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FF6 - Brave New World

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The game hangs at the very beginning of the game where Biggs says "There's the city." Any idea how to fix?

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(08-24-2013, 01:31 PM)kevin32 Wrote: The game hangs at the very beginning of the game where Biggs says "There's the city." Any idea how to fix?

Last time someone reported that, it's because they didn't have their inputs configured properly.

That said, it does seem to hang if you let the game go into "attract" mode. I have no idea why.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome hack!

You're welcome. Sorry, I think I missed your post before.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: I had been battling the Red Dragon for almost 10 minutes, and then he used S.Cross and wiped me out. Don't know if I was underleveled but everyone was near 27-31. I went back of course when I was higher and beat him, but it was still a tough battle since Ice 3 is only limited to Terra and Celes.

Elemental protection *really* helps out in the dragon fights.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: Also the auction house was weird. I couldn't get anything to show up but nothing. As soon as I entered the WoR and went to the auction house, I was able to get the Espers and other other items.

You must have pissed off the Random Number God. Golem is available right after Zozo and Zoneseek shows up when it normally does.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: What's in the last treasure chest at the end of the floating continent? I kept missing it 'cuz the land kept falling and I wanna know if I missed a great item or not.

It's an Elixir. Same as inthe original.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: I was hoping that the unlockme password would appear at the end, but it didn't. Did I miss something?

Nah. We just give the password out to anyone who beats the game and asks about it.

I'll PM it to you.

(08-23-2013, 07:26 PM)Hay-Lo-Gyc Wrote: After playing through different variations, this is one of my favorites. I'm playing through it again now, because I want to see customize some characters differently. I let Mog stay a Dancer, but this time I want him as a Dragoon, and I'm going to try play with Gogo. I didn't even bother playing with him because of his stats, and substituted him for Umaro, who I NEVER played with before this version. Umaro...all I can say is WOW.

Mog seems to be at his most useful as a dancer, so I'd be interested in someone making a good dragoon out of him (I imagine it would involve keeping him at a low level until the WoR).

Also, this is the only positive feedback we've heard about Umaro. How hard is he hitting?

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BTB Wrote:Nah. We just give the password out to anyone who beats the game and asks about it.

I'll PM it to you.

Could I also get that as well? I would like to try my hand at some low level action (At least until I get to WOR.)

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Umaro is fun, especially when you want to do something like team auto-pilot (Mog/Gau/Umaro/Gogo) and just watch as they demolish everything. Haven't tried him out in the hack yet, still running around recruiting in the WoR myself (Have everyone but Gogo, after that I need to grab Odin and go dragon-hunting).

Wanted to mimic something said earlier in the thread, btw; I absolutely, positively, LOVE what you guys did with the Cyan Dream sequence boss fights. I almost had to replay the entire sequence (My party was Sabin/Strago/Shadow, and I only had 3 phoenix down/tent each because I forgot to shop), and I was looking forward to trying to focus Larry or Moe rather than dropping Curly early in the fight.

Wrexsoul, thankfully, did not bother putting up much of a fight; Strago fell early in the fight (And I was out of PD at that point), but Shadow/Sabin managed to stay alive thanks to Rerise and Regen abuse beating out the damage of the Soul Fires. Sabin spammed Bum Rush while Shadow whipped out the last of my Wave Scrolls, and I managed to beat Wrexsoul without him ever showing his face.

Typo during the Hidon cutscene in WoR Thamasa (When you bring Strago/Relm there for the first time); "I'm not going just to sit by blahblahblah" should be "I'm not going to just sit by blahblahblah"

And now, time for my impressions on each of the characters (Except Umaro/Gogo), since I'm later in the game. Was going to wait until after I finished, but I'm not expecting things to change much for most of the characters and I had the time now soooooo:

