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Final Fantasy VI Blindfolded LLG

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Don't mix this up with the BNW BFG.  That is in another thread, very similar to this one.

I realized that I don't have a link to this challenge here, so I figured I'd make one (since I have this sub-forum here after all, and I guess I can consider this a personal project).  I won't update this thread every time a video is posted, but I'll probably update when I finish uploading the challenge.  I've already finished the challenge, so it's about when I finish uploading the videos at this point.

Link to challenge playlist:

Most of the rules for the challenge are explicitly mentioned in the description for the first video, which I'll repost here as well, I guess.

Quote:Watch the video with annotations on.  They will help me explain things.

This is a blindfolded LLG of Final Fantasy VI.  Don't mix this up with my other, similar series, which is a blindfolded playthrough of a ROMhack called Brave New World.  I'm not going to try and prove everything is legit, as that wouldn't work.  I saw one guy play Ocarina of Time with a bag on his head which clearly obscured his vision, and he played facing away from the TV, which was also clearly in view.  Many commenters still said things like "You could have used this complicated setup of mirrors to see the game", or "You could have cut a hole in the back of it".  I don't see any point in bothering, because it would lower the video quality substantially to show myself playing the game, similarly as it did for him.  I also have a feeling that most people who are going to believe me will do so based on the strategies I use, and anyone who doesn't want to believe me will disbelieve me based on any excuse they can think of.  So therefore, take me at my word or GTFO.  Or better yet, try it yourself following my instructions, and see for yourself that it's doable.  If you don't understand how I did a particular part, feel free to ask.  Sometimes it may really just be a stroke of luck though.

Now I will allow myself some specific moments to take the blindfold off:

-Save points:  This will give me some places to adjust my equipment with my eyes open.  This is mostly about the strategies that I use, not enduring tedium, and I don't want to have to memorize the positions of every item in my inventory, thanks.  I also get a convenient audio cue every time I reach one, they're not too far apart, but also not too close together, and I'll likely still have some areas to blindly use the menu.  The Overworld is not counted as a save point.  And no, if I fight Storm Dragon on the save point I do not get to leave my eyes open!  Tongue
-Dodging the Opera Rats: No.  Just no.  That's hard/luck reliant enough already.
-Flying the Airship:  There's simply not enough audial cues of what I'm doing to make this viable

If I realize I need to have my eyes open anywhere else, I'll make sure to note it promptly. Nope.

Oh, and I can finally record audio properly.  Aw yeah, I finally have the video quality that I wanted five years ago!!!  If only I could go back in time and tell myself how to do it properly.  XD  As a side effect, I also figured out how to get better audio from my headphones.

Note that video quality improves in Cyan's Dream in the WoR, and audio commentary starts after just a couple episodes.

Confused Moogles FTW

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I'm thinking this could have its own playlist in the video player of the forum once completed since it involves LLG stategies and since there's commentaries.

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That would be pretty cool! I could also upload another (unlisted on YouTube) series with some of the "fat" trimmed if you think that would be better to host. In particular, if the focus is on the LLG strats I could make a second playlist with just the boss fights (and perhaps some other noteworthy parts, like the battle of Narshe).

Confused Moogles FTW

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(01-29-2016, 11:47 PM)Lockirby2 Wrote: I could also upload another (unlisted on YouTube) series with some of the "fat" trimmed if you think that would be better to host.  In particular, if the focus is on the LLG strats I could make a second playlist with just the boss fights (and perhaps some other noteworthy parts, like the battle of Narshe).

That is a great idea. I think maybe all the boss fight and mandatory battles could probably be in one long video that could be sort of a recap of the playlist, unless each boss alone take more than 30 minutes in average. A 6 hour video would be a bit pushed too far... In that event a second playlist would be fine.

Just an idea, you could also remove the original audio tracks and make a special commentary session for the boss compilation with like a guest. It would be like describing a sport game!

I think hosting the original playlist as it is for a start is fine, but the boss compilation idea is definitely an added value to the thing, maybe there could be a possibility though to add audio commentaries to the first video that doesn't have any? Also, you would lose all your YT annotation unless you redo them with a video editor if they are necessary.

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The annotations aren't really necessary in addition to the commentary. I never originally intended to do commentary (Stann from ID convinced me otherwise), so the annotations were originally intended to be a source of information for the watcher to know what I was thinking. However, when I started doing commentary they sort of morphed into a mocking of whatever I said on camera, which is cool but not exactly necessary.

The idea of removing the audio and doing commentary afterwards - probably with some decent background music - sounds cool to me. If I'm going to do it that way I may want to make a second version with the original commentary, because it gives a better window into what I'm thinking, so I can see some people preferring that.

I know YouTube has Audioswap. Maybe it has the functionality to switch the audio to my own recorded commentary?

Note that all of this will be a long way off by necessity. If I upload a video every single day, it will still take me two months to defeat the backlog here.

Confused Moogles FTW

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(01-30-2016, 10:43 AM)Lockirby2 Wrote: Note that all of this will be a long way off by necessity.  If I upload a video every single day, it will still take me two months to defeat the backlog here.

In this case I'd be willing to start hosting the videos, unless you're planning to add commentaries to the first few that doesn't have any, in this case I'll wait.

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If I do that it will be after I finish the series probably. Might as well get the meat of it out of the way before I start polishing the details. Thanks man! Smile

Confused Moogles FTW

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