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Magitek Armor equipable from airship

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An idea that I've thought of many times but never invested in time in, adding a way to equip Magitek armor from the airship.

I mean come on, as many of them are floating around nobody ever thought stealing a couple suits? Why? Better question would be why not. Think of it like the chocobo stable in the airship of FF7. Actually, adding a chocobo to the airship might be the next project.

The question is what and how. An event to add it to the airship (in WoB just swing by the old Doma desert base and steal them, WoR maybe find broke suit and quest with Cid, only if alive, to repair). Would also need someway of removing them in the field for events or places they would fit, an item maybe? Not sure what other issues would need to be planned for.

Would it screw game balance up? Probably but thats beside the point, am I the only one who ever thought of doing this?

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It would be rather easy if you are fluent in event editing, you'd just have an event that equips either all, or if you use a character specific event command, check who's in the current party put that Magitek status on them.

For the Imperial Base idea, it becomes closed obviously early on, to open it back up you would have to edit the overworld exit event (or bit), which is easy, & change a bunch of stuff in the entrance event, and add an event related exit(s) but that would be cool, wouldn't make much since that they would abandon their multi million dollar technology and all that but hey, it is what it is - maybe you could add some more guards floating around there or what not.

I think another good place for this would be the WoR in S.Fig with that suit just laying there. There are bound to be some kinda bugs with having M.tek suits equipped during some events but it is a cool idea.

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Forgot to say I'd be happy to help you with the event commands and what not if need be, should you take this on. =)

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How could I forget about South Figaro... that is THE suit I always wondered why I couldn't steal! As far as Doma base goes, yeah I forgot that was very temporary, the idea behind it was, its actually not uncommon for a large military to leave behind heavy stuff due to the cost of shipping home used equipment vs buying it new or upgraded, however, at that time they were moving to Narsh next so by the story anything there would probably have went after the esper.

Regardless, after some flying around, I think focusing on the WoR would be the best idea. By the time your free to collect things like this in the WoB its really to late to play with it, it would need to be disabled for the Floating Continent and the whole end of the world thing really shortens its life span. So, WoR it is.

As far as equipping it, I'm not sure how practical it would be, but would it be possible to have a counter for how many suits you've collected and set the flag for the character doing the talking only? Maybe a dialog menu? Other option would be to collect suits from around the world, claim them as broke until you have a full party worth, then equip all. Not sure on the limitations there. As for removing the flag, no reason to horse around with anything short of remove all regardless of the equip method.

The reason I bring it up, there's one suit in South Figaro, so thats a given, the rest?
Jidoor Auction House? (They sell all that other crap, and if you really wanted to get fancy, could add an event where the willy wonka kid's momma puts a stop to that 1mil bid and "Don't tell Momma" line.)
Zozo? (Black market style?)
Thamasa? (Scrap left over from the Leo slaughter)
Narsh? (Plenty of excuses to have one somewhere here)
Doma? (The castle, maybe one broke down or just got lost, Kefka WAS in charge at the time)

Idealy there would be five total (for a full party) and they'd be in logically/easily explainable places. If its possible to enable one at a time for use, great, if not, just have to wait till there's a set.

Recruit a living Cid (To work the dialog, also explains maintenance. Available after first suit is found. Would kinda add a requirement for the whole "quest". Also opens the door to something else I've wanted to see, recruitment of a crew for the Falcon... Suikoden IV style... maybe)

Renovate the Falcon for a Cargo bay (If possible, but not required. Maybe merge Falcon and Blackjack lower floors, is it possible to have variable exits to a room based on an event? Besides, how's a hotshot gambler supposed to get all those pink slips and phat loot home without a cargo bay anyway?)

As far as having it equiped screwing with events, would it be possible to make a generic JSR (pretty sure that's right) to remove it, that could be added to problematic events? Eh, something generic and manageable to add without major rewrites on everything?(Granted some cases the player would just have to work around, maybe.)

On that same note, ideally there would be a way to remove the suits in the field. As for story, how'd they get back to the ship? We recruited a "go-fer", push the button, work the whisperweed, yell really loud, etc., and the go-fer goes out and gets them. *shrug* It might even make more sense to just to have it as a relic to equip/remove as needed, that would change the command in battle I think, and be a way to remove them as needed. Problem there is I would rather not have them equipable from anywhere, just the ship, and could it put the PC as riding? That would be half the fun of it, stomping around in a tank. With that brings up another issue, if it's possible to set it as a mount, not just in battle, and you equip them from the airship, how do you get off the airship? Is there a way to set a temp disabled mode while on that map without turning the whole thing off?

That turned into a really big project, really fast, with tons of questions. It by no means has to be that freaking big but it would really be something to see, guess I won't have to worry about what to work on next because I've got alot of reading to do, and then...

I'm really open to ideas, advice, suggestions, moral support, free whiskey, or maybe a few good shots to the back of the head with a stick for snowballing a really simple idea. Any of those would be great.

And I must apologize for the wall of text, I ramble way to much.

