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Sabin kick ability

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Hey folks, pretty sure this has been posted before but I’m looking to create a Yang in place of Sabin and want to give home the kick ability, Metroid quest done this in his hack eternal crystals but I can’t figure out how he done it, he also had another ability for Edgar/Kain called dragon and I managed to get this into my game by copying his abilities over Edgar’s tools can’t for the life of me figure out what ability he used for kick, any ideas?

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If you go into the Battle Editor in FF3usME, it shows the skills. Looking at the skills (in Eternal Crystals ROM), it looks like he changed skill 27 Shock to be Kick.
Now Shock is actually called Megahit in the Spells Editor (FF3usME also), Spell 130 is this Megahit/Shock. So That's going to be Kick.
Try copying everything from the Battle Editor and Spell Editor for Kick/Megahit/Shock, and also the Animation data for it (also in the Spells Editor, not the animation stuff you were doing for Jump). I'd imagine that should probably do it, taking a look at the C2 code for the Skill nothing is different. So yeah, purely FF3usME made skill... easy stuff!

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Ur awesome nattack didn’t know it was mega hit lol been searching for months lol only question I have bro is his shock is hold sword and in place of posses 28 but his kick is in shocks place number 27, can I use two shocks but with different names values?

Holy sword is shock^

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I'm not too sure what exactly you're asking here. So you're using his HolySwd command also? What does that have to do with Shock/Kick?
So he turned Possess into HolySwd, okay. Use two Shocks...with different names values? I don't understand. Like have Shock back as well as Kick?
Two Shocks? Name values? Lol sorry maybe try explaining it differently.

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Sorry for being so vague bro I thought he had 2 different shock abilities but nm I was wrong, his holy sword isn’t shock it’s storm, just thought there were 2 instances of shock being used, but got it bro just working on this Yang sprite will upload when it’s done

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On that note,

Did anybody ever figure out about adding entirely new commands? Or are we still limited to editing/manipulating the ones already here?

Hey, a guy can hope he just happen to miss some big fancy discovery... Can't I?

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Found this when using kick ability 
Appears to be part of a kick animation for Sabin, Yang is Sabin though, very weird

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All I know is that appears to be the sprite that is among the Esper sprites is the animation for Sabin's TigerBreak, which is what Eternal Crystals must be using for the kick skill:

You could try re-spriting it to be Yang... but I can't remember where or how the palette is loaded for it, since it is all black in the sprite editor... I'm also not sure exactly what Eternal Crystals did for the Kick skill, in terms of if it is indeed TigerBreak's animation 100% or if anything else was done to it. From that pic it looks like it might be something left over from TigerBreak that is no longer associated with the Kick skill...but I'm not sure. But the palette for it doesn't seem to be the palette used for TigerBreak, so I'm currently at a loss regarding that.

With RotDS we made it so Tifa has a Kick skill, and we had to change that black silhouette to be Tifa. But again not too sure where the palette for it is, I once knew!

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Hey nattack I think it just uses base Edgar Sabin celes pallette as my Yang uses that .notice in pic sabins clothes has the blue colours of my kain and I changed brown to red on that pallette and Sabin has red in his hair that used to be brown. I found tiger break in ff6 T edition with full animation but can’t open it in ff3usme to check the values

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(08-22-2022, 09:56 PM)Seifer Wrote: Hey nattack I think it just uses base Edgar Sabin celes pallette as my Yang uses that .notice in pic sabins clothes has the blue colours of my kain and I changed brown to red on that pallette and Sabin has red in his hair that used to be brown. I found tiger break in ff6 T edition with full animation but can’t open it in ff3usme to check the values

Ah ok that's probably it then, uses the character palette. Though I'm still not sure how one would recolor it to look like Yang if it still looks a bit like Sabin's palette.
Yeah T-Edition has way too much stuff moved around for FF3usME to read it, but TigerBreak is a vanilla skill, should be the same values. From that pic you showed, it's hard to tell if it's like a mistake or a frame of it popping up that's not supposed to be there, or if that's actually correct part of the animation. And again this is assuming the Kick skill is using TigerBreak, I can't imagine it would be anything else. My brain is kinda fried here though today, having trouble thinking or remembering much lol  Kungfu!

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