-Vigor Sabin drops 4-4.5k Bum Rush, but if he hits an element weakness his Fight does 5-5.5k. While elemental weaknesses are great to take advantage of, I just wish he had better variety in weapon options come late WoB/early WoR (Being limited to just the Fire/Water and later Ice/Fire claws due to the others being so much weaker really sucked). Even though he's mostly Vigor, Mantra is a nice heal when I am in a pinch, and overall he's one of the best staples in the game; regardless of the team around him, he can hold them together.
-Even though I'm pumping Vigor into him, Cyan's Tempest is still weaker than Dragon on a single target. In fact, with Atlas Armlet equipped, I'm only doing 450 a swipe while Dragon does 2200-2300. Cyan's only 24 atm though, so I'll see if another 6-7 levels of Vigor don't notably improve it, but as it stands Tempest pales in comparison to a move he unlocked back in the WoB. Still very useful and a strong fighter, and Empowerer is a must-have for most boss fights, but it doesn't feel like he's gained anything since WoB except for Cleave (Which was great in the Phoenix Cave, half the fights were won from the get-go with a good Cleave)
-Gau is absolutely amazing and I love him. LifeBell/SprintShoes relic combo makes him an absolute monster that needs little to no attention, and if I pick the right Rage I can solo a good 2/3 of the fights in any given dungeon with him. Sad that his undead Rages (Of which there are a lot) take damage from Life Bell healing, but I still use them thanks to all the instant death options they present.
-Celes is pretty good, but I feel like pumping magic into her was wasted - Of all my primary mages, she is the most disappointing of them so far. I think I would've been better off giving her Stamina so she can tank better, or else just more health to better abuse Atma/OmegaWeapon. Speaking of, OmegaWeapon is godly and Siegfried probably should be buffed a little bit so that I can't get it so quickly come WoR. Ribbon/LifeBell on Sabin took I believe 4 resets, and this was right after getting the Airship.
-Vigor Edgar is a great Dragoon, so much so that I'm skipping out on Tools a lot of the time so that I can jump. Regen lets him heal up in the air despite having pisspoor Stamina (I think he's only breaking 20 because of equips), and he's dropping 3.5-4k jumps compared to 2.2-2.4k drills. Add in the occasional double jump and we have an amazing random encounter fighter, though bosses tend to drop him easily thanks to the rampant counter-attacks; with no stamina and 3/4 of his equipment spoken for, he's nearly impossible to have survive a slight breeze sent his way from a boss, let alone the stronger attacks. Palidor's HP increase have been helping him tank slightly better now though, but it was really noticeable earlier in the WoR.
-Relm is love. Meteor/Flare are not nearly as overkill as the Readme led me to believe, but they still provide her with consistent damage output that none of the other mages can boast. Her biggest issue is that she doesn't have the ability to abuse elemental weaknesses, meaning that most of the time Terra is outdoing her in damage even before Morphing. Terra also has 7-8 levels over Relm though, so I expect that gap to close as soon as I pump some levels into her.
-Strago is, well, Strago. Lores are more or less the same bag of tricks they were in vanilla FF6, but with the fat trimmed; lots of powerful elemental options at your disposal, along with some potent buff skills. My biggest concern is that his health is so pitifully small that Holy Wind is not as useful as it could be (And as his only healing skill it kills his usefulness as a support option), but he wrecks things pretty well, and thanks to X-Magic even Ice 2 remains an effective spell choice for him.
-Terra is probably the most overpowered member of the team. Just, hands down, wow. Access to nearly every high-level spell in some manner (Flaresword is a thing that should not be but I love it regardless), along with her equipment/esper options, allow her to go in any direction and dominate. She outdamages any other mage I have thanks to having Fire/Ice/Bolt 3, while still having respectable defenses and a Fight command that 50% of the time explodes the target.
-Locke just got back, and already he's reclaiming his spot as one of the premier damage dealers of the team. Thief Glove's +25% physical damage is still great on him, though Rogue Cloak seems conflicted (Why would I need a 100% fight chance if I'm abusing the +25% magic damage) and I've left it alone in favor of a Black Belt for the counterattacks it brings. Easily keeps up with Sabin in terms of raw physical power (I had Ramuh on him for nearly the entire WoB, so he's sporting 90 Vigor with his current set-up), and his repertoire of support spells is good enough to let him fall back on them when needed.
-Mog is difficult to love, but I do regardless. Despite having a lot of +Magic boosts, his spell selection is too poor to really take advantage of them, though his dances are another matter entirely; he revolves around picking the right dance to use, similar to Gau's rages, but I usually find myself picking a defensive dance because the offensive skills are blocked by immunities often enough that I'll just spam Wind Song for the Sun Bath cure. Despite this frustration he's still one of my top picks for a support unit, due to being so tanky that he'll rarely fall in battle.
-Setzer is a tank, plain and simple. Similar to what I just said about Mog, he can stay standing during a fight for forever and take nearly anything that is dished out at him; he has a better spell selection for supporting too, which helps him considerably. Still haven't gotten the Fixed Dice or GP Rain relic though, so his damage is practically non-existent, even with Daryl's Soul giving him twice the Dice.
-Shadow is just kinda disappointing. I was expecting him to play like a more offense-oriented version of Locke, trading in the utility of Steal and healing magic for a few buff spells and a strong offensive skill; Throw is incredibly powerful (The cost at this point of the game makes it hard to justify using though), but otherwise he comes off as a frailer, less powerful Locke with the option to drop a nuke via Throw.

