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The New FFIV

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Thanks for the suggestion Sutebenu. Smile
Madsiur, check this out bro:

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(04-19-2012, 01:17 PM)Zeemis Wrote: Madsiur, check this out bro:

Yeah using the control command could work. For your targetting issue you could change this portion of code, it's from the sketch command but both commands use this routine. Right now you can select your party but the command miss, if I understand right. I can't tell because I never use sketch/control:

C2/3B29: C0 08        CPY #$08
C2/3B2B: 90 EE        BCC $3B1B    (Miss if aimed at party)

You could populate you control menu with the same 4 spells everytime, no matter who you target. You simply create a data table with four entries like this:

C2/0000: 00 02 01 FF         (Fire, Bolt, Ice and nothing)

Then you draw one value each time you loop in this routine:

C2/3756: 7B           TDC
C2/3757: 48           PHA
    ***** replace the next line with the new offset of the table *****
C2/3758: BF 00 3D CF  LDA $CF3D00,X  (get the spell number/command from the created table)
C2/375C: 8F 80 21 00  STA $002180    (store it in a menu)
C2/3760: C9 FF        CMP #$FF      
C2/3762: F0 1C        BEQ $3780      (branch if the command [aka the spell #] was null)
C2/3764: EB           XBA
C2/3765: A9 0E        LDA #$0E       (there are 14d bytes per spell in magic data)
C2/3767: 20 81 47     JSR $4781      (spell number * 14)
C2/376A: DA           PHX
C2/376B: AA           TAX
C2/376C: BF C5 6A C4  LDA $C46AC5,X  (get MP cost)
C2/3770: EB           XBA
C2/3771: BF C0 6A C4  LDA $C46AC0,X  (get targeting byte)
C2/3775: FA           PLX            (restore X = monster num * 4)
C2/3776: 83 01        STA $01,S      (replace zero value on stack from C2/3757 with
                                      targeting byte?)
C2/3778: 18           CLC            (clear carry)
C2/3779: A5 EF        LDA $EF        (retrieve (MP of monster + 1) / 256 ?)
C2/377B: D0 03        BNE $3780      (if it's nonzero, branch.  spell MP costs are
                                      only 1 byte, so we don't have to worry whether
                                      it's castable)
C2/377D: EB           XBA            (get MP cost of spell)
C2/377E: C5 EE        CMP $EE        (carry will be clear if the Cost of spell is less
                                      than (monster MP + 1), or if the foe has >= 255 MP)
                                     (IOW, if the spell is affordable.)

C2/3780: 6A           ROR            (rotate carry into top bit of A.  doubt the other bits
                                      matter, given the XBA above is only done sometimes..)
C2/3781: 8F 80 21 00  STA $002180
C2/3785: 68           PLA            (get the targeting byte, or zero if the menu entry
                                      was null)
C2/3786: 8F 80 21 00  STA $002180
C2/378A: E8           INX
C2/378B: 88           DEY
C2/378C: D0 C8        BNE $3756      (loop 4 times, once for each Control command)

Then most of the code previous to that become unnecessary, because it's loading the monster # to get the control commands from the monster:

C2/372F: DA           PHX
C2/3730: 5A           PHY
C2/3731: 08           PHP
C2/3732: C2 31        REP #$31       (set 16-bit A, X and Y.  clear Carry)
C2/3734: BF 4A 54 C2  LDA $C2544A,X  (address of controlling character's menu?)
C2/3738: 69 30 00     ADC #$0030
C2/373B: 8F 81 21 00  STA $002181
C2/373F: BB           TYX
C2/3740: BD 08 3C     LDA $3C08,X    (MP of monster?)
C2/3743: 1A           INC
C2/3744: 85 EE        STA $EE        (add 1, as it'll make future comparisons easier)
C2/3746: BD F9 1F     LDA $1FF9,X    (Monster Type)
C2/3749: 0A           ASL
C2/374A: 0A           ASL
C2/374B: AA           TAX            (X = monster number * 4)
C2/374C: E2 20        SEP #$20       (set 8-bit accumulator)
C2/374E: 7B           TDC            (clear A)
C2/374F: 8F 83 21 00  STA $002183

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Way out of my hands :p

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Hey, idk if you know it's out there, but I have a patch out there that allows you to switch between Dark Knight and Paladin already, so you can download it from this sight and apply it. If you've already figured this out, then nvm.
My only concern is how you'll get the script to switch between White and Black, because the game registers, for example Terra and Esper Terra, as the same character, and all the transform command does is switch the sprite set and boost her stats, but the command list stays the same.
Maybe you could reroute the command to make it switch between characters (like say trash locke and replace him with Esper terra, but make him unplayable and his command and stats are rerouted to Terra via the transform command, allowing you to have an alternate command list, stats, and if you wanted, spell list from which you learn from.

