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ff3se 2.12

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Ah damn, I thought it would solve it for ya considering I was having the exact same issue at image 199. I wonder if the issue there got exasperated somehow. I've yet to add many more after 199, but so far it seems working using this clear and re-import method. I'm currently at 25,552 bytes.

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(05-24-2019, 11:33 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: Ah damn, I thought it would solve it for ya considering I was having the exact same issue at image 199. I wonder if the issue there got exasperated somehow. I've yet to add many more after 199, but so far it seems working using this clear and re-import method. I'm currently at 25,552 bytes.

Actually, I am at image 205 I think.  The problem now seems to be with the number of bytes used.  Even though it claims I have free bytes, it gets corrupted if I use any more. 

By the way, make sure if you import anymore graphics that you check out the very last "imp" graphic on the Espers tab.  This is the first graphic that becomes corrupted for me.  I wonder why you are able to use more bytes than me, though?

Edit: I also don't know why that imp graphic is the only graphic that is corrupted sometimes.

Edit #2: Is that Sabin Shadow thing in the Esper tab even used?

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(05-25-2019, 12:23 AM)Lightning Wrote:
(05-24-2019, 11:33 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: Ah damn, I thought it would solve it for ya considering I was having the exact same issue at image 199. I wonder if the issue there got exasperated somehow. I've yet to add many more after 199, but so far it seems working using this clear and re-import method. I'm currently at 25,552 bytes.

Edit #2:  Is that Sabin Shadow thing in the Esper tab even used?

Yes that is what the game uses for Sabin's desperation attack Tiger Break, where he has a unique kicking pose.

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It's so odd. I just now managed to add back the Crusader graphics (which are huge) as long as I eliminate either the monster imp or Sabin shadow effect. I don't get how it's possible that eliminating a tiny image allows me to add a huge image. Something funky is going on.

Edit: Just a while back, I was modifying some of the other graphics, and adding only a few bytes would corrupt the imp...

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I can confirm this now as well, today I added image 203 and then saw it messed up the Crusader sprite(s), which besides the imp are the last image. I did some testing by erasing a really large sprite to free up bytes again and sure enough was able to add a bunch more images... until it hit 25,000 free space, then I saw it mess up the 2nd Crusader image. Then I did one more and the 1st Crusader image met a similar fate. Like you said it is something with the total bytes and not the image#. Importing a larger sprite over a smaller one still works fine I'd imagine, but for whatever reason at around 25,000 bytes left it will begin to break the last images upon creating a New Image.

EDIT: Actually importing sprites has the same issue, they break the final images as well upon going under 25,000 bytes. So yeah, 25,000 unusable bytes basically Smile

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(05-25-2019, 07:29 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: I can confirm this now as well, today I added image 203 and then saw it messed up the Crusader sprite(s), which besides the imp are the last image. I did some testing by erasing a really large sprite to free up bytes again and sure enough was able to add a bunch more images... until it hit 25,000 free space, then I saw it mess up the 2nd Crusader image. Then I did one more and the 1st Crusader image met a similar fate. Like you said it is something with the total bytes and not the image#. Importing a larger sprite over a smaller one still works fine I'd imagine, but for whatever reason at around 25,000 bytes left it will begin to break the last images upon creating a New Image.

EDIT: Actually importing sprites has the same issue, they break the final images as well upon going under 25,000 bytes. So yeah, 25,000 unusable bytes basically Smile

It's also a bit buggy how the free bytes are reported.  I previously had 29,488 bytes free and could not import anymore.  However, I just now spent the last few hours re-importing all the sprites, including the official sprites.  I also did some re-assigning of the palettes.  Now all of a sudden it says I have 25,392 bytes free with all the same graphics re-imported.  Very strange stuff.

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I think I found the cause of the bug, the monster GFX pointer in the GFX data only allow $3FFF8 bytes:

Basically the last bit of the word is used for 3bpp, so $7FFF * 8 = $3FFF8, which seems to fit with vanilla GFX data + ~35 000 extra bytes. I'm not sure what FF3SE does, maybe the pointer overflow and go back to near 0. Anyway for more space you would need to modify FF3SE, expand of 1 byte that 5 bytes data, convert the existing data to 6 bytes and do a small ASM hack.

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Hey Gi Nattak, did you ever figure out how to get Madsiur's fix working and expand the amount of graphics that can be used? I need to finally tackle these last few things with my hack and get it released. There are literally only a few bugs and items on my list preventing me from releasing my full hack. One thing that has bothered me is all the sprites I had to eliminate and chop down to get the bytes I needed.

I personally don't know how to hack FF3SE to accomplish what Madsiur was suggesting.

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(05-30-2020, 04:15 PM)Lightning Wrote: Hey Gi Nattak, did you ever figure out how to get Madsiur's fix working and expand the amount of graphics that can be used?  I need to finally tackle these last few things with my hack and get it released.  There are literally only a few bugs and items on my list preventing me from releasing my full hack.  One thing that has bothered me is all the sprites I had to eliminate and chop down to get the bytes I needed.

I personally don't know how to hack FF3SE to accomplish what Madsiur was suggesting.

Yes and no. Madsiur did write a code and provided an application as well as a custom build of the sprite editor which I believe updates some values to allow for more banks of free space, possibly altering SE's source code as well I cannot recall. It was with RotDS in mind though, but I'd imagine it could be adapted to other hacks. Anyways, it did successfully add a ton more space which allowed us to bring in many more monster sprites without breaking anything, but then after a while it began to do the same bug again, and we never were able to get it 're-fixed' and lost motivation. For me now it shows I have 123840 bytes left, but that appears to be the unforeseen limit again because adding anything more will cause that same overflow bug to once again become present where it begins to eat up the esper sprites to make room, it's a damn shame.

I'll provide the zip file with the stuff he sent me, it'll probably be up to you to implement it into your hack instead of RotDS though. It would certainly allow you to put in a whole bunch more before the bug surfaces again, like 10,000+ more bytes at least.

Be sure to read the included text documents and hopefully you can adjust/adapt it to your own hack in terms of where the asm hack uses free space etc.

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Thanks for uploading that. It appears that in order to use this version of FF3SE, I would have to move my monster graphics to E9? The problem is that my music samples are currently at E9. My monster graphics are at F2, which I believe I did in order for the original version of FF3SE_m to work. If I moved my music samples, I would have to change dozens of references to them, so this is more trouble than it is probably worth!

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