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Forum Update Bug Reports / Suggestions Thread

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I'm adding these to the list:

- If the post has a image signature you can't save after quick edit because the image overflow on save button (happend with high images).
- A long private conversation in shoutbox create a post fetching problem if conversation has more shouts than shoutbox maximum displayable shouts number.
- Fix the shoutbox archive page to not display as empty entries private shouts from others.
- Private messages not deleteable for certain users (or group?).

I won't have the time to tackle these before March 1st, same thing with the pending stuff in red in first post.

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With the quick edit, even one line signatures are on top of the save button, however, at least for me, if I hit enter while typing in the "reason for edit" text box, it will save.

Just FYI more than anything. Least I think thats one of the issues you had listed.

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(02-20-2016, 05:13 AM)Catone Wrote: With the quick edit, even one line signatures are on top of the save button, however, at least for me, if I hit enter while typing in the "reason for edit" text box, it will save.

This is not happening on desktop at least not for the same signature height. I'd have to check on mine though to make sure but what I'm describing is for signatures higher than ~100px. It's an auto-padding on post height to make more room for the edit button not happening because it is only made when the page load, I could make another padding call when pressing quick edit. But what is happening on your phone is basically the same but it's phone specific at the same time maybe because of proportions?

All that comes from my obsession of having the post container the same height as post_bit (left container where the avatar is). I shall succeed one day. However pressing enter triggering saving is normal behavior.

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I wouldn't put anything past my update-disabled phone, but what stands out to me is after it accepts the edit, it has to be refreshed (or sometimes it will do it on its own) before the signature gets pushed back down where it belongs. So... yeah only on page load it corrects so maybe the same concept just to different degrees.

Mobile Firefox shows up correctly with a short signature on quick edits so probably should ignore any issues on my default browser (hell it still shows everything stacked and right justified, no centering, no side by side boxes, makes it easy to read though.) I just thought it was odd that it was doing the same thing even on short signatures.

On side note, it does look and load better in Firefox than it did last time I checked so gotta be doing something good. Still can't make myself use firefox though.

Also seems the same thing happens on "quick reply", least the part about having to refresh before the new post has the signature pushed down. Not as big an issue as covering the accept button, but might be doing the same with large signatures on non-broke browsers as it does with quick edit... course mine is working just fine on quick edit this time.

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(02-20-2016, 12:11 PM)Catone Wrote: Mobile Firefox shows up correctly with a short signature on quick edits so probably should ignore any issues on my default browser (hell it still shows everything stacked and right justified, no centering, no side by side boxes, makes it easy to read though.)

All these are because your Chrome version is outdated, e.g. not fully supporting all CSS3 features.

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I fixed the quick edit bug when there's an image signature in the post but I somehow managed to break quick reply. When using quick reply, the post will appear on bottom of page (under quick reply form). More bugfixes tonight... *I suck*

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[post removed]

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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(03-08-2016, 07:41 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: [null]

Are you really expecting a "yes" to that?  Shrug

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@tenkarider: I knew there was a bug with search but did not knew what exactly. That is MyBB Team's fault and should be fixed in the 1.8.7 release. I receive those error by email and this was partially the reason I'v though someone was trying to hack the forum a few weeks ago. I guess I'll just remove the feature for now. I also removed the picture from your post for security reasons but you did the good thing of posting it.

Edit: Turns out what cause the bug was a checkbox, so I removed it for now. You can still use the search page.

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Thought for maybe something to implement... What about selectable post wallpapers? like each member can select a wallpaper/border box (like in-game) that would be the box for their post. It wouldn't be a free upload kinda deal, but rather a drop-down box. It would be easy enough to make some based on the standard FF6 borders, and we could use other custom ones as rewards or unlockables... It would be up to the poster to make sure their posts are ledgeable. But it would be neat to see several different post boxes in a thread. I don't know how hard that would be to implement, but it could feasibly take the place of setting themes for the entire site.

Edit: just to clarify, this wouldn't be per-post, it would be a user setting in their CP that would apply to all their posts.

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