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FF6 - Brave New World

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(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: I'm not familiar with how FF6 checks event flags, so sorry if this is dumb - When you skip over recruiting Celes, is there some byte that isn't being properly set that allows the game to recognize her? Like, Celes shows up as normal in the line-up at Narshe, but once you switch to her or when you enter the party forming screens she's back to a moogle; this stays the case until the Opera House, where her sprite becomes normal Celes for every situation from then on out (But still retains the Kutan traits where you can't alter relics/equips/skills and has no runic command).

Also, is Kutan for certain the stand-in for Celes' spot (ie is Character 6 until Celes' data overwrites it during her recruitment), or is she instead a dummy value that the game pulls when trying to load an unrecruited character?

Nah, this isn't dumb at all.

First, Kutan is not a dummy value; Kutan *overwrites* the dummy data in slot six when the Moogle Battle starts. There's an infamous Let's Break on Something Awful that goes into this a little bit more in-depth, but suffice it to say that the real dummy data is something much different.

Second, what's happening at the Opera House is that the game changes the character sprite of character number six (again, which is ordinarily Celes) to Celes's "Maria" sprite. After the Opera, it changes the sprite back to just regular Celes. Even though the sprite has been altered by the game, the character data has not. Thus, what you have is a character that *looks* like Celes, but the character data says it's still Kutan.

Third, while there is an event flag that gets set when you meet Celes, it has nothing to do with the game recognizing her as such. What seems to be the case is that the battle script code works a little bit differently than I expected. Even if it *doesn't* recognize Kutan as Celes, the script should still end up granting temporary immunity to a random character in the party. Since that's not happening, I presume that Kutan is weirdly interacting with/breaking the script somehow (again, I'm totally lost here).

(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: Don't know if I missed it or if it just hadn't been mentioned yet in both the thread and the readme. On that note then, you might want to edit the text of the Sraphim seller after buying from him, as he mentions selling other rocks in Jidoor (Which I'd always assumed were Golem/Zoneseek, hence why I treat them as late-WoB espers; I'm actually not sure how early you are able to get them now, I've always just gone in after the Magitek Factory)

If you talk to the NPCs in Jidoor (both before and after Zozo), I do my best to beat it into the player's head that they should stop by the auction house before leaving. We've also adjusted the auction house code so that the magicite shows up much more frequently than before.

Also, the guy in Tzen says that, "he had another one, but sold it to some guy in Jidoor".

(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: (Something I didn't mention is that I love what you've done with the Rages; I tend to sit in the menu for a couple seconds and think "What would work best here", and for the most part the rages all feel useful).

Rock on.

Also, stamina Gau can be quite useful if you want to spam his defensive rages, since Harvester and Sun Bath both use Stamina to determine healing. The next version will also attempt to fix the offensive stamina-based rages to do better damage, as well.

(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: IAF... Yeah, I don't know. He went down with so little of a fight that I was surprised when I beat him. Once the missiles were gone I focused on getting buffs up on everyone, but by the time I was done Locke had nearly solo'd the thing on his own. I don't know if I'd recommend a damage increase or a health increase or what, but IAF felt like it was too easy after the fairly-difficult-but-not-overbearing fight that Ultros/Chupon put out.

IAF is a boss fight at the ass end of a rather brutal gauntlet, so I would rather not make it too hard. And again, it used to be much more powerful (for the record, it can still one-shot your party members with Giga Volt, inflict mass seizure, and do good damage with Diffuser), so there's a lot of bad memories.

(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: Yeah, he's not going to tank everything forever like Stamina Sabin looks to be able to do, but a Stamina Cyan has been tanking well for me so far - My 'main' party (Though I've been trying to use everyone) has been Locke/Cyan/Strago/Whoever and Cyan handles both tanking and healing well enough, with powerful Dragons to throw whenever he gets a chance.

When you get Tempest (level 7), let us know how that damage stacks up to Dragon. We're seeing a lot of people just stick with Dragon so they can back-row Cyan, which is kind of not our intent.

