAH that's not unfinished its "custom".

The conductor and the boat dock guy right after would both be nice to have (would fill in the space between Narsh guard and the esper fairy). Beyond that and maybe the old man, man, little girl all thats left is the esper people I think. Alot of the others in between I think just need a recolor that I've tried to avoid.

And yeah, I noticed alot of the vanilla npc use the special colors in hair and other places. Now, sure it would be great if it can be made 100% battle ready, but while the abilty to put them in battle needs to be there, even if not they still benifit by having a full sprite sheet as an NPC, (full event poses). Just saying, if its not perfect as a PC, long as its still a perfect NPC and half battle compatible, its still good.

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well the town woman is a good example of one that uses a lot of skin tone in the hair and dress. it would be easy enough for me to do what i did with Katerin who had the same issue. she is technically only using 12 colors so could battle. its just that parts of her hair will change w poison/bzerk/zombie . that doesnt bother me but may bother some. its easy enough to make her hair use colors from say, palette 1 great brown shades, but that will make her less compatible with other palettes. same applies to the conductor, using skin tone for the copper color on his hat and clothes. unfortunately its gonna be unavoidable to have to keep them if we want palette compatability

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Well, actually I THINK I can expand battle palettes to allow one per sprite, overworld? Not happening, but battle possibly.

The problem is, would have to make the sprite look correct with the vanilla overworld palette, then somehow make it look the same using the same sprite with a custom battle palette that functioned correctly. Wow that sounds even more complicated when I read it than it did in my head. Not sure its even possible to pull that off correctly but might be an options eventually.

Even if possible, setting it up probably won't be much fun either.

Another option is two different sprites, map sprite that uses whatever it needs, then a completely different battle sprite sheet with custom palette set up battle compatible that looks the same (just with the palette in the proper order).

While I get the feeling I overuse the hell out of this excuse: "That is an end-user decision/fix". I going to try and lay the foundation for such a thing to be possible, but it will be up to the end user to decide just how far they want to do something like that. It might be worth it to have two copies of a sprite sheet for in and out of battle if you knew exactly which you needed to have fully correct, but not even plausable to do a blanket fix that requires that much extra space/work/effort.

So yeah, just keep up the good work and keep in mind, some minor details can and will work themselves out in the end, or in the least be beat into submission on a case by case basis.

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I feel like the best option is to do what i did with Katerin for characters like the town woman or dancer. this will limit their palette variations but the ones they have would look pretty good.

then again u could make one of those characters immune to those status and ud never notice anything odd in battle lol

Im gonna work on their frames as they are, getting them to 12 colors. custom edits to fix the hair not to use skin could come later

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Pocoloco made a good dancer sheet, that I'd already be using except the lack of green gloves kills it for me.

Started to do a recolor on it a few times but never could make myself finish. Course, that's also one of those sprites that would greatly benefit from some really custom poses, as in casting animation that doubles as a dance move.

One of the many sprites in this game that lack of animation always bugged the hell out of me. I mean come on, the dancers in FF4 were more simple yet they did all sorts of dancing! For as good as FF6 is as a game, without a doubt, they went backyards on a few things compared to earlier ones.

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the dancer is one i want to make my own version of. tho i would like to compare to poco's version

also i have heard that Arvis, returner, narshe guard, and Maduin were done as well.

what is NOT done?
I have plans for the guy from the opera house and a new Zigfried, Shiva, Yura(Esper), my own version of the fairy
oh my and what about the esper elder??

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