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Madsiur Appreciation Day

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Who here hasn't been helped in some major way by our very own Madsiur? With every level of hacking from ASM to graphical modding, Mad has brought so much information and understanding to the conglomerate ff6hacking community that it's hard to believe there WAS a community before Madsiur came along! He is generally one of the first responders to just about any inquiry on the forum and he has been doing so for many years. This thread, Madsiur, is so the community can express how important you've been to all of us, and to hopefully give back, in some small way, a mote of what you have given us.

Madsiur joined in October of 2011. Since then he has made over 2000 posts, most of which offering insight into the game and furthering the community. A look at his "Thanks Received" is very revealing:

Quote:Total Thanks Received 228 (0.14 per day | 23.01 percent of total )

23% of ALL THANKS GIVEN on the ENTIRE SITE has gone to Madsiur. Nearly 10% of all his posts, on average, receive thanks. That's to say nothing of all the times he helped, and elaborated on other posts, and someone didn't hit the "thank you" button. Clearly, this is a person of influence. Countless hacks have been influenced, or even directly contributed to, by Mad.

And this is only the beginning of Madsiur's contributions! He has also done extensive work creating and improving existing editors, such as FF6 LE Rogue, FF6AE, FF6SE, and others. These tools are a legacy, something hackers for years to come will be benefiting from. There is always something new on the horizon. has even more to thank Madsiur for. The site has changed hands multiple times over the last several years. Mad has stepped up into a leadership role on the site. Taking over site maintenance and management, he has held the community up when it otherwise would have withered. Even in the communities weakest times of growth and traffic, He has continued to improve the site he so dearly loves. There are few community sites out there as fine-tuned as this. With advances in the realms of site layout, forum features, and the new ff6hacking wiki; Mad has not only expanded the site functionality, but also kept navigation intuitive and visually appealing. Keep in mind, folks, this is an unpaid position. Mad does this because he cares for the site and for the community. I am literally in awe of Madsiur and his dedication and accomplishments.

This is where everyone else comes in. I can say with absolute confidence, there isn't a single person who hasn't posted with any kind of regularity that hasn't been immensely helped by Madsiur. What I want is for everybody to post something about Mad, or share an experience where you needed help and he stepped up. And that's to say nothing of lurkers who haven't posted but have gleaned much from his posts. I can't think of anyone I know on the site who shouldn't have something to say here. And even though this thread is labeled "Day", I expect this to continue through the week or month. We can't express how much you mean to us, Madsiur. Thank you for everything you do on, or behind, the scenes.

Happy Madsiur Appreciation Day!

Hello Kungfu! Cast Finger Surprised Laugh ;[ Objection! Victory Smile Kappa! Hold on Wink Confused Sweat What?! Hit Cover Tongue Pray Hmm Sad Pummel Frog
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to B-Run for this post:
  • Lockirby2 (06-13-2016), SSJ Rick (06-16-2016)

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Thanks Madsiur, for being a great person to hang out with, and for taking time out of your day to race on Beyond Chaos with me.

The only thing harder than finding a needle in a haystack is finding a haystack in a needle. Laugh

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Coming to this site, at first I thought Madsiur was a very serious guy. I wanted to ask him "why so serious?", especially compared to jokester types like poco loco and such... ofc he promptly answered whatever questions I had so I understood it was just his way of being nice. Laugh 

More to the point, I'm thankful that he kept the community alive, I see some of the old posters left, someone has to carry the fire and I see Madsiur has taken that job upon himself. I think that counts for something. Thanks Mad.

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Great initiative! I want to get in on this! Smile

Thank you Madsiur for being all around a cool guy and super helpful. Your dedication to this community and its members is inspiring and heartwarming. Without your efforts there probably wouldn't even be a community hub like this site, but you do much more than just maintain, you IMPROVE the community through your myriad initiatives. Three cheers for Madsiur!