Whelp. I still remember this place 13 years since first joining   Laugh

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(05-05-2012, 06:06 PM)NeoBahamut Wrote: My only concern is how you'll get the script to switch between White and Black, because the game registers, for example Terra and Esper Terra, as the same character, and all the transform command does is switch the sprite set and boost her stats, but the command list stays the same.

The command list doesn't stay the same because morph is replaced with revert. Plus none of Terra's stats are boosted, it's just that the damage calculation routines takes in account the morph status.

(05-05-2012, 06:06 PM)NeoBahamut Wrote: Maybe you could reroute the command to make it switch between characters (like say trash locke and replace him with Esper terra, but make him unplayable and his command and stats are rerouted to Terra via the transform command, allowing you to have an alternate command list, stats, and if you wanted, spell list from which you learn from.

While you could change easily Terra's actor number during the fight, it's not as simple as changing "00" to "01" because there might be other thing that we are not aware of, such as when the checks for the actor number are made (magic list loading, stats displaying). Plus it's a huge sacrifice to make a character unusable simply to perform a command list switching. You would need to erase all traces of that character at a story/event level.

Command switching (if morphed) are relatively simple to do if you know a bit of ASM, as shown in this video:


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What's halting me from finishing this to at least a beta is actually just getting the items done. Such as setting up the armor, weapons and misc relics. I'd really like Twin Cast to work in this hack, but I'm not really willing to learn ASM. I'm stubborn like that, I like more graphical stuff. :p

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(06-25-2012, 10:46 AM)Zeemis Wrote: What's halting me from finishing this to at least a beta is actually just getting the items done. Such as setting up the armor, weapons and misc relics. I'd really like Twin Cast to work in this hack, but I'm not really willing to learn ASM. I'm stubborn like that, I like more graphical stuff. :p

I know that I said I would look at it when I have time but I don't think it will be anytime soon. My internship require I work home weekends and sometime weeknights and I want to focus on this. Plus I'm working on putting up my website so that leaves little time for my own hack and the rest of my free time goes in the mobilization committee in prevision of a general strike in August. I can still answer questions though.

You would really benefit for learning some basic instructions and opcodes. You don't need to know everything in assembly to edit existing functions or even write new functions. Being able to modify some code would make of you a more versatile person on the hacking level and could maybe find new challenges. Like events, ASM require hard work, but if you like that hacking aspect it not like a chore. I myself like graphics, music hacking and events and I wouldn't see myself having to rely on others for some stuff I want to do in my hack. (except spriting...but this will change soon)

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I'd like to eventually change the menu system so it relocates Relics to the Equip screen as shown below. I'd also like to move around some of the player attributes so that I can fit Relic on the equip screen.

Old Menu
[Image: OldMenu.png]

New Menu
[Image: NewMenu.png]

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(07-05-2012, 11:11 AM)Zeemis Wrote: I'd like to eventually change the menu system so it relocates Relics to the Equip screen as shown below. I'd also like to move around some of the player attributes so that I can fit Relic on the equip screen.

Old Menu
[Image: OldMenu.png]

New Menu
[Image: NewMenu.png]

That's something I'd like to see in a patch for the rom. It was always a chore when relics were on seperate menus.

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I'm probably going to work on this again now that breaks started for me.
That said, I'm going to talk about some of the Sing spells, and what they do. First and foremost, everything I do is for the sake of balancing. This does mean however that some characters will start out good and end up medicare (Like Edge) while others will start off bad and end up essential (Like Edward). What makes Edward essential is his buffs, they're a double edged sword. He's the only character that can use a buff that would be cast on every member in the party at that time; however, at the cost of MP for everyone. In example, if he casts Celerity, it would buff the entire party but the party would have to pay an MP tribute. That said though, he does get a Song that can help replenish MP of allies.

Edwards Song's
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Hide Song: Hides Edward from battle.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Uplift: Regen on entire party.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Slow Call: Slow on all enemies.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Mana Song: Gives mana to entire party.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Hex Verse: Various status ailments on all enemies.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Celerity: Haste on entire party.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Ethereal: Image on self.
[Image: NoteSymbol.png] Dreadnaut: Damage on all enemies.

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