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Things I want to do with my version of FFVI.

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I have the same problem with 7z most of the time... open the folder where you downloaded, and right click then go to 7-zip and Open Archive. Then extract once 7-zip opens it up... for some reason double-clicking on a .7z doesn't work.

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(05-17-2016, 07:29 AM)FF6Fanatic Wrote: Hmm I can't open it.. I get the same error with Winrar and 7-zip. You sure this is a compressed file?

Ya. You have the latest sourceforge of 7zip?

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(05-17-2016, 09:24 AM)B-Run Wrote: I have the same problem with 7z most of the time... open the folder where you downloaded, and right click then go to 7-zip and Open Archive. Then extract once 7-zip opens it up... for some reason double-clicking on a .7z doesn't work.

It worked, thanks for the tip.

I applied the patch and got the following message: "the file has been patched, but the data in the IPS file appears to be truncated or misaligned...". Tried loading the rom in Zsnes and it didn't work. Hmm

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(05-17-2016, 02:13 PM)FF6Fanatic Wrote:
(05-17-2016, 09:24 AM)B-Run Wrote: I have the same problem with 7z most of the time... open the folder where you downloaded, and right click then go to 7-zip and Open Archive. Then extract once 7-zip opens it up... for some reason double-clicking on a .7z doesn't work.

It worked, thanks for the tip.

I applied the patch and got the following message: "the file has been patched, but the data in the IPS file appears to be truncated or misaligned...". Tried loading the rom in Zsnes and it didn't work. Hmm

It still set for unheaded rom.

Use SNEStuff v1.2.1 a utility on the site to choose that it was for that type or to remove the header of the smc.

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I need to restart this I gave up back then cause I was having trouble hex editing the characters for the dream events of Cyan.

Possibly use:
2) Break 9999 Damage Limit
3) Less random Limit Break system. Something more like FF7.

Bugs want to fix:
1) Runic. (PREVENT accidentally triggers and only when damaging magic targets party.)
2) Possibly remove enemies from falling house in Tzen. Reasons: Lame. Prefer: Lower time or some other thing.
3) Change airship slot to something else. Reasons: During the time have no airship, can still use said move. Could be something else.
4) Give Celes WARP after story event or early level spell to learn.
5) Remove the need for Rusted Door removal. Reasons: Makes no sense why Cyan is there with it sealed.

EXTRA Maybe:
2) Give Summon as a command to Terra (Or Rydia if can add) somehow. Ref1 Ref2
3) Add in FFVIA spells? Ex: Aura
4) EDIT Battle Music LOCATION to start later in song. Like HALF WAY or replace it with something else.

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Hello. You've quite the ambition.

2) Break damage limit was accomplished by Giangurgolo and he released a patch called 32000 Overkill. It is so named because damage still has to fit in 15 bits (32768) as the top bit signifies healing.

3) An FFVII-like limit system would require rather major code rewrites. However, if you're proficient with 65816 assembly and are determined you could do it.

1) The behavior of Runic isn't a bug - it's supposed to shut down all magic. Rewriting code to only trigger Runic on enemy spells is feasible; in fact, I've done it. It makes Runic incredibly overpowered and a headache to balance around, so I scrapped it.

2) Removing enemies from the collapsing house is as simple as editing those maps with a map editor and unchecking "random encounters". Changing the time limit would be done via event editing - admittedly something I know little about, but very doable.

3) Changing H-Bomb is an interesting project because it requires many different methods. Changing the spell name, power, effects, animation, etc. is as simple as editing the spell in FF3usME. Making new animations is difficult because it requires writing new animation scripts, but cobbling together existing animations and palettes into something different-looking is rather simple.
Changing the Slot reels requires decompressing some graphics and editing them with YY-CHR. Again, doable.

4) Changing Celes' natural magic is easily done with FF3usME. Learning spells via event doesn't happen in the original game, but I believe there exists some unused event code for it. I might remember incorrectly, in which case it would require writing new event code in addition to editing event scripts.

5) Again, simple map and/or event editing.

2) (What's with this Star Wars-esque numbering?) Adding Summon can be done with FF3usME and there are patches that fixes the Summon command to work properly. It lets you summon the equipped Esper as many times as you like, that's it. Anything beyond that requires major code rewrites.

3) Adding new spells is possible thanks to B-Run's MMMagic hack. It allows 10 new spells to be added to each character's spell list. There are some unused/dummied spells in the game, you can edit these new spells with FF3usME and assign them to characters with B-Run's patch. However, for something like Valor (Aura is a spell from FFVIII), you would need to hack some code.

4) I'm not sure you can start playing a song from the middle. You could edit a song and cut out some parts, and replace the battle music with that. Editing FFVI's music is pretty complicated and there are no editors for this. You have to learn the format and do it all by hand.

In all, all these changes requires A LOT of different skills. If you don't know 65816 assembly programming, or the SPC music format, or general romhacking knowledge, be prepared to spend a year or two learning the ropes.
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(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: Hello. You've quite the ambition.

Thank ya. More than I should cause I am not that capable. Out of all coding stuff I have done Hex is out of reach sort of. I can do simple ones with guiding. But that alone takes forever. I can not believe how people can look at numbers and know what to do. I know assembly aka pointers helps but eh..

