Poll: Which has the best final boss theme?
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Chaos ( Chaos) 0% 0 0%
Dark Emperor (Battle Scene 2) 4.55% 1 4.55%
Cloud Of Darkness ( This Is The Last Battle) 9.09% 2 9.09%
Zeromus ( Zeromus) 9.09% 2 9.09%
Neo Exdeath ( Neo Exdeath) 4.55% 1 4.55%
Kefka ( Dancing Mad) 18.18% 4 18.18%
Sephiroth ( One Winged Angel) 18.18% 4 18.18%
Ultimecia ( The Extreme) 4.55% 1 4.55%
Necron ( Grand Cross) 27.27% 6 27.27%
Jecht or Yu Yeven ( Otherworld and ???) 4.55% 1 4.55%
Total 22 vote(s) 100%
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FF Music

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oh yeah? why dont you make a list Zeemis? KURAYANIMOKUMO or "Cloud Of Darkness" is my fav track from there.


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(07-16-2010, 08:54 PM)Gilgameshversion Wrote: Micheal I made an update so change Dungeon Theme to Final Dungeon Theme k? cheers and thats by favourite one to *giggles*

All right, I got it taken care of. And Final Fantasy V was FF game I played and defeated so a lot of the music I heard was extremely catchy to me. When I burn CD's, I always throw in "The Land Unknown" (The 3rd world map theme after the first two worlds merge). It was the first song I heard from Final Fantasy V after I got the sound working. Laugh

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cool Smile its great to meet a ffv fan I think its the best FF all tho it could be better but since it was made before I was born I could let it slide plus it was my 1st final fantasy followed by 4 and 10


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final fantasy 6 is my all time fav ff and rpg followed by ff7 and ff4,ff9(which are tied for 3rd).
in terms of my fav ff musics these are my top 5 picks.

world map theme: 1) ff6 w.o.b. 2) ff5 world map 2 3) ff5 world map 3 4) ff9 (disc 4) 5) ff6 w.o.r v1

battle theme: 1) ff9 2) ff6 3) ff5 4) ff8(laguna battle) 5) ff3

boss 1 theme: 1) ff7 2) ff8 3) ff6 4) ff10 5) ff4

boss 2 theme(fierce battle): 1) ff6(statues) 2) ff10(yunalesca,seymour) 3) ff4(4 fiends) 4) ff7(jenova,hojo) 5) ff9(beatrix)

danger/diaster themes: 1) ff6(espers confront kefka) 2) ff4(rydia village burned) 3) ff10(run auron&tidus beginning battle) 4) ff4 damcyan attacked,evil wall battle) 5) ff10 al bhed attacked

2nd last boss: 1) ff7 bizarro sephiroth 2) ff10 jecht 3) ff9 kuja 4) ff5 ex death 5) ff6 3 tier battle

final boss theme: 1) ff9 necron 2) ff6 kefka 3) ff4 zeromus 4) ff7 sephiroth 5) tie ff8 ultimecia,ff1 chaos

dungeon theme: 1) ff6 fanatics tower 2) ff4 tower of bab-il 3) ff6 devil's lab 4) ff6 floating continent 5) ff5 dark daze

final dungeon theme: 1) ff7 sephiroth cave 2) ff6 kefka tower 3) ff4 lunar sub(before lunar's core) 4) ff5 searching for light 5) ff3 dark world

inn theme: 1) ff6 2) ff7 3) ff4

airship theme: 1) ff6 blackjack 2) ff7 3) ff9 4) ff4 big whale 5) tie ff6 falcon,ff5

character theme: 1) ff6 shadow 2)ff10 auron 3)ff9 amarant 4)ff6 locke 5)ff6 edgar&sabin (figaro castle)

now if i counted mystic quest ost to this list the battle theme will easily be number 1 and the dungeons when searching for the wind crystal would be #3. that would eliminate the number 5 themes for the selected.

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To anyone thinking I was trying to spark a Dancing Mad VS. One Winged Angel war - NO. JUST NO. THAT'S THE LAST THING I WANT. GOD KNOWS THERE ARE ENOUGH OF THOSE ON THE INTERNET. That's one of the reasons I picked Zeromus's theme, but not the most important reason I picked it.

[Image: 2mfE19.gif]

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Battle theme (Random Encounter) :FF6 battle

Boss theme ( type 1) :FF10 normal boss batle

Boss theme ( type 2) :ff4 4 fiends

Final Boss Theme :ff3 this is the final battle

Overworld Map theme:ff4 overworld

town theme:FF8 breezy

airship theme:ff8 air ship theme

dungeon theme:ff2

final dungeon ff6

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no 1 loves otherworld...... why????? its a good battle music also the fight between jecht and tidus maked me to cry and also the last fight brought me to cry and the final cutscene......

Wurmi: ... i live in Peach`s castle together with Mario...you don`t know how bad that is D:
Mario: is this so bad?
Wurmi: *cries*
Mario: don`t worry i am here Laugh
Wurmi: UWAAAAH! D;

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Here's my take on this. Wheeeee!

Battle theme (Random Encounter) : On the Verge of the Assault, from Crisis Core

Boss theme ( type 1) : Force Your Way (FF8 Boss)

Boss theme ( type 2) : J-E-N-O-V-A (FF7)

Second Last Boss Theme: Otherworld (FF10)

Final Boss Theme : Dancing Mad (FF6)

Overworld Map theme: Terra's Theme AND Searching for Friends (FF6)

town theme: Ahead on our Way (FF7)

inn theme: N/A (I never stay at inn's unless mandatory for the storyline)

airship theme: Ride On (FF8)

dungeon theme: I never really paid attention, so I'm gonna say FF6

final dungeon theme: Judgement Day (FF7)

"The doom and gloom is justified.
A couple of people are going to die.
Even though you can turn back the time,
you're always a moment too late!"

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Battle theme (Random Encounter) : Final Fantasy 9 Battle 1 (the best battle theme ever made!)

Boss theme ( type 1) : Final Fantasy 8 Force Your Way (my favirite boss music)

Boss theme ( type 2) : Final Fantasy 6 Fight to the death (1 of my favirite music from ff6)

Second Last Boss Theme: Final Fantasy 9 Dark Messenger (this is a really good theme)

Final Boss Theme : Final Fantasy 3 This Is The Last Battle (The best final boss theme in exsistnace!!!)

Overworld Map theme: Final Fantasy 3 Eternal Wind (my favarite theme, has a relaxing feel 2 it)

town theme: Final Fantasy 6 Kids Run Through The City (really good music for a town theme)

inn theme: Final Fantasy 1

airship theme: Final Fantasy 9 The great airship hilda...i cant remeber how 2 spell it lol

dungeon theme: Final Fantasy 1

final dungeon theme: Final Fantasy 3 The Dark Crystals (it has an evil feel 2 it perfect for a final dungeon!)

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Battle Theme (Random Encounter) : Battle Theme from FF10

Boss Theme ( type 1) : Force Your Way from FF8

Boss Theme ( type 2) : Dreadful Fight from FF4

Special Boss Theme: Clash on the Big Bridge from FF5

Second Last Boss Theme: Dark Messenger from FF9

Final Boss Theme : Zeromus from FF4

Overworld Map Theme: Main Theme from FF7

Town Theme: Dali from FF9

Inn Theme: Sleeping from FF7

Airship Theme: Searching for Friends from FF6

Male Character Theme: Edgar and Sabin from FF6

Female Character Theme: Rydia from FF4

Dungeon Theme: Iifa Tree from FF9

Final Dungeon Theme: Kefka's Tower from FF6

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