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(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: Wanted to mimic something said earlier in the thread, btw; I absolutely, positively, LOVE what you guys did with the Cyan Dream sequence boss fights. I almost had to replay the entire sequence (My party was Sabin/Strago/Shadow, and I only had 3 phoenix down/tent each because I forgot to shop), and I was looking forward to trying to focus Larry or Moe rather than dropping Curly early in the fight.

The two big inspirations for that fight were the Magus Sisters from FF4 (whom they were meant to act like, and now actually do) and the Golbez fight following the Calcobrenna (which was very buggy and could be broken in fun ways, which is bound to happen in this fight if you do it out of the intended sequence).

I also laughed my ass off while writing pretty much everything related to that sequence, so yeah >.>

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: Typo during the Hidon cutscene in WoR Thamasa (When you bring Strago/Relm there for the first time); "I'm not going just to sit by blahblahblah" should be "I'm not going to just sit by blahblahblah"

Good catch.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Vigor Sabin drops 4-4.5k Bum Rush, but if he hits an element weakness his Fight does 5-5.5k. While elemental weaknesses are great to take advantage of, I just wish he had better variety in weapon options come late WoB/early WoR (Being limited to just the Fire/Water and later Ice/Fire claws due to the others being so much weaker really sucked). Even though he's mostly Vigor, Mantra is a nice heal when I am in a pinch, and overall he's one of the best staples in the game; regardless of the team around him, he can hold them together.

It's good to see someone giving vigor Sabin a go at this point. We're currently working on a bit of an overhaul so that !Stamina Sabin doesn't run away with the game (but also that stamina remains useful for other characters).

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Even though I'm pumping Vigor into him, Cyan's Tempest is still weaker than Dragon on a single target. In fact, with Atlas Armlet equipped, I'm only doing 450 a swipe while Dragon does 2200-2300.

Isn't your Cyan in the back row? >.>

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Gau is absolutely amazing and I love him. LifeBell/SprintShoes relic combo makes him an absolute monster that needs little to no attention, and if I pick the right Rage I can solo a good 2/3 of the fights in any given dungeon with him. Sad that his undead Rages (Of which there are a lot) take damage from Life Bell healing, but I still use them thanks to all the instant death options they present.

Funny... I was not aware that regen ticks would harm the undead since seizure ticks don't reverse on them.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Celes is pretty good, but I feel like pumping magic into her was wasted - Of all my primary mages, she is the most disappointing of them so far. I think I would've been better off giving her Stamina so she can tank better, or else just more health to better abuse Atma/OmegaWeapon. Speaking of, OmegaWeapon is godly and Siegfried probably should be buffed a little bit so that I can't get it so quickly come WoR. Ribbon/LifeBell on Sabin took I believe 4 resets, and this was right after getting the Airship.

Siegfried originally used Raze instead of Shock Wave, which made him very difficult to take out since Raze is powerful and unreflectable.

Given the unexpected popularity of the Omega Weapon, I think I'll given him Raze back.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Vigor Edgar is a great Dragoon, so much so that I'm skipping out on Tools a lot of the time so that I can jump. Regen lets him heal up in the air despite having pisspoor Stamina (I think he's only breaking 20 because of equips), and he's dropping 3.5-4k jumps compared to 2.2-2.4k drills. Add in the occasional double jump and we have an amazing random encounter fighter, though bosses tend to drop him easily thanks to the rampant counter-attacks; with no stamina and 3/4 of his equipment spoken for, he's nearly impossible to have survive a slight breeze sent his way from a boss, let alone the stronger attacks. Palidor's HP increase have been helping him tank slightly better now though, but it was really noticeable earlier in the WoR.

Bear in mind that an Edgar set up for dragooning will do less damage with the Chainsaw/Drill than one that isn't due to a lack of vigor boosts from a Sword/Shield.

