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Forum Update Bug Reports / Suggestions Thread

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This thread is to report bug, styling/display problems and typos. You can also make suggestion on new, old or future features.

If you want to report something else other than a typo or contradictory information, please specify which browser you are using (IE bugs will be ignored, unless they appear in Firefox or Chrome as well). You can report stuff happening with Opera or other browsers, even mobile ones, but be aware that this theme was not designed with mobile devices in mind. A special theme will be installed for mobile devices soon.

So far, these have been found:

red = Next things to be done
green = Fixed
Yellow = Not sure if will fix
Violet = Coding pipe dream (for me at least) / needs alien technology to fix


1 - There is a problem with the pop up screen when giving a second post reputation on the same page (without refreshing the page).
2 - deleting one alert will hide all alerts in user CP, not deleting them though. You'll need to reclick on "alerts" to see them (minus the deleted one).
3 - Music Player: Song takes a bit more time to load on Firefox than Chrome. (Can't really be fixed)
4 - Messages on Profile page: Lame harcoded 500ms delay workaround to see message. (fixed original code, delay still there cause I don't have time to experiment)
5 - apparently, you can pm yourself 
6 - You can comment your own profile.
7- Wrong shoutbox image redirect (profile link)
8- Fix lengthy shouts
9- Allow Bio Regex to accept newlines and return carriage.
10 - Hide the warn button for non-mod users.
11 - Lower number of connection on the forum.
12 - Raise the speed for 1st connection (images compression, cache management).
13 - If the post has a image signature you can't save after quick edit because the image overflow on save button (happend with high images).
14 - A long private conversation in shoutbox create a post fetching problem if conversation has more shouts than shoutbox maximum displayable shouts number.
15 - Fix the shoutbox archive page to not display as empty entries private shouts from others.
16 - Private messages not deleteable for certain users (or group?).

Display/styling/misc future fixes

- Change "Links" title font size on Portal page.
- Add leet dude web page to links
- Find an better icon for the video player on Portal / Index pages.
- Change Gi Nattak email in forum team
- Fix empty profile containers if any, in case of no signature or guest.
- Random screenshot, remove underline on link.
- fix tag search textbox/button size;
- container for buddy modal screen (userCP)
- Complete Profile bio regex to allow certain smilies/MyCode and other special chars.
- Make custom fields regex less restrictive.
- Make chainsaw smilie animated
- Fix "get more smilies" pop up window
- Display more smilies choices (24 or 28)
- Fix "firstplace" group gif image
- Add empty line or/and white line between post and signature (if any)
- Remove the unwanted chicago font effect in select lists in Firefox.
- Fix Shoutbox Newbie warning colors (3 posts to shout)
- Display only one post per thread in "Activities".
- Put in action victory frog and kain smilies who were forgotten in initial update.
- Update the Portal random screenshot code.
- Add a description to forums not having one (index page).
- Center "FF6 hacking" in redirect page.
- Merge all images in grouped CSS sprites for faster loading. (not top priority)
- Enable Search engine Friendly URLs.
- Have post signature at bottom of post container if post content and signature are shorter than post user container.
- Remove Chicago font from thread page and try another font. (post links and other thread page links) (not top priority)


- Add a pm button on profile
- Add a link to tag search page somewhere
- Considered edit post as new posts (for activity feed).
- Make the music player and video player a member-only feature.

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Tenkarider's find (sometimes I have to wonder if he's got a nose for bugs or just uses some Jedi power to force them into being...) clicking on the avatar, in the shoutbox" goes to "/user-screenname" page. Pretty sure it should be going to the profile page. Will be a nice feature when pointed the way it should be.

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lol, it must be my perfectionist annoying attitude, which it reflects also in my bug finding skills Tongue
I hope that power will help me when it will be time to prevent bugs in my hack

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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(01-01-2016, 03:22 PM)catone Wrote: Tenkarider's find (sometimes I have to wonder if he's got a nose for bugs or just uses some Jedi power to force them into being...) clicking on the avatar, in the shoutbox" goes to "/user-screenname" page. Pretty sure it should be going to the profile page. Will be a nice feature when pointed the way it should be.

Obviously the plugin creator messed there. href="User-Madsiur" is nowhere close to any MyBB URL, should be href="member.php?action=profile&uid=2541" to actually go to profile. Either it is a placeholder for me to put whatever link (or profile link) or the guy who coded this was high on life (or on something else).

Thanks for using the bug thread, way better than calling out an issue in shoutbox that I could not see.

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Mac68 3000 Wrote:hey staff

the submit a new pm button is not showing up on people profiles anymore
Looked around, sure couldn't find a PM button on a profile. Doesn't show on "buddy" pages either. There is a setting about recieving PMs in the User CP but no effect I can tell. It seems it should show up at the bottom of the  profile  under "available options".

If we consider "missing" buttons as bugs, also seem to be missing the box for "reason for edit" input on the FULL edit page. Shows up on quick edit, just didn't see it on full edit, more FYI than anything.

And sure you can fix the load speed on Firefox being slower, just add a 12minute delay if being loaded to a chrome browser. Problem solve! Firefox no longer slower than chrome.... well, didn't say it was a good "fix" but it would handle THAT issue.

And I can comment on myself but not "warn" myself on a post? Would have been more fun if backwards. Not really a bad thing though. Could be used as a form of "reply" on a user comment wall.  Worst case consider it an option for the user to further customize their profile.

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(01-02-2016, 09:52 AM)catone Wrote: And sure you can fix the load speed on Firefox being slower, just add a 12minute delay if being loaded to a chrome browser. Problem solve!

I don't understand the issue or if the fix is a joke w/e.

I added you other points as suggestions.

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Yep, your correct that there is an edit reason on the full edit page. Goes back to viewing issue on mobiles and having my eyes half closed. Sorry for the bad report.

And yes, the Firefox/Chrome comment was ment as a joke. It WOULD fix the problem of one being slower than the other if you made both of them slow though.

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Site is (not that much) slow on first loading (3.6s), faster on subsequent ones (1.8s). I applied some optimization methods but right now what I'm missing is images optimization/compression (in process) and the use of a CDN for local resources (currently setting it up and waiting for GoDaddy).

I'm wondering if the 60 requests made to the server when opening portal page are the same thing as "conections" in GoDaddy terms (what were are limited to 50 at the same time) or does connections are database exclusive? This could maybe explain if the first case is true the max server load error if multiple people connect for the first time at the same time...

Either way I've done pretty much everything that was possible to reduce server load and most of the stuff that is not insanely time-consuming for optimization so I'll put the max server load browser error as fixed until someone report it (hopefully not) again.

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Ok, here's a big issue: i'm trying to delete old PMs and even if the site displays the message that says they have been deleted, when i go check the inbox they are still there!  Surprised

The same happens if i try to move them in the trash can! 
What makes it worse is the fact i'm over 90% of maximum # of PMs i can hold, so i'll quickly run out of space... help!!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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I have a similar issue! My alerts won't go away after I read and/or delete them: a box pops up saying "This can't be undone" but it doesn't remove them when I click accept. Sometimes it alternates between 3 and 5 alerts, and also one of the alerts seems to be false (Madsiur commenting on the Warring Triad as NPCs (wip) thread)! Whoop!

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