(08-20-2013, 09:43 PM)Julford Wrote: I don't know why I keep thinking he is casting a full-party Regen; nothing in the printme or the hack itself says he's doing that, but I keep thinking it's Regen on the whole party.

Fenrir is the esper that does a full-party Regen

(08-20-2013, 09:08 PM)TheFourSeven Wrote: Just signed up to say "Good job!" I also discovered this hack through The Betus Beat and I'm glad I did, because you guys made FF6 fun for me again.

Glad to oblige.

(08-20-2013, 09:08 PM)TheFourSeven Wrote: ...and the F-bombs Kefka and Relm threw out were jarring, almost out of place to me).

I've pretty much said my piece on the matter several times (particularly with regard to the fact that both characters *did* swear in the Japanese version), but yeah, due to the fact that this is the most common piece of feedback we get, we're going to look into ways to cut back on it in the next update.

(08-20-2013, 09:08 PM)TheFourSeven Wrote: I also wanted to ask about the Unlockme folder. I figured a password would be given out in the game's final screen or something but I didn't see anything like that. I've been really curious about it since finding out there was more info to be found in it while lurking here, like the Colosseum wager list and so on.

I wanted to put it in the end credits or something, but I guess that wasn't doable (plus, if I *did* figure out how to edit the ending, I'd probably just change it to say "CONGRATURATION! YOU ARE WIN!")

I'll PM you the password.

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(08-21-2013, 03:12 PM)BTB Wrote: I've pretty much said my piece on the matter several times (particularly with regard to the fact that both characters *did* swear in the Japanese version), but yeah, due to the fact that this is the most common piece of feedback we get, we're going to look into ways to cut back on it in the next update.

I didn't realize it was such an issue. It didn't detract terribly from the overall experience in my opinion, especially since I thought the rest of the script was strong and much-improved over Woolsey's original translation.

On another subject, I noticed (and I doubt I'm the first to relay these to you) some targeting bugs. For example, when attempting to cast a restorative/buff spell on a character during the effect animation for X-Ether I get booted right back to the spell selection menu, as if I were attempting to target a foe who had jumped. I also somehow managed to get RegenX to ignore one of the characters in my party (whether this was due to inputting the command prior to their revival or not, I'm not sure, as the battle was somewhat intense at the moment so details may have been lost on me).

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Regardless of the version, I played with everyone in the back row. I mean everyone. If not, I tend to get one-shot or two-shot by physical attacks during boss fights and 'trash mobs' as well. With everyone in the back row, I at least get some buffer against super damage against me. Doesn't seem to matter what version or where I am in the game (and only one statue remains on 1.2).

And on the rare occasion I rely on Cyan, being able to do full damage from the back row (where everyone belongs) helps much.

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Quote:First, Kutan is not a dummy value; Kutan *overwrites* the dummy data in slot six when the Moogle Battle starts. There's an infamous Let's Break on Something Awful that goes into this a little bit more in-depth, but suffice it to say that the real dummy data is something much different.
I went and checked out that Let's Break, and in one of the earlier parts (part 4, I think) he actually runs into something I assume is identical to what I had happen with Kutan - During the Vargas battle, Edgar's moogle is not blown away, leaving him and Sabin's moogle to stay together and finish the fight.

Also, fun fact; Trying to go back and name Celes (in an attempt to fix the Kutan glitch) won't work, as the second guard is no longer in the room. The game will freezes just before it would darken the screen to name her.

Quote:If you talk to the NPCs in Jidoor (both before and after Zozo), I do my best to beat it into the player's head that they should stop by the auction house before leaving. We've also adjusted the auction house code so that the magicite shows up much more frequently than before.

Also, the guy in Tzen says that, "he had another one, but sold it to some guy in Jidoor".

I've been making a point to talk to every NPC I can find, and had assumed that the man in Jidoor was just spouting a similar line to what he had in the original script. As for the Tzen seller, his lines about the "other rock" come after he tells you that he obtained Sraphim during the chaos of the Magitek Factory incident, which is why I assumed he grabbed Golem/Zoneseek then (And hence the confusion on their normal appearance).

