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Pony Fantasy VI Remake

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(03-28-2016, 02:14 PM)DrakeyC Wrote: I believe this is a tileset issue.

It's probably a tilemap issue rather than a tileset one. It can be fixed with ZoneDoctor (and FF6LE). How won't suggest how to fix it because I haven't edited maps for ages, but maybe it is a layer 2 priority tile in the place of a layer 1 one or vice versa. Unless you pulled off a Kuga's curse on the map by modifying the event...

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Nope, I went back and checked a back-up from before I started tinkering with events. Same issue. If it is a tileset or tilemap, etc, issue, it's in Rydel's hands, not mine. I've let him know.

On the upside, once the initial hurdles with Locke's flashback were overcome, the event editing has been going very well. Once my bonus boss is in all I have left to do is make a fairly simply tweak to Shadow's ending, and it should be done. And that I'll be ready to play through again and test all the new changes. My only concern now is if the Gogo magic stuff to give Umaro magic works, but I guess I'll find out.

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I've taken a look at the map and compared it to an unmodified rom.  Nothing in that tilemap is any different, so I'm not sure what's going on with it.

Can anything beside the physical properties in the tilemap affect the stairs like that?

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So this stair issue does not happen in the WoB? What about when the lights are off and the first trip through Owzer's Mansion? In the video it shows the issue after the whole Owzer's Mansion event is completed, so if the stairs are okay before this, then I'd guess something is off with that event trigger at the very top of the stairs that points to CB/4776. One of the 'if' check branches perhaps. I know you've done some work on your custom boss on that map, so maybe a mistake was made? Although it is weird how the character keeps on going diagonal, like a physical tile issue. But if it was, it'd be happening at all times.

(03-31-2016, 12:50 PM)Rydel Wrote: Can anything beside the physical properties in the tilemap affect the stairs like that?

Nothing I can think of, outside of the event command to replace a map layer tile with another. For instance if the top of the stairs tile layer was replaced with a different layer, but this can't be what's happening here. Besides that, the only thing I could think of would be a confliction or bug with one of the sprint patches if any were used, or the Fancy Walking patch if it was used as it has some known bug when going up stairs. But I don't think that patch was used here, so I'm still thinking it must be something with the event trigger at the top of the stairs right where this issue seems to be happening...though it is strange for an event (or lack of one) to cause anything like that so I'm not too sure actually.

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I can confirm it happens in the World of Balance as well, and in the World of Ruin before the Owzer event. The lights out "go away" event happens normally, though.

As for the work on my custom boss, I've been doing that on an entirely separate rom reserved for testing that. This rom, I tried from before I made any event changes at all, and it happened.

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In my testing, I found that the stairs in the South Figaro Relic shop do the same thing, so it has to be something with the Tileset.  I didn't touch the tileset, but a botched save with ZoneDoctor did mess up some data in other places, so it could be related to that.

Ugh - I hope I don't I don't have to redo all of the work for that part.

EDIT: With further work, I found is was a problem with my patch. I've recreated it, but am having a slight problem where FF6LE won't save changes anymore, but doesn't give any error. Any ideas as to what's up with that? Or how I can manually edit the Tileset information?

EDIT2: I seem to have found where it's stored, but there's control codes interspersed in it, making it hard to search for. Is there some good documentation of the tileset data?

Edit 3: For clarification, I have Evil Peer's data formatting information, but that doesn't quite match up. It lists 256 bytes for the top left corners, 256 bytes for the top right, 256 for the bottom left, then 256 for the bottom right. Since there's 256 tiles in each set, that implied that there's just be 1 byte each, but that not how it's layed out.

For instance, the top left corners of Tileset D are 0, 1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 46, 0, 6, 7, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
You would expect this to be 00 01 07 07 00 00 2E 00 06 07 2E 00 00 00 00 00
But it's actually 00 01 07 07 00 00 2E 00 F7 06 07 2E DA 17
I expect DA 17 somehow translate to "5 0s in a row," but what does the F7 mean?

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(04-02-2016, 08:56 AM)Rydel Wrote: EDIT: With further work, I found is was a problem with my patch.
What all does your patch do?

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It replaced some map graphics in the Imperial Camp and the ship in Albrook.

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(04-02-2016, 08:56 AM)Rydel Wrote: I expect DA 17 somehow translate to "5 0s in a row," but what does the F7 mean?

I'm not sure. I'd have to check FF6LE or ZoneDoctor source code to figure it out. However, tilesets are from $DE0000 to $DFB3D3, $DFB3FF if we consider unused space after (44 bytes). You could safely copy that block in a hex editor to revert all tilesets to their original state, given you did not modified any (on purpose). Tilesets are not identical in size so copying one would require looking at the pointers ($DFBA00 to $DFBAE3).

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The first try copying the data over failed, but by comparing the newer, working version of my changes to a rom with just the changes that broken it, I was able to move replace all of the differences manually. The stair glitch is no longer occurring with this.

Unfortunately, I still have the issue where FF6LE+ isn't saving changes, so I can't finish redoing the graphics except by hand. If I make changes, Save under the file menu, close the EDITING LEVELS window, then click LEVELS again, my changes are gone.

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