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Cameo Fantasy III

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I'm guessing Terra's portrait is based on her Dissidia portrait?

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Indeed, her portrait is directly taken from her Dissidia art.
I made precisely 0 original portraits for this hack. It just seems more fitting to use the characters' actual promotional art.

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I'd personally like to see remakes of these portraits so they all fit one style. It would look great if you did so. I wouldn't mind making some for you if you wanted.

[Image: walkd.gif][Image: babusportrait.png] Nu Mou, FFT version.

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It's not really in the scope of what I was planning. I'd love to use them if you're willing to make the portraits, but frankly, I've got to finish all the coding/mapping, balancing, monster scripts, and animations before I can even release a beta. I've spent most of the time doing graphics work and this wasn't supposed to be such a time-consuming project, so graphics are low-priority at this point. They are at 'acceptable level' for now, so I'm moving on so that I can actually create something relatively -playable-.

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oh yeah I forgot to tell u I did a few custom spells for u Tonic, I need ur input 2 see if u want them @ the end of the day Wink

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Djinn, I'd love to help editing and maybe creating -small- new events (IF you're planning on adding them), but my time is relatively limited for the following two - three months.

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Organizing skillsets, what do people think?

Magic list:
Cure - What is says on the box~
Fira - I'm so clever, I used Japanese naming style.
Heal - A better Cure2
Arise - Life2
Firaga - More of that Japanese naming convention
D.Holy - Dark Holy, the only unique thing here, and pretty much what it says on the box. Black-colored Flare animation, though.
DA: Riot Blade

The long one:
Yuri (Shadow Hearts):
Fusion forms:
Czernobog (Dark Fusion):
ThirdKey (Hits 4 times) - could probably just use Pummel's animation
DrainWave-MPDrain - needs an animation idea here.
Revelation - MT Dark Attack (Dmg+25% ID) - needs an animation idea
Decel (Slow, same as Ginny's spell)
Seravi (Wind Fusion):
Accelerate (MT Haste) - Yellow Fenix Down animation
Purify - MT Status Heal - possibly use Remedy's ani
Fusion - Self-Target positive statuses - needs an ani
Wind Shear - MT Wind magic (Weak) - needs an ani
Lobo (Earth Fusion):
Strike - ST Physical - use Wombat ani
Fusion - same as Seravi's
Charge (MT Safe) - probably just use Safe's ani
Howling (MT MP Healing) - needs an ani
Sandalphon (Light Fusion):
Revive (MT Revival) - has an ani!
Sanctuary - MT Shell - probably just use Shell's ani
Pulse (MT ITD Multi-hit weak Light dmg) - needs a cool ani
Fusion - same as Seravi's
Forron (Fire Fusion):
Hellfire (MT Fire dmg) - could probably just use palette-swapped Fire's ani
Purify-MT Status Heal - same as Seravi
Ignition - ST Berserk - could probably just use palette-swapped Fire's ani
Inferno (ST multi-hit PhFire dmg) - possibly same as Luke's Devil Inferno ani
Egil (Water Fusion):
Flash Flood (ST Water dmg) - needs ani
Dragon Cry (MT Water dmg) - needs ani
Iris (MT Clear) - could probably use Vanish's ani
Holy Tears (ST 100% Heal) - could probably use Holy Water's ani
Amon (Non-Elemental Devil Fusion):
Demon Rays (ST NE magic dmg) - needs ani, possibly involving Aura Bolt or Fire Beam's ani
Mind/Body Revival (ST Full Revive) - Life2 ani?
Fusion - same as Seravi's
The End - uses Amon summon ani
DarkSeraphim (Non-Elemental Angel Fusion):
ThirdKey (4x physical) - same as Czerno's
ForTomorrow (High ST HPDrain) - needs ani
ForTheChildren (ridiculous MT NE damage) - uses Seraph summon ani
For Everyone (MT Haste/Safe/Shell/Image) - needs ani

Yuri's menu spells: (All need animations)
Czerno's DrnWv (MPDrain) - same as Czerno's fusion ani
ForTheChild (HighMP cost) - theoretically the same as the summon, except that the Esper sprite refuses to work for normal menu spells.
ForTomorrow (HighMP cost version)
Resure-MT Fullheal (HighMP cost version of Sandalphon's Revive)
Yuri Desperation Attack: Neo Amon - needs ani, anything cool-looking works, basically.

Tir (basically done)
S.Lake (Runic)

Menu spells:
D.Fing (100% Dark ID) - done
BlkShw(MT D.dmg) - done
Hell (MT Dark ID) - done, but could use revising?
Jdgmnt(MT D.dmg) - done
Breath (Ice2) - probably just use Ice2's ani
Heal (Cure2) - same as Terra's

DA: Dbl Leader - needs ani, hoping to use some combination of Will-O-Wisp's shadow image + Bum Rush's ani

Ike (aka, ZEEMIS HELP ME!)
Throwing Axes:
Hand Axe (need to modify the throwing animation of a weapon to look like an axe... Zeemis I will love you forever if you help me with this)
Short Axe - same
Tomahawk - same
Urvan - same
Durandal -same

DA: Aether - needs ani, anything big and cool-looking will do

Headsplitter (Jump) - done, but could probably stand to edit the Jump weapon's sprites (ZEEMIS HALP!)