Not calling you a liar (More a personal anecdote), but I had to sit through ten NOTHING! boxes and three chocobos before finally getting Zoneseek to appear. Golem was the very next one though, so I got lucky there.

Quote:When you get Tempest (level 7), let us know how that damage stacks up to Dragon. We're seeing a lot of people just stick with Dragon so they can back-row Cyan, which is kind of not our intent.

I had been assuming Dragon was physical this whole time, and had Cyan frontline just for that reason. I will say that Flurry at least has been rather disappointing even in the front row, as enemy defenses are almost always high enough that any given enemy takes more damage from Dragon than all four Flurry hits. Has its' uses against Muddle-vulnerable enemies or to weaken a group though, but as a general rule Dragon is my go-to for damage options. Tempest is stated to ignore defense though, so I imagine it'll be a noted improvement for single-enemy scenarios.

Finally, bug report and/or inquiry about game mechanics, I managed to pull off a double Wind Slash with Shadow (Two Kodachi's equipped), with the first strike being a critical and the second not. Both hits of Wind Slash did 398 damage though, rather than the first strike doing double. The readme mentions that rods can have their spells get a damage bonus from critical hits, but are multi-hit spells like Wind Slash unable to get this damage boost?

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I wanna say that although I'm only to the Magitek factory, I have definitely been enjoying this so far. The enemies are tough without being unreasonable (as long as you heed certain in-game advise such as not trying to steal from monsters) and being a bit careful. So far, it's my favorite version of FFVI.

I have found something that I don't recall seeing anybody report (I read through the whole thread on and off the last couple weeks). I find I am unable to unequip espers without having another to switch to. Which normally isn't a huge deal, but I happen to have them equipped in such a way that one of my characters is using one that I'd like the other to use and there's no spare one. I recall that in the original game we were able to unequip espers. So I'm hoping this is a fixable bug and not an intended feature... lol.

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That much hasn't changed. You should just be able to try to equip a blank slot to remove an esper from someone.


Brave New World

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Yeah, I feel like an idiot. For some reason I was thinking they unequipped by clicking on them again. Thank you for answering what turned out to be a stupid question... lol.

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On the topic of the auction house, the first playthrough I did (which was... 1.1.2 I think) I got both espers within 10 or 15 tries. This second playthrough on 1.2.0 I had to do more than two hours of auctions. It got to the point where I think I figured out when the random number is chosen for the auctions (when you walk in to the auction house) because I save-stated so much to try and speed things up. I know chance/probability/RNG was probably just against me, but it really felt like the chances had been changed between the two versions.

Also, there are a couple text boxes where the text runs off the edge of the box before the Floating Continent. I wrote them down then lost the list. Twice. I think I might restart my playthrough again soon, so I'll tell you exactly which ones they are, but I remember one of them was a scene with Banon, I think in the Returner's Hideout. Sorry that's not super useful.

Edit: Oh also, the hack's still super fun on the second playthrough, although not quite as replayable as I hoped because I like the way I built my characters the first time through. Oh well, support Sabin is super fun this time with his holy laser beams and blobby heals.

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Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome hack! I just beat it a few minutes ago, and it was definitely a challenge! Sometimes frustrating. The best part was the limiting of equipping espers. The frustrating part; going through entire ares in the WoR and not being able to beat one of the dragons or the optional boss cause they use some super attack and wipe out my party in one hit. I think I quit playing for a couple of days when I was in the Phoenix Cave. I had been battling the Red Dragon for almost 10 minutes, and then he used S.Cross and wiped me out. Don't know if I was underleveled but everyone was near 27-31. I went back of course when I was higher and beat him, but it was still a tough battle since Ice 3 is only limited to Terra and Celes.

Also the auction house was weird. I couldn't get anything to show up but nothing. As soon as I entered the WoR and went to the auction house, I was able to get the Espers and other other items.