Also, I think you meant to say Unicorn instead of Palidor; Palidor gives vigor and speed >.>

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Relm is love. Meteor/Flare are not nearly as overkill as the Readme led me to believe, but they still provide her with consistent damage output that none of the other mages can boast. Her biggest issue is that she doesn't have the ability to abuse elemental weaknesses, meaning that most of the time Terra is outdoing her in damage even before Morphing. Terra also has 7-8 levels over Relm though, so I expect that gap to close as soon as I pump some levels into her.

I don't have anything to say here, so I'm just going to make a joke about pumping something into Relm.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Terra is probably the most overpowered member of the team. Just, hands down, wow. Access to nearly every high-level spell in some manner (Flaresword is a thing that should not be but I love it regardless), along with her equipment/esper options, allow her to go in any direction and dominate. She outdamages any other mage I have thanks to having Fire/Ice/Bolt 3, while still having respectable defenses and a Fight command that 50% of the time explodes the target.

I agree with you about Terra being the game's MVP. Her only weakness is that she needs a lot of MP to be really effective, and she has to sacrifice a lot to be a good physical fighter.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Locke just got back, and already he's reclaiming his spot as one of the premier damage dealers of the team. Thief Glove's +25% physical damage is still great on him, though Rogue Cloak seems conflicted (Why would I need a 100% fight chance if I'm abusing the +25% magic damage) and I've left it alone in favor of a Black Belt for the counterattacks it brings. Easily keeps up with Sabin in terms of raw physical power (I had Ramuh on him for nearly the entire WoB, so he's sporting 90 Vigor with his current set-up), and his repertoire of support spells is good enough to let him fall back on them when needed.

The Rogue Cloak is meant to have synergy with the Thief Glove, since it's basically the old Sneak Ring. A Black Belt works, too, though Locke might get the same thing from the Ninja Mask.

I'm with you, though; I give my Rogue Cloak to Shadow and let him wreck shit with his scrolls. He's incredibly useful in places like WoR Narshe where he can nail elemental weaknesses.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Mog is difficult to love, but I do regardless. Despite having a lot of +Magic boosts, his spell selection is too poor to really take advantage of them, though his dances are another matter entirely; he revolves around picking the right dance to use, similar to Gau's rages, but I usually find myself picking a defensive dance because the offensive skills are blocked by immunities often enough that I'll just spam Wind Song for the Sun Bath cure. Despite this frustration he's still one of my top picks for a support unit, due to being so tanky that he'll rarely fall in battle.

The defensive ones do seem to be the more popular choices, and they go well with his tank-like style. Something I'm going to do in the next update is look at his offensive ones and make sure they stack up.

More specifically, I'm thinking of having Specter deal some direct damage, which will greatly help Love Sonata's status as a ST damage dance (and help Dusk Requiem suck less).

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Setzer is a tank, plain and simple. Similar to what I just said about Mog, he can stay standing during a fight for forever and take nearly anything that is dished out at him; he has a better spell selection for supporting too, which helps him considerably. Still haven't gotten the Fixed Dice or GP Rain relic though, so his damage is practically non-existent, even with Daryl's Soul giving him twice the Dice.

You can get the GP Toss relic by trading in the Tarot at the Colosseum, else you'll find one in Kefka's Tower.

If you do make use of it, let us know. I have no qualms with adjusting its formula to make it stronger, but *nobody* f**k**g uses it, so we have no clue.

(08-24-2013, 05:10 PM)Julford Wrote: -Shadow is just kinda disappointing. I was expecting him to play like a more offense-oriented version of Locke, trading in the utility of Steal and healing magic for a few buff spells and a strong offensive skill; Throw is incredibly powerful (The cost at this point of the game makes it hard to justify using though), but otherwise he comes off as a frailer, less powerful Locke with the option to drop a nuke via Throw.

It depends on how you have him set up. He's one of only two characters in the game (the other being Setzer) who can hit more than once in a single turn with an insta-kill weapon, and he can get a lot of mileage out of spamming random Wind Slash/Aero.

But again, I prefer back-row Shadow in the late game to spam scrolls.

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Finished the game last night, had a question about the Kefka boss rush; didn't vanilla FF6 kick dead characters out after a certain period of time, rather than just during the transition between phases? I ended up only using the first 6 characters in the line-up, so some of my powerhouses like Terra never even got to show up - Shadow/Setzer/Edgar essentially handled the entire set of final fights, thanks to Rerise spam and Jump dodging 75% of the attacks.

