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Final Fantasy 6 A Lost Dream

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I have begun my first actual hack. It will feature new enemies,new plot, slightly enhanced difficulty, new abilities, new spells and new characters.

The entire roster has been changed with the exception of Setzer who has been renamed.

Terra - Rydia
Attack, Summon, Magic, Item

Locke - The Female Ninja From Edge's Tale(I am making a sprite)
Attack, Steal, Throw, Item

Edgar - Sora
Attack, Shock(weakened and renamed Trinity), Magic, Item

Sabin - Tidus
Attack, Blitz(changed to reflect overdrives), Mug, Item

Celes - Squall (fangirls who played the game, you can squee now)
Attack, Runic(now Draw), Magic, Item

Shadow - Duke Devlin
Attack, GP Rain, Slot, Item

Cyan - Cloud
Attack, SwdTech(not sped up comprised of Limit Breaks), Magic, Item

Setzer - Cid
Attack, Tools(now comprised of various gambling related skills), Slot, Item

Strago - Quistis
Attack, Draw, Lore, Item

Relm - Faris/Maria
Attack, Sketch, Summon, Item

Gau - Piette(the imperial soldier from Beckler's Tent in Chrono Trigger)
Attack, Rage, Leap, Item

Gogo - Bartz
Nothing changed except Mimic come second

Umaro - Pikmin (Named Steve)
Nothing changed but the storm move will be animal based

Banon - Tellah
Attack, Health, Dualcast(Equips will teach him Fira, Thundara and Blizara)

Leo - Guile
Attack, Magitek, Blitz, Health(No wasting items with Guile)

Kefka - Glados (Yes GLA-DOS but fused with a SOLDIER...)
Ghestal - Kefka (He thought making him a cyborg would make him as destructive as he was... he was right)

...any questions?

[Image: finalfantasy6textboxshe.png]

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how are u going to incorporate the palettes? I mean each of those chars have hugely different colors, I mean sure u can add the new palette via hex editing, but how do u plan to make them all work out? (I asked because I made 1/4 of the chars u require)

Rydia uses a slightly tweaked palette 0 (assuming u are using Zozma's)

Cloud uses a slightly tweaked palette 1

Bartz has his own custom palatte

Squall and Tidus (especially Tidus) have their own set of colors and anyone sharing their palette will be changed heavily I just wanna know how would u go about this?

or does that even matter @ the end of the day? O_o

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Neat idea. A big Final Fantasy/Square crossover... with Street Fighter and Yu-Gi-Oh characters?

Right, well I know you like Duke Devlin, but I seriously don't see how he fits into this crossover at all. The Pikmin, Guile, and random Chrono Trigger guy as Gau are also kinda weird, but Duke Devlin just stands out since he's not even from a video game.

Apart from that, you've got a pretty cool collection of PCs with good choices for skillsets for the most part.

Some things to think about, though: Sora's Shock/Trinity is a static move. It will never change in power as you go through the game, so that means, at best, it'll be overpowered at the beginning of the game and make things too easy, somewhat balanced midgame, and completely useless at endgame. This is fine if you give him a creative Magic skillset to support it, and design the earlygame bossfights to be stronger or immune to whatever element it is. Additionally, you might look into using FlareStar's "Grows more powerful with enemy level" effect to somewhat aid in gradually increasing its strength.

The Summon command only summons the esper you currently have equipped. It summons it as many times as the player wants, and without MP cost. This effectively means that Rydia/Faris will probably never want to do anything else once she gets access to summons, as they will almost always be more powerful than the Magic/Sketch skillsets. And Free of MP cost.

You could mitigate this by decreasing esper power across the board, but then, of course, you'd have weak espers, which you may or may not like.

Also, what's the logic on why Faris has Sketch? There's no pictomancer class in FF5. You could at least give her Control, which is part of the BeastTamer skillset in FF5. To keep this skill useful, you'll probably want to turn the Control-block tag off for some of the lategame monsters.

Final thought: I notice you completely ignored the Dance and Magitek skillsets (well, except for Leo, but he doesn't count). These (and Lore) are BY FAR the easiest to modify skillsets in the game, as they can be assigned to use -any- of the 255 skills available. If you wanted to make your PCs a little more diverse, I would suggest utilizing these somewhere (perhaps instead of Shock... >.>;Wink.

One particularly interesting thing you could do is replace Summon with Dance, and then assign each Dance to only use a particular summon spell. This would give your Dancer access to 8 summons reliably. Doesn't even require Hex-editing, it's all do-able with FF3usME

Well, those are my suggestions anyway. Good luck with your hack!

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Duke Devlin was something I added in as a joke character (I'm bringing comedy back~) also he worked with the Cloud Pallete besides, I changed him to Cecil. The Pikmin is there because in Pikmin, they naturally have no leader. Guile was just something I used because I had a sheet and had nothing else to use it on also in the movie, he is called General Guile. Piette is here because I don't want to give special treatment to Biggs or Wedge. Faris has sketch because that is mandatory for the Ultros fight. I like what you asy about Magitek though! I could make that something Bartz can use!

[Image: finalfantasy6textboxshe.png]

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Be careful with Magitek for Bartz. I'm pretty sure you'll have to make it his first command or otherwise the player will be able to switch it off of him, but then they'll never be able to switch it back onto him (since Magitek won't show up on Gogo's list of commands naturally).

Also, you can get around the mandatory Sketch for Ultros using the battle script editor, I believe.

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Actually, about the mandatory Sketch...

The battle actually does a check for 'Sketch'. If noone has Sketch, the first attack that hits Ultros makes him flee the battle instantly, and then it goes back to the overworld, and Relm acts like she had defeated him with Sketch. The actual cutscene will not play. I tried to edit it out, but it's hard coded.

However, I moved the Relm recruitment cutscene to the top, so she gets recruited first, and THEN I hit Ultros once, and he ran away.

If you do it this way, after Faris joins the battle, Ultros could say something like 'I don't want to fight YOU.' And then he gets hit once and runs away like a coward. That would be funny, and it's what I'm gonna do in my hack =D

"The doom and gloom is justified.
A couple of people are going to die.
Even though you can turn back the time,
you're always a moment too late!"

Looks like an interresting hack, I mean there's an heavy roster out there. I just feel sad that you didn't added more cross-over vilains! Noneless than that, I believe that most of the constructive feedback about the info you gave us so far has been done by DjinnAndTonic...

I'm also wondering how your gonna hold it all up together, so keep us updated. Smile

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I will add Vincent as a playable character. He will have dances(Now Morphs) He will replace Tidus(hopefully)

[Image: finalfantasy6textboxshe.png]

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Poore tidusSad. (or how its called)

Wurmi: ... i live in Peach`s castle together with Mario...you don`t know how bad that is D:
Mario: is this so bad?
Wurmi: *cries*
Mario: don`t worry i am here Laugh
Wurmi: UWAAAAH! D;

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sounds intresting, if yr using my quistis as a sprite then you'll be happy 2 know that i'm making her again 2 fix thing like distortion and couler problems Wink

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