What's in the last treasure chest at the end of the floating continent? I kept missing it 'cuz the land kept falling and I wanna know if I missed a great item or not. Oh, and clever making the Atma Weapon the prize. lol I knew some things had been switched around, but I wasn't expecting that. Makes sense though.

I was hoping that the unlockme password would appear at the end, but it didn't. Did I miss something?

After playing through different variations, this is one of my favorites. I'm playing through it again now, because I want to see customize some characters differently. I let Mog stay a Dancer, but this time I want him as a Dragoon, and I'm going to try play with Gogo. I didn't even bother playing with him because of his stats, and substituted him for Umaro, who I NEVER played with before this version. Umaro...all I can say is WOW.

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(08-21-2013, 06:20 PM)TheFourSeven Wrote: I didn't realize it was such an issue. It didn't detract terribly from the overall experience in my opinion, especially since I thought the rest of the script was strong and much-improved over Woolsey's original translation.

It's very polarizing, from what I can tell. Personally, I'd be a little worried if we weren't receiving at least *some* criticism, but this particular bit is consistent and copious enough to catch out attention.

(08-21-2013, 06:20 PM)TheFourSeven Wrote: On another subject, I noticed (and I doubt I'm the first to relay these to you) some targeting bugs. For example, when attempting to cast a restorative/buff spell on a character during the effect animation for X-Ether I get booted right back to the spell selection menu, as if I were attempting to target a foe who had jumped. I also somehow managed to get RegenX to ignore one of the characters in my party (whether this was due to inputting the command prior to their revival or not, I'm not sure, as the battle was somewhat intense at the moment so details may have been lost on me).

I will say that this is the first I've heard of the X-Ether one. It shares the same properties as the Megalixir, though, meaning that this is a bug that existed in the original version (but you just never noticed because who uses Megalixirs?)

the RegenX one was probably just it not affecting a character that was dead when the spell was queued up.

(08-21-2013, 06:49 PM)Julford Wrote: I went and checked out that Let's Break, and in one of the earlier parts (part 4, I think) he actually runs into something I assume is identical to what I had happen with Kutan - During the Vargas battle, Edgar's moogle is not blown away, leaving him and Sabin's moogle to stay together and finish the fight.

Ok, yeah, you're right. Battle scripts do seem to target the character specifically rather than just the slot (I still can't explain why, though).

(08-21-2013, 06:49 PM)Julford Wrote: I had been assuming Dragon was physical this whole time, and had Cyan frontline just for that reason. I will say that Flurry at least has been rather disappointing even in the front row, as enemy defenses are almost always high enough that any given enemy takes more damage from Dragon than all four Flurry hits. Has its' uses against Muddle-vulnerable enemies or to weaken a group though, but as a general rule Dragon is my go-to for damage options. Tempest is stated to ignore defense though, so I imagine it'll be a noted improvement for single-enemy scenarios.

It's getting to the point where I feel like the damage of *all* of Cyan's Bushidos needs to be tweaked a bit.

(08-21-2013, 06:49 PM)Julford Wrote: Finally, bug report and/or inquiry about game mechanics, I managed to pull off a double Wind Slash with Shadow (Two Kodachi's equipped), with the first strike being a critical and the second not. Both hits of Wind Slash did 398 damage though, rather than the first strike doing double. The readme mentions that rods can have their spells get a damage bonus from critical hits, but are multi-hit spells like Wind Slash unable to get this damage boost?

Random Wind Slashes work differently than random casts. They *replace* the attack rather than augment it, so it would stand to reason that they would also ignore critical hits.

(08-22-2013, 08:20 PM)Gamesoul Master Wrote: I wanna say that although I'm only to the Magitek factory, I have definitely been enjoying this so far. The enemies are tough without being unreasonable (as long as you heed certain in-game advise such as not trying to steal from monsters) and being a bit careful. So far, it's my favorite version of FFVI.

Glad to oblige Smile

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