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"Lorers", "Ragers", "Blitzs"--any fix?

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Hi everyone. So, FFIII US v1.0 SNES has an issue where, if you go into a Skills menu that has a longer name than another Skills menu selection, the characters from the longer name will get appended to the shorter name.

[Image: 9L8m09i.png][Image: mxzePBM.png]
[Image: FQYYmpb.png][Image: wkaVpTh.png]
[Image: 115c2tJ.png][Image: TmMOtRe.png]
[Image: yusfUsQ.png][Image: ZnwHtDI.png]

Is there any fix for this? I'm using C. V. Reynolds' hack, but it doesn't appear to correct this error. Thanks.

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I'm trying to recreate this in vanilla FF6 by entering menus and getting out of them but I am unable to recreate it. Maybe C.V. Reynold's patch has an issue that cause this?

I would check if the data and code with the patch applied is the same as below:

C3/5C91:    B781 8BA8AB9E00                ; Lore
C3/5C98:    B781 919AA09E00                ; Rage
C3/5C9F:    B781 839AA79C9E00              ; Dance
C3/5CA7:    B781 84ACA99EABAC00            ; Espers
C3/5CB0:    B781 81A5A2ADB300              ; Blitz
C3/5CB8:    B781 92B09D939E9CA100          ; SwdTech

Load text string into tilemap
C3/02F9:    84E7        STY $E7        ; Set src LBs
C3/02FB:    A9C3        LDA #$C3       ; Bank: C3
C3/02FD:    85E9        STA $E9        ; Set src HB
C3/02FF:    A600        LDX $00        ; Dst index: 0
C3/0301:    9B          TXY            ; Src index: 0
C3/0302:    C220        REP #$20       ; 16-bit A
C3/0304:    A7E7        LDA [$E7]      ; Tilemap ptr
C3/0306:    85EB        STA $EB        ; Set dst LBs
C3/0308:    E6E7        INC $E7        ; Src adr +1
C3/030A:    E6E7        INC $E7        ; Src adr +1
C3/030C:    E220        SEP #$20       ; 8-bit A
C3/030E:    A97E        LDA #$7E       ; Bank: 7E
C3/0310:    85ED        STA $ED        ; Set dst HB
C3/0312:    B7E7        LDA [$E7],Y    ; Text character
C3/0314:    F00F        BEQ $0325      ; Exit if <end>
C3/0316:    5A          PHY            ; Save src index
C3/0317:    9B          TXY            ; Dst index
C3/0318:    97EB        STA [$EB],Y    ; Add char to map
C3/031A:    E8          INX            ; Dst index +1
C3/031B:    9B          TXY            ; Move it to Y
C3/031C:    A529        LDA $29        ; Palette, etc.
C3/031E:    97EB        STA [$EB],Y    ; Set attributes
C3/0320:    E8          INX            ; Dst index +1
C3/0321:    7A          PLY            ; Src index
C3/0322:    C8          INY            ; Src index +1
C3/0323:    80ED        BRA $0312      ; Load next char
C3/0325:    60          RTS

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The issue does exist in vanilla. I've fixed it before by padding out the shorter words to 7 characters. I.e. "Lore" to "Lore   ". Obviously the texts would have to be moved to accomplish this.
I'm not aware of any official patch for it but it is rather trvial to solve.

I appreciate the prayers and good wishes. Those who don't know, I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma in 2019, and I have done well with the treatment, but eventually treatments stop working and you change.  I recently had a seizure at work, now I am healing but not able to work or really do much at all. The focus is just to get better. Again, thanks for the support and if I can help you I will.  I've forgotten more about this game than most people should ever learn, lol.
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(07-29-2019, 03:59 PM)madsiur Wrote: I'm trying to recreate this in vanilla FF6 by entering menus and getting out of them but I am unable to recreate it. Maybe C.V. Reynold's patch has an issue that cause this?

I would check if the data and code with the patch applied is the same as below:
To replicate this on Strago, for example:

Go to Skills Menu, choose Strago.

Enter Espers menu.

Exit to Strago's Skills Menu (Where it lists Espers, Magic, SwdTech, Blitz, etc.)

Choose Lore. It should now say "Lorers". This can be replicated under Magic with MP costs, and anything else that's less than 7 letters, as my examples show. I don't think C.V. caused this issue at all.

Imzogelmo Wrote:The issue does exist in vanilla. I've fixed it before by padding out the shorter words to 7 characters. I.e. "Lore" to "Lore ". Obviously the texts would have to be moved to accomplish this.
I'm not aware of any official patch for it but it is rather trvial to solve.
That's how ManuLowe fixed it as well, I believe. Unfortunately, I lack the skill to repoint text. Ah well, hopefully my bringing this to the community's attention means it'll get fixed somewhere along the line...

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I made a patch with Imzogelmo's suggestion. I did test it and made it to have no conflict with the compilation patch. Let me know if it works for you.

.zip (1.36 KB, 6 downloads)
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  • Imzogelmo (10-16-2020)

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Wow, thanks! Works like a charm!

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