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"Miss" in Battle

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Hello Ladies and Gentleman.

I wonder, if it is possible, to extend the word "Miss" in battle to more space. In german its "Vorbei" or "Daneben" and this won't fit.

Greetings. Smile

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Hello and welcome! Hmm, that's a compressed graphic and I have no idea at all how to go about relocating it to somewhere else, and how to then re-compress it with it's longer self, but I'm sure it would be tricky... Wish I could be of more help, hopefully someone else can be more helpful. Smile

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"Nein!" won't work?  or is this intended for actual German speakers, rather than somebody who once watched an episode of _Hogan's Heroes_?

how many tiles wide is the current word?

for his Overkill (32000 max damage) patch, i think giangurgolo created some hybrid tiles to fit 5 digits into the space originally taken by four.  but that might not be relevant here, if the game already has multiple letters in one tile.

that said, if the game's ready to display 4 tiles when damage *does* occur to an entity, then maybe that capability can be leaned on for misses.

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Use Nien! It pretty much fits the character limits.

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5 tiles  would fit. 
Unfortunately there is no word in german, for "miss", that would fit. "Nein" isn't even close.

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try for 4 tiles.  i was able to make a legible but less than pretty "Vonbei!" in MS Paint in under 30 pixels wide.  the leftmost pixels of the "o" can be below the right overhang of the "V", if needed.  be creative.

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4 tiles is not the problem.
My problem is, it's larger than the standard miss. So I have to place ist somewhere else and recompress it with new pointers. But I don't know if this is possible, or where these pointers are.


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ah.  while i don't normally work in graphics, some Ctrl+F'ing the Bank C1 disassembly:

C1/A510:    851E        STA $1E
C1/A512:    2940        AND #$40        (Isolate bottom bits)
C1/A514:    F01B        BEQ $A531        (Branch if not 'Miss' bit)
C1/A516:    C220        REP #$20        (Set accumulator to 16-bit)
C1/A518:    7B          TDC             (Clear accumulator)
C1/A519:    AA          TAX             (Copy accumulator to X register)
C1/A51A:    BF00BC7F    LDA $7FBC00,X           (Load 'Miss' graphic)
C1/A51E:    9DD360      STA $60D3,X        (Set as graphic to display)
C1/A521:    E8          INX             (Move to next two bits)
C1/A522:    E8          INX
C1/A523:    E04000      CPX #$0040        (Check graphic: is it 2 tiles?)
C1/A526:    D0F2        BNE $A51A        (If not, repeat until 2 tiles)
C1/A528:    7B          TDC             (Clear accumulator)
C1/A529:    E220        SEP #$20        (Set accumulator to 8-bit)
C1/A52B:    A908        LDA #$08        (Load #$08...)
C1/A52D:    8514        STA $14                 (...and set position to 8 pixels from the right)
C1/A52F:    8058        BRA $A589               (Skip numeral display routines)

so changing the "Miss" graphic address, the tile quantity loop bound, and possibly the "pixels from the right" value should (mostly) cover the assembly modifications.  now, i'm not sure whether there's free RAM after $6113 to fit the 2 extra tiles.  nor do i know why the Miss starts output at $60D3 and the damage numerals at $60B3; maybe try shifting this to the latter?

i'm not convinced this is compressed, but i know jack squat about graphics.

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