Menu Spells:
Ripper Blast (ST ITD EarthPhys) - done!
Mirror Slice (MT ITD Phys nosplit) - needs ani, probably the hardest move in the game to replicate
Airslash (ST AirPhys) - done!

PhaseGun (weapon, needs to edit something's weapon animation to look like a laser gun, ZEEMIS HELP!)

Desperation attack
7StarDrgn (4x hit PhFire dmg) - could probably just use a palette-swapped version of Cyan's dragon sword move with the 4x tag

Artes (Blitzes): All animations done.
Fang Blade (Phys, DU)
Coil (SelfT Bsrk, DD)
Guardian Field (Light Ph Atk, Minor Healing, RR)
Rending Thrust (Air Phys, LL)
Devil's Inferno (Fire Phys, DDLL)
Rending Fang Blade (AirPhys, DULL)
Shadow Fury (DarkPhys, LLDDU)
Overlimit (SelfT Quick, RRDDRR)

Menu Spells: done!
Airslash (DemonFang w/others)
Lightning Tiger Blade

Desperation attack
Radiant Howl (4x hit PhWind) - needs ani

Bows: mostly done

Menu spells: Just need Nibelung Valesti ideas
NibVal1 - needs ani, just use some sort of sword attack w/ a flash?
Shield (Safe) - done
Protect (Shell) - done
Life - done
NibVal2 - needs ani, just use some sort of sword attack w/ a bigger flash?
Heal - done
Remedy -done
Mute -done
Reflect -done
NibVal3 - needs ani, go all out, this is the strongest attack in the game.

DA: Code Break (PhysDmg+ID Chance) - probably just use Cyan's DA ani

Techs (Terra's M-Tek list): animations done
Tsu (ST Light dmg, T.Lvl-based)
Zan (MT wind dmg, T.Lvl-based)
Flaeli (ST Fire dmg)
Res - (ST 66% healing)
Rever - (ST 50% revival)
Rimpa - (Heal Poison, Sleep, Muddle, Stop, Berserk, ST)
Megid (All-target 80% Light dmg)
Earth (50% ST Stop, avoid reflect)

Menu Spells:
Airslash (shared w/ClaudeLukeRyu) - done
Crosscut - done
Explosion(ID) - needs ani
Rayblade - needs ani

DA: GiMegid (ST 100% Dark dmg) - big dark flashy ani needed

M-Tek (everyone else using the M-Tek skillset): Animations done.
Fix Frame - Heal force ani palette swap
Booster (Haste) - Heal force ani palette swap
Anemo Bolt - Bolt1 ani
Thermo Geist - Fire2 ani
Aqua Aroum - Ice1 ani

Ginny (Virginia):
Menu Spells:
Petrfy (Earth dmg) - done
Quickn(Haste) - done
Decel(Slow) - done
Xplode (ID) - same as Chaz's Explosion, needs ani
Distor(GolemWall) - needs ani, something with wavy effects, also, ZEEMIS HELP (I want to change Golem Wall's hand sprite to something more air-like)
Reflect - done
Mystic (MT FullHeal/Status) - best healing in the game
Impulse (NE magic) - mostly done
Force Charge (MPHeal) - done
Safe -done
Shell - done
Sleep - could probably stand to get a new ani

DA: Gatling -done

Weapons: she uses guns, I could really use a gun weapon sprite (ZEEMIS?!)

S Moves (SwdTech): ani is mostly done (because I didn't change anything)
Incremes (Safe)
CounterStance (Retort)
Pyres (MT nosplit weak Fire)
Cutlass Fury (4xAtk ITE)
SkullShield (MT Image!)
Rain of Swords (MT ITE/D damage)
Pirate's Wrath (4xITE damage)
~Prophecy (Self-T Quick)

DA: Blue Rogues (Multiple Status effects, H-Bomb Airship animation)

Menu Spells:
T.Bolt (Bolt2) - Bolt2 ani probably works
T.Wave (Slo2) - needs ani
Reflect - same as Virginia's
Quickn - ditto
X-Cut - same as Chaz's Crosscut
LTBld - same as Luke's Lightning Tiger Blade

Endure (Fast,no-cost, Self-target Life3) - ani done
DA: Thunder (ST dmg +Stop) - needs awesome ani

Orgia (Rages): all can use very generic ani
Pierce Attack - none needed
Dekunda -MT Dispel
Masukukaja - Hit/Eva up
Marakukaja - M/Def up
Matarukaja - Atk/Mag up
Diarahan - ST Fullheal
Samarecarm - ST Full Revive
Akasha Arts - 2xHit Phys
God's Hand - Phys dmg - this one needs to be a little cooler than the others