Quote:It's good to see someone giving vigor Sabin a go at this point. We're currently working on a bit of an overhaul so that !Stamina Sabin doesn't run away with the game (but also that stamina remains useful for other characters).
I should note that even without ANY Stamina levels (Veldt abuse ftw), LifeBell still gave him back a very significant amount of health thanks to all the +Stam equips he has available. Just reloaded to check, and Sabin is packing +18 stamina in my endgame build, putting him at more stamina than Terra (Who has been holding Maduin for a good majority of the game). At full health (2138 at level 35, roughly 20 levels of Golem and a Red Cap factored in) he's still dishing out massive heals with Mantra too. I don't know if it's the formulas so much as the bonuses he has available to him in his claws; endgame claws are amazing stat sticks for him, especially Frostgore.

Quote:Isn't your Cyan in the back row? >.>
Nah, I've had him frontline all game. The numbers I gave were around the mid-20s though, but after gaining levels during Kefka's tower he started dealing closer to 800 a slash with Tempest - Still not amazing compared to my primary damage dealers, but certainly better. I think if I continued leveling him into the mid-30s (He was 30-31 for the statue fight) I would've started seeing better numbers all around for him.

Quote:Siegfried originally used Raze instead of Shock Wave, which made him very difficult to take out since Raze is powerful and unreflectable.

Given the unexpected popularity of the Omega Weapon, I think I'll given him Raze back.
He had both Raze and Shockwave when I fought him, and I have the newest version (ver 1.2.0). Raze was why I carried Ribbon for the fight in the first place; the +Stam helped a lot for Life Bell, as did the poison immunity. Sabin was basically betting on Raze only getting used 2-3 times during the fight, as Siegfried's physical attacks were easily healed off by Life Bell regen (I may have had Sabin in the back row just for that fight, I don't recall).

Quote:Bear in mind that an Edgar set up for dragooning will do less damage with the Chainsaw/Drill than one that isn't due to a lack of vigor boosts from a Sword/Shield.

Also, I think you meant to say Unicorn instead of Palidor; Palidor gives vigor and speed >.>
I'd forgotten that I had Edgar using Golem for ten levels or so in the WoB (And WoR prior to getting Palidor), which is where the extra health came from actually. Daryl's Tomb was hard on poor Edgar, but after that is when I noticed him dying a lot less often.

And yeah, Vigor Edgar that isn't a Dragoon seems like it would be a better pure-damage option on enemies without elemental weaknesses to jump onto (Even Trident was still useful endgame with Water-weak enemies), but survival would definitely be an issue if Dragoon Edgar is anything to go by. He seems like a really good candidate for Omega Weapon in that scenario, though that would take the amazing stat stick away from Terra/Celes (Making Illumina/Apocalypse an even tougher choice).

Quote:The Rogue Cloak is meant to have synergy with the Thief Glove, since it's basically the old Sneak Ring. A Black Belt works, too, though Locke might get the same thing from the Ninja Mask.

I'm with you, though; I give my Rogue Cloak to Shadow and let him wreck shit with his scrolls. He's incredibly useful in places like WoR Narshe where he can nail elemental weaknesses.
Yeah, Rogue Cloak became my staple item for Shadow at the end; Scroll spam was at an all-time high by then, though I actually ran out of things to throw come Kefka himself. I actually started chucking Mythril Daggers and Butterflys at Kefka by the end of the fight. Turns out 35 of each scroll, shuriken, and Ninjato was not nearly enough; Guardian and Isis probably took a total of 70 throws between them. He definitely redeemed himself by endgame as enemies started individually lasting several rounds even for larger groups, so his high damage multi-target spam was well appreciated.

Quote:The defensive ones do seem to be the more popular choices, and they go well with his tank-like style. Something I'm going to do in the next update is look at his offensive ones and make sure they stack up.

More specifically, I'm thinking of having Specter deal some direct damage, which will greatly help Love Sonata's status as a ST damage dance (and help Dusk Requiem suck less).
On that note, is there a particular reason staves can't be dual-wielded? Strago desperately needs a shield so he doesn't fall over in a stiff breeze, and Relm wants brushes anyway, but Mog could have some decent single-target potential if he could dual-wield staves while still having good defenses thanks to his heavy armor selection. Hell, double Punisher Mog would be a force to be reckoned with endgame for bosses, while allowing him full utility thanks to Dance not relying on MP.

