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SPC Info For Importing Songs

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he is essentially saying that editing music in FFV is very different then editing music in FFVI

there are different methods to editing music in each game

he was drunk but that was the overall message lolz

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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(10-12-2012, 06:34 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Still doesn't tell me anything vital, but whatever.

You don't need to learn SPC-700 aassembly to compose or "inject" a song, whatever that means. There are musical commands for rest, ocatve shift, note and effects. These commands vary from a game to another but some are so similar (like FFVI and CT) that you can basically copy the binary data of the song and import the song in the game and you just have to do a few changes to make it work.

On the other hand, and a thing I was not sure about, FFV has a complete different set of commands. These commands have been mapped by JCE300GT I think and are available on slick production. It's the same thing that composing a song in FFVI but the commands are different. See the music tutorial for the basic stuff. The music tutorial apply to FFVI only, but the overall method remain the same as FFV or FFIV or RS3.

What Gi Nattak does is importing tyhe song using MML, which is writing the song automatically from midi in a file and then read the file with a little program that change it in binary. Then you copy the binary in the game, in this case FFVI. The method is quicker than manually composing a song. It has been used in japanese hacks mostly so far.

I hope this made things more clearer for you.

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(10-13-2012, 02:00 AM)Madsiur Wrote:
(10-12-2012, 06:34 PM)the_randomizer Wrote: Still doesn't tell me anything vital, but whatever.

You don't need to learn SPC-700 aassembly to compose or "inject" a song, whatever that means. There are musical commands for rest, ocatve shift, note and effects. These commands vary from a game to another but some are so similar (like FFVI and CT) that you can basically copy the binary data of the song and import the song in the game and you just have to do a few changes to make it work.

On the other hand, and a thing I was not sure about, FFV has a complete different set of commands. These commands have been mapped by JCE300GT I think and are available on slick production. It's the same thing that composing a song in FFVI but the commands are different. See the music tutorial for the basic stuff. The music tutorial apply to FFVI only, but the overall method remain the same as FFV or FFIV or RS3.

What Gi Nattak does is importing tyhe song using MML, which is writing the song automatically from midi in a file and then read the file with a little program that change it in binary. Then you copy the binary in the game, in this case FFVI. The method is quicker than manually composing a song. It has been used in japanese hacks mostly so far.

I hope this made things more clearer for you.

It did, actually, but I should at least learn the basics of music in general, since I never really learned much about octaves, rests, half note, quarter notes, etc. Let's be honest, I can't read music worth crap, but I guess we all ought to learn someday. MML, on the other hand, I know nothing about either. Swapping/importing songs between Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger is something I've always wanted to do (such as making Devil's Lab instead of Ruined Factory for example). Plus, not sure if it was you who mentioned it, but the two games use pretty much the same sound engine (or at least, Chrono Trigger uses a newer version of it).

As for the actual injection, I would need to locate the SPC sequence offset for Factory Ruins, which would be 0AB522 0AB94C(0A) (as well as the the pointer, to tell the ROM where the SPC song data is stored), and swap it out with whatever the offsets for Devil's Lab is, or something like that...? But like you said, it's more than just a simple swap, as some things must be tweaked to avoid issues. Who knows, I probably got the whole thing wrong. I'm sure there are documents I need to read about MML somewhere.

Thanks again for the clarification! Tongue


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I had almost forgotten about how much work converting an FFV SPC sequence to FFVI was. I had only a couple very minor progresses. I used the shortest fanfares to convert. I believed at that time that like FFIV FFV uses different note lengths. Anyone confirm that yet?

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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Front Mission:
Song pointers at 2A434C
For direct ff6 injection remove/replace FD XX commands in each track. And possibly other commands if warranted, check here for differences:
(Thanks emberling for the link!)

EE8FCB - Nothing/Silence
EE8FF1 - Take the Offensive
EE9E35 - Manifold Irons
EEABD0 - Ominous
EEAEA9 - Rise to Action
EEB24A - Bloody Temperature
EEB48D - Relative Thinking
EEB6CC - Tension
EEB9B4 - Fear
EEBC0A - Decline
EEC2B1 - The General Situation
EEC568 - Kalen
EEC720 - Optical City
EECD7A - A Person Easily Elated
EED1FF - Military Governement
EED40A - Defeated
EED55B - Advanced Guard
EEDFA4 - Coaxial Town
EEE5DC - Destructive Logic
EEE9FF - Shadow Twilight
EEEEDB - Field Hospital
EEF43E - Mad Pressure
EEFA58 - Terrible Density
EEFE76 - Engine revving, train or motercycle (sfx)
EF0060 - Holic Shot
EF0429 - Elegie
EF0CC4 - Mercenaries
EF14C5 - Rage! Rage! Rage! 
EF1C7F - Win Back
EF1E7B - Raise a Flag
EF2048 - Natalie
EF248C - Force Stall
EF2778 - Arena
EF2AA3 - More and More
EF2F3F - Martial Ecologist
EF36AA - Shop
EF3921 - Bar
EF3EC1 - Hard Drag
EF4316 - The Evils of War
EF4D90 - Sounds like F-Zero racing (sfx)
EF4E88 - Wind (sfx)
EF4FC5 - Jet aircraft (sfx)
EF51CE - Nothing/Silence
EF51FF - Setting Up
EF5682 - Within Living Memory...
EF5FB4 - Next Resolution
EF73B8 - Minefield
EF80D4 - Canyon Crow
EF8643 - Unreleased Track

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
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Front Mission - Gun Hazard
Song pointers: 2A59C9
Notes: The drum command (FB) is used in some songs (with drum tracks) and not in others. I'm not sure if this is because of the multiple composers going about their works differently, or what, but FF6 does not support said command, so measures would need to be taken to inject the song data over 100% flawlessly. Also, this game makes use of the waveform generated sounds much more than normal and goes up to DC 10. So these would need to be changed to a real instrument of some kind.