DA: Armageddon - needs fuckoff awesome ani

Ryu3 (the OTHER big one)
Dragon (Lore):
Bonebreak - Step Mine mechanics - needs a cool sword animation
Fusion - self-target Safe/Shell + Chant - use Berserk's ani?
Ascension - UserTarget Imp Status (modified, make sure only Ryu3 can use) - use some kind of Fiery powerup animation?
Howling - 90% MT Confusion - use Noiseblaster ani
Vigor - VT (practically) full-healing - generic ani needed
Shield - VT Safe - Safe's ani is fine
Kaiser Breath - Pearl Wind Damage spell ITD, ITE (make lategame unmissable) - his best spell, would like to see if I can use the Kaiser Dragon summon ani I made here.
Sacrifice - Exploder + chance of Death - could probably just use the Exploder ani
Frost Strike - Phys Ice dmg + 90% Sleep - Sword or Punching ani + blue flash ani?
Flame Strike - Phys Fire dmg - Sword or Punching ani + Red flash
ThunderStrike - Phys Bolt dmg + 90% Stop - Sword/Punching ani + white/gold flash?
Super Combo - 65% accuracy 4x hit phys - needs help here
Tsunami - AT ITR Demi - don't actually know what to do for this
Kyrie - 100% ID to undead (Bababreath?) - flashy ani needed
Sudden Death - same as Roulette mechanics - just copying Roulette here
(DragonBreath)Shadowwalk - ITE High Phys dmg (Critical if possible) - not even sure on the mechanics for this one, could use help
Snooze - MT HP/MP fullheal, inflict Sleep - actually, just use bubbles for this.
Sirocco - MT Fire/Wind magic dmg - Fire2/3+Tempest background works
Inferno - MT Fire mag dmg - Will-O-Wisp fire ani + red background?
Blizzard - MT Ice mag dmg - Ice3 works
Mjollnir - MT Bolt mag dmg - Bolt 3 woks
Intimidate - Dischord (halves level, which lowers Fight dmg significantly) - make enemy shake

Menu Spells: done
~Barrier - ST Shell
~Remedy - Cure all status
~Ressurrect - MT FullHeal (same as Yuri's Resure)
~Wind Strike (Airslash)

..whew. Lots of animations to do. This is mostly for my own reference, but if anyone wants to toss some ideas up for the ones listed as "Needs ani", I'll gladly take them!

Here are the animations available to me:

If I can get these animations done, I can actually put out a beta release.

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i like this idea, it fits the characters well. Smile

"Expect an early Winter with lots of snow!" Roan's Snowball Fight move
I'm a serious Grandia II fan and my all-time favorite character is Roan

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I did T.wave 4 u already

n I can do bone break easily Wink

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Yes, I'm still working on this, despite not being around the forums much.

I have list of bosses I'm using. If anyone wants to contribute some sprites for bosses that don't have them, I would appreciate it.

(Vaguely in order of appearance)
Ryu3 Whelp (Breath of Fire 3) - done
Ghaleon (Lunar) - done
Gear Pilots (Xenogears) - could use a sprite. I'm terrible at drawing Mechs. I suppose I could just leave it as the original M-Tek Armor sprites...
Asch (Tales of the Abyss) - already drew it
Ultros (keeping him cause he's awesome)
Neclord (Suikoden) - Technically has one, but it's ugly.
Hrist (Valkyrie Profile) -done
Melfice (Grandia2) - Need to make this. I'll probably do it myself.
Ness (Earthbound) - done
Piastol (Skies of Arcadia) - have one
JackFrost&Slime (Persona/DragonQuest) - done
Tio (Grandia2) - Need to make this. I'll probably do it myself
Indalecio (StarOcean2) - One should exist, though I don't have it
Sinistrals (Lufia2) - Lots of sprites for these guys already
Lynx (ChronoCross) - have one
Silmeria/Brahms (VP2) - have one
Althena/Alex (Lunar) - Could use help here!
TrueRune Incarnations (Suikoden series) - they already exist
Surt (VP1) - have it
Lezard (VP1) - have it (also this is the last WoB boss)
Fou-lu (BoF4) - have one
Magus (CT) - have one
Freya (VP1, replaces DoomGaze!) - have one
Lugia (Pokemon) - done
Laharl (Disgaea) - done
Milon (FF4) - I guess I could FF4's
Bahamut (FFX) - have one
Mist Dragon (FF4) - can use FF4's, but it's ugly
Loki (VP1) - already exists, just have to find it
Teepo (BoF3) - have it
Beatrice (Wild Arms 3) - already drew it myself
Ozzie/Flea/Slash(CT) - have these
Seraphic Radiance (Shadow Hearts) - already drew it myself
Lavos (CT) - can get it from CT
Profound Darkness (Phantasy Star4) - I actually really WANT to use PS4's sprite here, it's awesome
Zio (PS4) - can use PS4's
Dark Force (Monster in a Box! Phantasy Star 2) - just have to find PS4's
Myria (Breath of Fire 3) - can use BoF3's, though if someone wants to draw a better one...
Ashera (Fire Emblem 10) - already drew it myself
Leknaat (Suikoden) - she has one, but it's ugly, could use a custom one...
Kefka (FF6) - duh.

Thoughts on the bosses chosen?

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