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Airship Falcon: Expanded

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Airship Expanded Download

There it is. Complete'ish, well enough so that I need a break before I even think about working out any kinks.

This isn't a full game hack, nothing ground breaking or earth shaking. It just expands the Falcon (The airship in the World of Ruin...) and lets you recruit a few people/things... adds quest? Maybe? Eh, you decide what to call it. Here's what it is:
  • Magitek Armor - Equipable from the Airship
  • 4 suits of Magitek Armor to collect from around the world.
  • 4 NPC's from around the world to recruit for various jobs on the Airship.
  • A small quest to get Setzer a girlfriend.
  • Interceptor shows himself on the airship.
  • The Falcon interior is a little bigger overall.
  • A Chocobo to ride from the airship.
  • An Imp Robot as a guest character.

It's not much, I admit, but it is kinda fun to play with.

This patch includes:
  • Madsiur's FF6LE Rogue+ expanded NPC's and Map Data patch.
  • HatZen08's "Guest Adder" Patch.
  • Alot of ideas obtained from the member's of this forum.
  • Sprint with B button (requires further explaining).
  • My Auction House Rewrite Patch

This is intended for a headered, v1.0 Rom

In the zip is a save file, the first save slot is ready for testing/recruiting everything/everybody. The second save slot is post recruiting. It also includes my notes for what ever reason, and two txt documents. "Check list" is a list of everything you can recruit. "Guide (spoiler)" includes better directions of exactly where the stuff is. Everything is placed where it could be found during normal play, if your looking, but its not all just sitting there in the open.
On another note, all the bits I repurposed for use in this project are set how they need to be with the other bits that get set for the WoR. Meaning a save other than the one included that does not start before the opening of the Solitary Island event with Celes waking up will have no telling what parts of this set or not set. Just fyi.
Its not perfect, by any means, but as far as I've tested it all "works". These things being:
  • The Chocobo ride only shows a shadow until you dismount (I got no clue, everything works, it rides, it dismounts, it just won't draw the damn bird).
  • M-tek in battle glitches (I've fixed the formations I could fix without effecting the rest of the game. There are a few others I will probably try and adjust to make it a little cleaner but I'm not keen on screwing the whole game around for a joy ride in armor)
  • The scene where Celes is "imprisoned" post opera, takes place is the "Blackjack, backroom" This room is now part of the Falcon. This change shouldn't bother the Celes' prison room event, it's just kinda odd that the room is no longer part of the Blackjack except for that event. Yeah, I need to go back and move that first part where Locke boards the ship to another room, but I haven't done it yet.

As for the Sprint with B button thing, I needed an item for the guest Imp and decided to use Sprint Shoes. I removed all instances I could find, so you can only get the item when you get the Imp. To replace the shoes, I used a modified version of the Dash patch from Master Zed's page. Yes, I'm kinda proud to have come up with these three bytes, anyway it only replaces the check for Sprint Shoes with a check for the B button. I want to say it turns dash on all the time, then turns it off if the B button is not pressed, which took up no extra space, and left the anti-dash function intact. This vs the normal way of turn dash on if condition is met. Something like that anyway, its three freaking bytes and it let me repurpose the shoes!

Give it a try, only took me about 20-30 minutes or less to run through the recruiting in a test session. So it shouldn't waste to much time.

If you like it, great. If you don't like it, great. For what it's worth, I put this much of it together. Wouldn't say I'm overly proud of it, but it is what it is. Even though its not 100% finished, thanks everbody that suggested ideas, helped with info, answered questions, and all that jazz. Hopefully I'll knock out the kinks before to long, I just really need to do something that requires less thinking for a bit.

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
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  • Jeff (03-14-2015), madsiur (03-14-2015)

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You might recruit the barmaid who talks with Cyan and do a little discussion! Sweat

Something i'd like to take away from WoR?

1) That 4T weight left in the opera house above the dragon(why no one ever thought to toss it to him? How it managed to be sustained all that time from a frail wood platform, without break it?) well... it would be a nice trophy from an old victory against Ultros, and a favor to the impresario Laugh
PS. if i'm not wrong it's also a one time event... after you beat the dragon it's closed forever, right?

2) The skull monument of Umaro: doesn't he want it anymore?

3) dunno... i'm pretty sure there's something else left in the world.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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I personally like the chocobo and imp ideas since I had similar ideas myself

the problem with having 4 magitek armors in battle will make them show up funny and messed up (not 100% sure if its all formations or not but I know it is for most of them), unless you find a way to fix this I don't think it'll work (unless you don't mind messed up graphics)

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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How about getting the barmaid from South Figaro or Nikeah?

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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good ideas catone!

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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Yep, the imp guest idea is definatly thanks to Poco. Just to damn good an idea to pass up. Much better than a bellhop that I was thinking of. LOL

Wasn't the girl in Nikeah the one that got Cyan all flustered?
There's also some dancers in Albrook, but are they still there in the WoR? Needs to be one from an empty pub somewhere, need to have a reason to quit their job or lack of due to the end of the world.
I also just noticed the lack of women in the Colosseum... I mean really? Not one cutie to flirt with the winners?

The weight from the opera, being an NPC makes it an easy trophy. Same with Umaro's totem. I like it. Also leaves me to wonder, what ever happen to Gau's overly shiny diving helmet?

As for the bugs with magitek armor, and other issues, what I'm planning is to set up the airship, crew, trophies, and armor as one patch. Then another add on for imp, chocobo, magitek use each independently. That way it leaves open to take the base expansion, then add to it as desired. Also would allow for addressing any issues with implementation one feature at a time. Least it sounds like a good plan to me...

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
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  • Robo Jesus (01-11-2018)

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smart idea go for it man

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Yes, it's the same of Nikeah, besides your requirements keeps to match perfectly with her: the pub is a miserable ~8x8 square with almost no one(after the bandits of Gerad leave, it returns to be a lonely place) and only her as dancer.

There are 2 nice options to me:
1) Gerard stole her heart, he left and will never return again, but she wants to see him again. In that moment you couldn't command Edgar... As soon as you get the Falcon then you can return to her with Edgar in the party and tell her the truth, then she'll follow Edgar and go inside Falcon... the next queen of Figaro? Smile
PS. you can theorically return with Edgar before getting Falcon... in the case she can temporally stay in Figaro Castle, until you get Falcon!

2) Similar story, but with Cyan: after you finish the Wrexsoul quest(and so his heart is set free), then if you return with Cyan to her, you restart the discussion done when you were in Sabin's scenario, but this time the conversation evolves into a serious thing(a relationship) and so she follows you. A first step to Doma's realm rebirth? Sweat
PS. this can happen only after you have the Falcon, so no problem... still you might make this happen only if you started the original discussion with her in WoB.

Even Better: if you talk with her in WoB, then her heart will belong to Cyan, else it will belong to Edgar... in this way it won't be a missable, the player will be able to choose his mate and you'll create an unexpected competition among Edgar and Cyan! Smile Laugh Sweat

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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I really like these ideas where the NPC's stories get followed up. Things like Cid or Nikeah's dancer helping out on the airship, they remind me of Breath of Fire 2 where you have to travel the world to find people who will populate your town.
Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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idea reminds me of skies of arcadia tbh sounds great u the man catone

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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