Dance damage endgame is kinda hit or miss, and even when it's hitting a weakness consistently (Water Rondo was great on Guardian, as every spell hit its' weaknesses) he's not out-damaging my other characters. I had quite a bit of Magic Power on him too (59 total), but compared to how everyone else saw their damage skyrocket late game (When he'd been more or less even with them back in WoB), Mog got nothing to save him from mediocrity. Either better scaling with stat increases (Though I don't know how viable this is, since the spells are used by so many enemies and I have no idea how that would affect their damage) or something to make him a more appealing Dragoon than Edgar, because imo "Edgar has better options" isn't really a reason to make Mog a dragoon moreso than it is an incentive to not dragoon at all.

Quote:You can get the GP Toss relic by trading in the Tarot at the Colosseum, else you'll find one in Kefka's Tower.

If you do make use of it, let us know. I have no qualms with adjusting its formula to make it stronger, but *nobody* f**k**g uses it, so we have no clue.
Huh, don't know how I missed that Tarot becomes that relic; I'd been checking all the starter gear because quite a lot of it turns into something better than useless. Anyway, I just checked and a level 28 Setzer is doing 1680 every turn with GP Rain. I don't know the formula for GP Rain (If it scales on level, or a specific stat, or if it is entirely static), but compared to double Fixed Dice it is notably weaker; even the tamer throws for Fixed Dice tend to be closer to 1k each, sometimes jumping up to 5-6k, and I throw twice a turn. For an endgame attack option, Daryl's Soul is far better despite being obtained early WoR - Heck, compared to Shadow's scrolls it is still less impressive damage-wise, and probably costs more per use than those too. It is nice that it ignores defense, but by the time you'd find the relic in the tower, you're already past the point where you're facing high-defense enemies with low enough hp to make using GP Rain a viable option; I would have loved having it during Phoenix Cave and Fanatics Tower, for sure.

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You probably didn't notice because even though the Unlockme and BTB both say it should give you Heiji's Coin, it actually gives a Relic Ring. I guess that's a bug report by the way. Tongue

Edit: Sorry that sounds so snarky. I'm going to blame a headache and lack of sleep, because you guys are doing a great job and don't deserve snark.

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(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: Finished the game last night

Groovy. I'll send you the Unlockme password in a bit (and hopefully the next update will have the Unlockme documentation updated).

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: had a question about the Kefka boss rush; didn't vanilla FF6 kick dead characters out after a certain period of time rather than just during the transition between phases?

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: I should note that even without ANY Stamina levels (Veldt abuse ftw), LifeBell still gave him back a very significant amount of health thanks to all the +Stam equips he has available. Just reloaded to check, and Sabin is packing +18 stamina in my endgame build, putting him at more stamina than Terra (Who has been holding Maduin for a good majority of the game). At full health (2138 at level 35, roughly 20 levels of Golem and a Red Cap factored in) he's still dishing out massive heals with Mantra too. I don't know if it's the formulas so much as the bonuses he has available to him in his claws; endgame claws are amazing stat sticks for him, especially Frostgore.

Yeah, one of the major changes in the next update is going to be a total rewrite of the Regen formula so that stamina still factors appreciably in, but certain characters (SABIN) don't just run away with the game.

Compare the current formula...

Tick = ((MaxHP * Stam) / 512) - (Random Variance)

...with the new one:

Tick = (((Stam * 4) + (MaxHP / 8)) / 4) - (Random Variance + 15)

(Now might be a good time to point out that I suck at math)

Of course, this will work together with reeling Stamina in to be treated more like a normal stat (+1/2 boosts from espers instead of +3/4) and lowering base stamina for most characters.

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: Nah, I've had him frontline all game. The numbers I gave were around the mid-20s though, but after gaining levels during Kefka's tower he started dealing closer to 800 a slash with Tempest - Still not amazing compared to my primary damage dealers, but certainly better. I think if I continued leveling him into the mid-30s (He was 30-31 for the statue fight) I would've started seeing better numbers all around for him.

Cyan will likely be getting a bit of a bump in the next update, as well. Tempest, Flurry, and probably also Eclipse will see power boosts. Since Cyan is much more about the physical damage than any other character (and has far less else going for him than his teammates do), he needs to be the best at dishing it out.

