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Desperation attacks

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Hey everyone. Whilst working on my latest hack I've been pondering the idea of making everyone's desperation attack usable on command rather than when their hp is low. With that said I figured I'd give everyone new desperation attacks or just eliminating it all together. 
So I need some advice here Hmm . Which do you think would be better? give everyone new desperation attacks to replace them with or just eliminate them all together? Shrug

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How would you implement it? There isn't space for another command on the menu.

If you want to give new desperation attacks, just overwrite the existing ones.

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I'd guess the OP would just let them be selectable when using Fight, and actually, it would be trivial if the OP has an understanding of Hex.

blackomen, just change the following values at the addresses listed to EA.

C2/15CC: AD 3F 3A
C2/15CF: C9 03
C2/15D1: 90 3D
C2/15E9: 20 5A 4B      
C2/15EC: 29 0F          
C2/15EE: D0 20        
C2/15F0: B9 18 30    
C2/15F3: 0C 2F 3F    
C2/15F6: D0 18

Edit: I forgot a few lines before. I checked these lines and it works.

As far as the "should" goes, the better option would be to replace them if you want to make them selectable all the time at low HP. Removing them would make the game play as it does normally. If you're going to implement change, take it all the way!

...of course, to actually DO that, I have no clue.

Double Edit: And I completely misread what the OP asked.

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yea I realized i'm an idiot and didn't factor in there only being 4 command slots disreguard my idiocy

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If you had 5 slots what would be the use of using Fight over that command anyway?

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lol I'm not sure I mean it sounded better in my head and thought it would be kinda cool being that hardly if ever does anyone use the desperation attack so I wanted a way for it to be used more often rather than something that is basically never used. Some of them are kind of cool and thought they would be fun to use as a command but I didn't give it much further thought than that. Being that i'm new to this whole hacking/mod coding thing I'm working on this alone and I don't have 2nd person to be like "no this is a dumb idea what are you thinking?"
that's why I consult you guys

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Hey, first of all, it's not bad to have ideas. Ideas are good.

The problem with hacking and modding, though, is that you have to work within the actual framework of the game. While some hackers like to claim you can do ANYTHING, the reality is the constraints of the game limit what you can do. You can't reasonably, for instance, change the battle system into side-scrolling platformer, or have five characters in a party, or even allow more than one character to take a turn at a time (which would make two player much more viable).

That being said, Catone once theorized that there could be a new separate command added by replacing either the "Def" or "Row" options in the menu. One could simply blank out the directives to generate a chance at a DA when selecting "Fight."  Combined with a once-per-battle rule (possibly by cloning the code...or by implementing elements of GrayShadows one-time use Shock code), this might be worth looking into.

Another problem with making Desperation Attacks used more is that they are all overpowered. Even if you could find a way to incorporate them as commands, you would have to limit or change them somehow. The once-per battle idea is one possibility, but there are others.

Besides, I completely misread "making everyone's desperation attack usable on command rather than when their hp is low" as "making everyone's desperation attack usable on command when their hp is low." By missing the "rather than" I earned my dunce cap fair and square. You're going to have to try harder in the Idiocy Olympics.

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Actually if you replaced row, this would be doable. The desperation attack code already sets a bit that tracks usage, so it's just a matter of graying out the command after you use it. With the work Gray Shadows has already done, that would be easy. What would you do about Gau? He has no DA.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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(07-26-2018, 06:46 PM)Turbotastic Wrote: Another problem with making Desperation Attacks used more is that they are all overpowered. Even if you could find a way to incorporate them as commands, you would have to limit or change them somehow. The once-per battle idea is one possibility, but there are others.

Their default values may be overpowered but nothing prevent you to nerf their power tho which can easily be modified in FF3usME (Spell index 240 to 251).


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