EE3EEF - Silence/Nothing
EE3F1C - Monologue
EE45EE - Atlas
EE4E28 - Galeon
EE5644 - Gun Hazard
EE5FA9 - Richard Millman
EE6754 - Footsteps
EE6E55 - Tension
EE755F - A Store Keeper
EE8024 - Warning 1
EE8437 - Royce Felder
EE8917 - Escape
EE914E - ???
EE933A - Sneak and Attack
EE97A6 - Successfull Attack
EE9FFC - Last Words
EEA1BC - Sorrowful Karion
EEA697 - Cavern
EEA9FC - Shiver
EEAF80 - Move
EEB282 - Voice of Ark
EEB7A0 - Invasion
EEBF4A - Violent Chase
EEC6E2 - Determination
EECA7F - Transaction
EECE07 - Message of Genoce
EED36F - Nature
EED5A6 - sfx
EED6F6 - sfx
EED7BC - sfx
EED818 - Cenktrich
EEDEA6 - A Running Fight
EEE42E - Ominous Wind
EEE6E8 - Sentinel
EEF469 - Notice
EEF9FC - Battle
EEFC52 - Spark Shot
EF0593 - Silencer
EF078A - Emergency
EF0A1E - 202
EF13D4 - Death in Broad Daylight
EF15D1 - Resistence
EF19EF - Remains
EF1CDA - Uneasy
EF24C3 - Secret Story
EF2AAF - Mission Complete
EF2CA9 - sfx
EF2D37 - sfx
EF2D8F - sfx
EF2DE2 - sfx
EF2E89 - sfx
EF34E8 - sfx
EF353A - sfx
EF3586 - sfx
EF35DB - sfx
EF367E - sfx
EF36C8 - sfx
EF375F - sfx
EF37CA - sfx
EF384C - sfx
EF38BE - sfx
EF3930 - sfx
EF3A6D - sfx
EF3AE8 - sfx
EF4113 - Trap
EF4A09 - Impatience (Part 2)
EF548B - Naval Fortress
EF5EF0 - Blue Sky ~ Blue Sky
EF61DF - sfx
EF6266 - The President's Deadly Fight
EF6660 - A-R-K
EF6DC3 - Guardian
EF72E7 - Genoce
EF7CF0 - Edel Ritter
EF848C - Warning 2
EF938E - Enemy Raid
EF9670 - ???
EF996D - Final Mission
EFA482 - Heaven's Door
EFABF6 - sfx
EFAEE0 - Pull Out
EFB253 - sfx
EFC2FD - Promise~Engagement
EFC82A - sfx
EFC8DA - sfx
EFC9DF - Impatience (Part 1)
EFCB32 - Royce's Death
EFCD8D - Emotion
EFE5B1-EFE781 - Evil Power

Trial Zone
Approach to a Shrine

It'd seem that obviously the two labeled as ??? would be these two missing songs, or one of the 'sfx', but it doesn't seem like they are... And that's all the pointers, so I'm not sure where or which they are and I'm tired of trying to figure it out! Trail Zone is a really cool song, also, but it's an ending sort of song without a loop, so ah well.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
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Treasure Conflix

ID -- Song ---- Location
$00 - Silence (CDB9C9)
$01 - World Map (CDB9F6)
$02 - Battlefield (CDBC44)
$03 - Game Over (CDC2AB)
$04 - Doom Triangle (CDC40A)
$05 - Town (CDC8D5)
$06 - Get Treasure (CB36CD)
$07 - Cave (CDCC21)
$08 - Auction (CDCCF8)
$09 - Hiding Home Town (CDCEA2)
$0A - Title (CDCF1B)
$0B - Salvage Ship (CDD295)
$0C - Cloud Temple (CDD449)
$0D - Treasure Stolen (CDD546)
$0E - Final Boss (CDD714)
$0F - New Clue (CDD898)
$10 - Introduction (CDD974)
$11 - Ending (CDE01E)
$12 - Staff Roll (CDE31E)
$13 - Stage Clear (CDE8F2)
$14 - Virtual Girl (CDEABF-CDEB82)
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Koi ha Balance

ID -- Song ---- Location
$00 - Silence (CF969B)
$01 - Win (CF86C8)
$02 - Lose (CF87EB)
$03 - Single (CF887F)
$04 - Enter the Place (CF893A)
$05 - Bad Goal (CF8A92)
$06 - Goal 1 (CF8D52)
$07 - Goal 2 (CF9102)
$08 - Competition (CF9572)
$09 - Victory (CF9856)
$0A - Menu (CF9A2A)
$0B - Couple (CF9BB1)
$0C - Surprise (CFA0FA)
$0D - Opening (CFA164)
$0E - Credits (CFA51E)
$0F - Drumroll (CFAB91-CFABC6)

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