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: He had both Raze and Shockwave when I fought him, and I have the newest version (ver 1.2.0). Raze was why I carried Ribbon for the fight in the first place; the +Stam helped a lot for Life Bell, as did the poison immunity. Sabin was basically betting on Raze only getting used 2-3 times during the fight, as Siegfried's physical attacks were easily healed off by Life Bell regen (I may have had Sabin in the back row just for that fight, I don't recall).

Ah, that's right... I took away Hyperdrive, not Raze.

...Hyperdrive may be a bit much to give back to him >.>

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: Yeah, Rogue Cloak became my staple item for Shadow at the end; Scroll spam was at an all-time high by then, though I actually ran out of things to throw come Kefka himself. I actually started chucking Mythril Daggers and Butterflys at Kefka by the end of the fight.

I like how you still had Mythril Driks and Butterflies lying around >.>

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: On that note, is there a particular reason staves can't be dual-wielded?


(Also, what is it with you and Synchysi? They're rods, not staves.)

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: ...or something to make him a more appealing Dragoon than Edgar, because imo "Edgar has better options" isn't really a reason to make Mog a dragoon moreso than it is an incentive to not dragoon at all.

Someone who dragoons Mog is probably doing it because they don't like the randomness of his dances; it's his most reliable/consistent way of dealing damage. I'd have to say that the "true" hidden advantage of dragoon Mog over dragoon Edgar is doing it with rods instead of spears.

(08-27-2013, 01:23 AM)Julford Wrote: (Coin Toss)

Fair enough... I'll look at the formula and see how it can stand to be made less shitty.

(08-27-2013, 11:24 PM)Bluerobin Wrote: You probably didn't notice because even though the Unlockme and BTB both say it should give you Heiji's Coin, it actually gives a Relic Ring. I guess that's a bug report by the way. Tongue

Edit: Sorry that sounds so snarky. I'm going to blame a headache and lack of sleep, because you guys are doing a great job and don't deserve snark.

No need to apologize; thanks for letting me know.

The reason it's a Relic Ring specifically is that it, Heiji's Coin, and the Nirvana Band all got moved around a *lot* late in development, and I sort of lost track of where they ended up (and missed a few loose ends, like the one you just pointed out).

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Quote: I like how you still had Mythril Driks and Butterflies lying around >.>
I stole a LOT of Butterflies in Zozo -a dozen easily, probably more- and thanks to fighting on the Veldt so often, I had a sizable amount of cash. I am stingy as hell with selling items in a game like FF6 where endgame trash can be useful in a pinch, and it paid off since Butterfly throws still did more than a back row Fight did.

Early WoR still bankrupted me (I flew all over the world to check out all the stores and compare goods (The printme has a few errors like Holy Rod being in Thamasa btw, I don't recall any other specifics atm)), but endgame I had regained more than enough to splurge on throwing supplies and a couple relics I'd never bought more than one of (Sprint Shoes, those auto-safe and auto-shell rings, and Amulets especially)

Quote: (Also, what is it with you and Synchysi? They're rods, not staves.)
I will meet you halfway and go with staffrod.

Quote: Someone who dragoons Mog is probably doing it because they don't like
the randomness of his dances; it's his most reliable/consistent way of
dealing damage. I'd have to say that the "true" hidden advantage of
dragoon Mog over dragoon Edgar is doing it with rods instead of spears.
I hadn't considered that approach... Okay, I take back what I said about Mog not having good damage options then. I looked at dragooning and went "No Vigor, no way", but spell jumps sound absolutely wonderful. I'm just imagining Mog dropping from the ceiling while cursing the enemy before smashing them in the skull with a staffrod, and it is just adorable.

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(08-28-2013, 12:32 AM)BTB Wrote: Yeah, one of the major changes in the next update is going to be a total rewrite of the Regen formula so that stamina still factors appreciably in, but certain characters (SABIN) don't just run away with the game.

To be honest, I feel that if Sabin needs a nerf to avoid running away with the game, part of me feels like Terra might need a nerf moreso. I know she's the "main" character and all, but I feel she can outmagic the mages, outheal the healers, and at least keep up with physical damage with the fighters (especially since Morph charges rather quickly). She also equips some of the best armor in the game, which is a reason why I didn't like Sabin as much as everybody else did. I could reduce the damage other characters took to relatively small amounts with their equipment. Sabin was one of the few who still took dangerous amounts of damage, to the point where I had to bother watching out for him, which I felt made up for his other abilities in spades.

Confused Moogles FTW

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