Edit: oh yeah, I've had plenty of pleasant interactions with Mads around here, the most recent one being in chat where he was super helpful and encouraging with me getting into music stuff. Not to mention the support he has shown for an upcoming project that I've dreamt about for some years and finally am starting to believe might actually get somewhere.

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Nice words B-Run.

'Madsiur conceptualised the ff3us RAM map before anyone else. I had mapped a lot of RAM values at the time but never structured a document around it, and it hadn't occurred to me you could do so until Madsiur did it. His document has helped me now for years and was only recently improved by everything on the wiki. I think this shows how some of Madsiurs grand ideas turn into the most vital hacking tools we use.

Madsiur has done so much for ff6 hacking, it's hard to fathom. My deepest thanks to him for all the help.

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I dont know where to start with mad, hes been a solid friend to me when i was in a dark place last year, always being there for a friendly word in my ear, to motivate and cheer me up and make me laugh. hes taught me so much about ff6 hacking and makes some of the coolest programs around... ff6 advanced editor, rouge level editor, his monster expansions, things for rotds and working on his great new se replacement. lets not even get into him breaking down the steam ff6 when no one else was arsed. i thank him for being my friend and keeping my moral so high. hel support any1 with good ideas, talent or politeness. happy mad appreciation day.. praise the lord madsiur and cast out the lord pikachu from your souls

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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you are an incredible person and I'm glad to have known you and become good friends over these years! You have helped me in numerous ways, many outside of hacking and for that I am eternally grateful to you and I look very much forward to many more years of friendship! Smile

And it goes without saying, but thanks for being the main driving force behind this site and getting it to the point it is at, we would be lost without you buddy! Hope you have a great day on your Birthday, wish we could all party it up, I will have a beer in your name today lol.

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Thanks Madsiur for your endless amount of technical and creative support, my project would have died months ago without you and your programs. Smile

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Thank you for kinda... everything?
Almost all the basics of what i know is thanks to you, you shared all the useful files for hacking too,
Your tools are quite promising, the patches inspired me to do some cool stuff for my hack.
Tons of PMs sent to you for have some advice in doing custom stuff, or even just conversations among us...
You also make me rofl each time you do a troll/comic post
We raced together, watched together a stream and many other stuff.
Basically you are more than an internet friend, you are a friend(a real one, not a "college or something friend")
Finally you're the backbone of this site.

Happy Madsiur Appreciation Day!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Thanks for all the kind words guys! <3 <- rare ballsack from me!

When I became an admin in 2013(?) there was too much I wanted to do and this led to me rage quitting twice, once not formally. The good thing was the forum became the property of every admins and to extent anyone wanting to get involved. I tried to push team decisions which is now the norm on many things.

I still want to do too much, which leads to bigger projects being pushed away. However I really like the involvement of many people. @"B-Run" and @JWhiteLXXXIX have been providing nice Youtube content with their streams, @"Gi Nattak" has been a good sentinel admin since the beginning and was there with @Firestorm to cool me off a few time when I was starting my admin role. The wiki is 90% the fruit of the work of @Hatzen08, @Everything and @m06 which also help on the mobile theme coding. A big thank to all those people and everyone else just being active in a friendly way on the forum.

These are the things that are gratifying and push me to continue in the vein of the last year or so. There's a few things I'd like to see sooner or later like a submission system for the forum, a nice FF6A editor and an ongoing community project of redesigning the ROM map, include expansions and have a ROM generator base on this work (and editors that can handle those expansions). I'll try to focus on those but there are little things that pop up here and there, if those can be done relatively fast, they can slow down other big projects by their number.

I'm 35 today and I'm not seeing myself retiring from my role anytime soon! Thanks again!
[-] The following 5 users say Thank You to madsiur for this post:
  • DrakeyC (06-13-2016), JWhiteLXXXIX (06-13-2016), Lockirby2 (06-13-2016), m06 (06-14-2016), SSJ Rick (06-16-2016)

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