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Princess Zelda sprite, WIP, advice appreciated

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Here is a sprite I am creating for my Smash Bros hack, titled "Final Smash Bros." I've been working on it for a while, but I took a break about a year ago to let the game come out. Then DLC was announced, so I waited until final DLC was announced, which just happened. I am glad I did wait, because Cloud (Cyan) and Ryu (Sabin) can be in it!

The following is a Princess Zelda sprite. I took what already exists in Link to the Past, and tried to expand to some other poses. Some aren't too great, and a few poses I haven't even done yet but I'm the majority of the way through it. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! The shadows underneath her exist because they do in Zelda:LttP. I'm not married to the shadows, but since I'm using sprites for bosses/monsters/etc from different games, different styles are fine. She and Link could have shadows and no one else, and I'm great with that, and maybe down the line I remove them, no clue.

For the record, this and any other of my sprites anyone is free to use for any reason. I'm also not as good a spriter as some of you and I would take no offense if someone changed some/all of this and said "These poses looked like doodoo, so I fixed them for you", lol.

I'm also not entirely sure how some of you are exporting a 128 x 144 sheet, and this is a 128 x 128. I imagine I am missing a few poses. I did this in Relm editor, but exported out of FF3SE. I put the palette at the top like the spriter guide suggested. It uses Palette 0 as is, although the Triforce/tent shot could use a different color (I don't even like the triforce shot I did). I don't understand currently what colors in what palettes are shared with the map and the like and am scared to change anything.

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Not bad start..  just a touch of shading will make it more lively.  First things off though..  The last 4 colors are used by NPCS only and will glitch in battle unless you are using that expanded palette patch.  (Problem with patch is the extended load time accompanied when using skills like (morph) which is a deal breaker for me.  I would recommend a custom palette or lockes vanilla palette..  if you don't want to deal with that.  And isn't that palette 3 (kefkas)?

You should use imgur for posting pics and use the BBcode way to show the picture automatically.  You can use FFusME if you wanna upload the full sheet with riding and death.  

With the hand raising up rear end view..  i never understood the vanilla sprites so I always place the head behind the arms/hands now.  And to be honest, I never liked her side view in that game lol.. I would prolly change that...  But that's a personal preference.  

Keep at it man, even if it takes hours to finish..

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Looks pretty cool. I'm agreed on the shading though. The hair especially could use more definition to its shape.

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Thanks for the advice, I definitely have work to do. I was considering keeping it as close as possible to the original SNES sprites, but I agree the side animation is bad even in Link to the Past and that gives me a bad base to work with when creating the new poses like riding. I'm more in the mindset that I want something workable rather than perfect, THEN go back and fine tune it. there is also a bit of shading in LttP I haven't added over yet, but will do once I have every pose done.

I read that when changing the character palettes that you can mess with world map colors or something like that? Is there a list or guide on what palettes/colors one needs to never change for that to happen? I want to plan ahead so I don't get halfway through and have to abandon a ton of work on one or more characters. That would suck!

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Hmm character palettes that I wouldn't touch...  one is esper terra's because its used for a lot of sprites.  Save points, fires, etc.  Most importantly, very difficult to share due to the limitations (esper terra uses 2 different palettes one for overworld and battle)
Another palette I try to keep the same is cyan's, shadows, i believe palette 04 because it is shared by dogs, birds etc.
Of course there are ways around it by recoloring all those other ones if you feel the need, but hey..  spriting takes forever haha..  in the end its all on you if you are making every sprite custom to work around your colors.  I'll post a zelda version later if I have time using Locke's palette.

edit:  here is zelda on lockes palette..  Doesn't look the best but it works if u are already using his palette n trying to share.

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It's not a bad start, though there's a lot of improvement to be done. This is all I can give advice on right now.
* One of the things I figured out early with this spriting stuff is that you need to have some reference pictures of Zelda and use her LTTP sprites as a reference as well, but don't copy and paste them over Terra's sprites because they are really different from each other.
* Determine your pallete colors early, in fact this should be the first thing you should do. Use the video game sprite(the Zelda LTTP one to determine what your colors are going to be.
* Study other FF6 style sprites, like the ones of the original characters, especially females and how their hair looks in their forward facing and side facing sprites. Also look at FF6 characters that have dresses and how they move. Zelda in LTTP kind of reminds me of what Celes looked like in the opera scene in FF6. Also study them to understand the shading patterns.
* Try to find a base for the character you want to sprite. Terra or Celes are good bases for Zelda. Then look at the sprite you are basing Zelda off of and then start spriting the character.
* The side sprites need work, Zelda head looks rather bloated from the side, that needs to be fixed along with the hair. Look at Terra and Celes sprites from the side and the front, and base your spriting off of that.
* Make sure your sprites animations are consistent and smooth.

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