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The New FFIV

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Poco, hows the progress on Edge and Rosa? Also, great work everyone so far. Once Edge is finally finished, I can really start making this boss hack which will allow people to test out the balancing. Once finished, I may start on a full out hack, or just release what I have so someone can make their own hack with it.

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looking forward 2 it Smile

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{I'm renaming this thread because it's no longer a simple boss hack}
Now that I have all the sprites, I'm going to work on four FFIV related bosses and super bosses. Each "boss" must be fought before fighting your super boss. I'm also doing custom spells and weapons that are unique to each character. Read below for a synopsis of what's to come.

-=Super Bosses=-
-Proto Babil (Already Made, but being put in this hack because we now have FFIV music, and you can see how actual FFIV characters would fare against him)
-Zeromus EG

Demon Wall - Guards Geryon and will act very much like his original self, only tougher and more HP.
Zemus - Guards Zeromus EG. I feel this is suitable boss, seeing as he was the main boss of the game and isn't technically fought. This is my paying my respect.
Dr. Lugae - Guards Proto-Babil and has his two forms. I hope to finally overcome the one scripting obstacle I've never been able to surpass. Multiple boss forms.
Lunar Bahamut - Guards Brachioraidos and must be fought alone with ONLY Kain, with my scripting abilities, I'll make it so he can only be fought with Kain in your party and him alone.

-=Unique Spells=-
Palom: Flare - 3000-4000 non-elemental piercing magic.
Porum: Holy - 3000-4000 Holy-elemental damage.
Tellah: Meteo - 5000-7000 non-elemental damage.
FoSuya: Ultima - 9999 non-elemental damage.
Rosa: Curaja

Each character is unique in their own way, some have more MP than others while others have stronger attacks. You could have FoSuYa in your party and use Ultima, but you may run out of MP quickly. You could balance this with Tellah having a medium MP base and medium M.Atk. Palom and Porum have high MP and medium M.Atk.
I am really wanting Palom and Porum to have Twin Cast which will deal 9999 with Star Fall and it'll cost virtually nothing. This MP cost of this high damaging skill comes at the cost of Palom and Porum being idle for that turn until the spell is cast.
Rosa doesn't specifically have attacking spells like the others, however, her ability to heal is greater than the others. She also has Curaja while the others only have Curaga and below.

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I've had the question in my mind for a while now of how to have two characters cast a spell at the same time (sort of like Twin Cast by Palom and Porom or Twin Meteor by Golbez and Fusoya) in FF6.

Do you know how to do this Zeemis? I think ASM hacking needs to be done, but i'm not sure how to do this.

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It would be awsome if they could do that

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I'm not entirely sure. Do you know how to make another magic menu that replaces something like SwdTech or another ability in battle Angelo?

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To create another magic menu you would need to replace the target command's menu creating code (there's some code in the C1 bank that creates the menus for magitek, lore, rage, dance and other commands) along with other data I'm not sure of now :p.

A wild guess to create a command like twincast would be something like this:

Have two characters share the twincast ability. You would need to have some lines in the code (C1 & C2 banks) to specify the ID of the two characters sharing the command. You would also need to have both of these character's active bars fill at the same time. The damage formula for the twincast ability needs to be redone, since you have to take into account each character's magic power to calculate the overall damage of the resulting spell.

Also, you would need to define when is the command going to be available in battle (kind of like the runic command). Will it be unusable if the character is silenced, imped or has no magic spells?

I think lenophis is the best to provide info on how to do this, I'd ask him if I were you, he may be able to provide more insight. You have his MSN or skype?

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Zeemis, since I have the new FF3usme working I can use the new spriting format
so here is FuSoYa for you Wink

[Image: imgshk.png]

[Image: imgshk.png]

Pick whichever couler you want and feel free to edit them to your likeing :p

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Thanks, I'll use one of these in a bit. Smile

The pinker version looks a bit weird in the editor opposed to the original version you gave me. Also, what about Locke being the riding sprite? lol

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As for Twin...

There might be a way to edit "Control" such that one twin casts it on the other, thus making them both act at the same time. Then it's just a matter of having the Control menu give options for Twincast spells. I haven't looked into it too deeply, but I think if you can specify their object IDs as valid monsters, you might get what you're looking for. If you can, then all of the other issues like "can it be used with silence? muddle?" mostly take care of themselves.

Well, it would only use the MP/Magic stat of one of them, but just double the spell's actual power/cost... >.>;;

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