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 2) Break damage limit was accomplished by Giangurgolo and he released a patch called 32000 Overkill. It is so named because damage still has to fit in 15 bits (32768) as the top bit signifies healing.

Ya I thought it was I already mentioned the patch just had to reconfirm it.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 3) An FFVII-like limit system would require rather major code rewrites. However, if you're proficient with 65816 assembly and are determined you could do it.

I thought I read a topic on this already. This isn't a major thing I want to do really. Just an extra thought.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 1) The behavior of Runic isn't a bug - it's supposed to shut down all magic. Rewriting code to only trigger Runic on enemy spells is feasible; in fact, I've done it. It makes Runic incredibly overpowered and a headache to balance around, so I scrapped it.

I don't like how it works. In game it even mentions "magic sent THEIR way". Not all magic. I'd rather it be a bit more useful I don't think it would be that overpowered. Still using up a character to do that as well which makes her more useful.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 2) Removing enemies from the collapsing house is as simple as editing those maps with a map editor and unchecking "random encounters". Changing the time limit would be done via event editing - admittedly something I know little about, but very doable.

Ya I figured this was possible. I also thought of maybe another burning house thing (It DID get hit by the beam) but ehh not sure what to do with it yet. The original idea would be more workable.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 3) Changing H-Bomb is an interesting project because it requires many different methods. Changing the spell name, power, effects, animation, etc. is as simple as editing the spell in FF3usME. Making new animations is difficult because it requires writing new animation scripts, but cobbling together existing animations and palettes into something different-looking is rather simple.
Changing the Slot reels requires decompressing some graphics and editing them with YY-CHR. Again, doable.

I know how to change magic animations to a point. So I would start with that. Again can of an extra idea.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 4) Changing Celes' natural magic is easily done with FF3usME. Learning spells via event doesn't happen in the original game, but I believe there exists some unused event code for it. I might remember incorrectly, in which case it would require writing new event code in addition to editing event scripts.

5) Again, simple map and/or event editing.

I know the level method. I mentioned learning by event to make it more logical. Can always do that later, I mostly note down what I was gonna do.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 2) (What's with this Star Wars-esque numbering?) Adding Summon can be done with FF3usME and there are patches that fixes the Summon command to work properly. It lets you summon the equipped Esper as many times as you like, that's it. Anything beyond that requires major code rewrites.

I have refs linked here so I know of how to do this a little.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 3) Adding new spells is possible thanks to B-Run's MMMagic hack. It allows 10 new spells to be added to each character's spell list. There are some unused/dummied spells in the game, you can edit these new spells with FF3usME and assign them to characters with B-Run's patch. However, for something like Valor (Aura is a spell from FFVIII), you would need to hack some code.

Yes I remember seeing the topic. I browse often to figure out how to do things. I made the mistake of calling Valor Aura. So thanks for that. That would be the idea I would use though.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: 4) I'm not sure you can start playing a song from the middle. You could edit a song and cut out some parts, and replace the battle music with that. Editing FFVI's music is pretty complicated and there are no editors for this. You have to learn the format and do it all by hand.

I do know hex coding using the song guide data I could change the pointer of the song time or something. Or just replace the whole song which might be easier.

(02-01-2017, 02:32 PM)seibaby Wrote: In all, all these changes requires A LOT of different skills. If you don't know 65816 assembly programming, or the SPC music format, or general romhacking knowledge, be prepared to spend a year or two learning the ropes.

Forever for me probably. Takes a long time it seems for me. I'm a slow learner like Ultros but I don't eat fast.

Thanks for replying. Was helpful. The main thing I am concerned of is editing the event sprites for Cyans Dream to be girls instead of boys. So I can do Magus Sisters. That is being the hardest thing for me to do. I have the data of it but I can't find it in the code. Or know what to do with it.

I could do the rest on my own. If a patch were available to change them even to one sprite that would be fine. I originally wanted them to be 3 sprites like he did but the same one would be fine. Trying to figure this out is the hardest thing I've done and so far been unable to make any progress.

Note: I do know girls data. I also know I can change the palette used by hex.

I suppose I can put it on the side for now and just do the others and what I can though.

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Don't get discouraged, we all start out somewhere. When I started out I kept adding stuff to my "wish list" that I thought couldn't be done, but as the years went by I learned more and more. One day I found that old list and noticed that I had already done most of it, and more. Smile

There are lots of resources for learning assembly on this site and on the net, so just go for it!

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(02-01-2017, 07:32 PM)RPGX_Omega Wrote: The main thing I am concerned of is editing the event sprites for Cyans Dream to be girls instead of boys. So I can do Magus Sisters. That is being the hardest thing for me to do. I have the data of it but I can't find it in the code. Or know what to do with it.

You should grab the event dump and event command document from Imzogelmo's site. There is also a better document made by Lockirby available here.

The event dump basically describe all the events of the game. An easy way to find an event is search for the beginning of a dialogue before the action you want to edit. The you look further down in the file for your specific event command(s).

I'm pretty sure those NPC sprites and palettes could be changed with FF6LE or Zone Doctor anyway, just go on the specific map and change them. You'll probably not event need to edit the event.
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