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I like your project idea Wink
About Magitek armors i'd suggest you to place only 4 armors in the game, which are enough for a party anyway...
The best are the ones in good conditions(which would require just some fix from Cid, after all he doesn't have anymore a magitek lab, it's not like he did a 100% manual work, i believe...)

1) South Figaro is perfect;
2) Jidoor is nice and gives to high prizes a meaning;
3) In Narshe you can place it where Tritoch was at the beginning, the one used from Terra, to be more precise... it should still be in good conditions, since Terra didn't have even a scratch;
4) Zozo could definively hide an armor in a black market Tongue

The only thing i wonder is... do you/anyone know how to make show in battle only the ones affected from Magitek status, on a magitek armor? What?!

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would it be possible to have a counter for how many suits you've collected and set the flag for the character doing the talking only?

It is, you would need to use event bits and then do a few checks at the start of the event. For it to be character specific, a caseword would need to be called, something like this:

DE Load CaseWord with the characters in the currently active party?
BE If character $03 (SHADOW) is in the current CaseWord, call subroutine $CAD9FC

There are some other casewords that can be used as well:

E1 Load CaseWord with characters who are collected (excludes Veldt-jumped Gau)
E3 Load CaseWord with available characters?
(there's a bunch more caseword related commands, but these are the most practical for said event)

You would probably want to load a character specific caseword, and then follow it with a C0 bit check, apply the status & vehicle, then set the bit. And you would have to do one for every character. When all is said and done, it would check if the character is in the current party, then check if a bit has been set as to either move on with the code to the next character/check, or if the bit is clear, set the Magitek Status on the character. It would get a little tedious with the jumps and checks, but it's highly doable. You could then have an option to clear the bit if need be, it would be the same coding procedure, just opposite where it removes the status.

Idealy there would be five total (for a full party)

But there is only 4 playable characters at a time though... perhaps I'm misunderstanding lol.

is it possible to have variable exits to a room based on an event?

You betcha, you can use event triggers as exits, and set up a check that will exit you (load another map rather) to different places depending on which bit(s) are set.

would it be possible to make a generic JSR (pretty sure that's right) to remove it, that could be added to problematic events? Eh, something generic and manageable to add without major rewrites on everything?

Thankfully there is no assembly needed for event editing, but yeah if some event(s) proved problematic with the suits, you could run a check that jumps to a subroutine & removes the status, or possibly something more elaborate. Actually, something could be done via assembly, like a custom command created that does exactly what you want, but that is out of the range of my knowledge.

As for story, how'd they get back to the ship? We recruited a "go-fer", push the button, work the whisperweed, yell really loud, etc., and the go-fer goes out and gets them. *shrug*

RPG logic indicates that things don't have to make since sometimes lol.

and could it put the PC as riding?

You mean on the map, have the Suit on? If so that's done via event as well:
for map: 44 Place character $00 (Actor in stot 0) on vehicle $40 (Magitek Armor)
for battle: 89 Inflict the following status ailments on character $00 (Actor in stot 0): M-Tek

With that brings up another issue, if it's possible to set it as a mount, not just in battle, and you equip them from the airship, how do you get off the airship? Is there a way to set a temp disabled mode while on that map without turning the whole thing off?

Because the big ol' suit can't go up the stairs you mean? Yeah that would present a problem lol. Only thing I could think of would be to set up something in the entrance event for the map(s) that would remove the vehicle status, then the next map that you exit to (airship deck) would re-apply it in it's entrance event, and you would need to run a check or possibly 4 depending on how many characters have it equipped, so it would re-add the status and vehicle if you had them equipped.

There's probably a few possible ways to implement this idea, and I think that having an item to add/remove the status to a character would be a good idea, but it would require assembly. Event is cool though also, and much easier if you don't know assembly or can't find someone to do it for ya. Cargo bay exit sounds like a good option, like maybe an elevator lol, brings you to the deck. Maybe not that, but something with a cargo bay and special exit etc.

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5 characters... wth... I took a break and played FF1 wonderswan to the end(first time since back when ToysRus carried NES). Then I played FFV gba to end finally. Then played FF IV complete (PSP, original, interlude, then TAY). Which explains the five toon comment, the forgeting things, the whisperweed, and SOME of those other weird remarks.

Back on topic, since there would only be four needed... yeah, those are definatly the most obvious places to find a suit laying around. And don't you watch movies? Post apocalyptic events almost always grant experts superhuman abilities to fabricate things without the need for advanced machinery, assembly lines, factories, extra workers, or power using nothing but their teeth. He's just that damn good. Least thats the story I was thinkig of anyway. Come on he built an ocean ready raft once, why not repair a highly advanced suit of mass destruction using parts from and old ink pen and some chewing gum?

I'm liking the idea for an elevator/cargo lift. Still leaves to question how you'd fly while in the suit, but temporary disable to get through the ship sounds a little out of the way for a simple issue. If going the temp disable mount route, technically would need to disable till landing. Actually, could that same check at the exit work in regards to the entrance and exit of the airship map? Exit through dialog at the wheel, but how does the entrance work? An exit through a cargo bay door would be cleaner all around but wouldnt that require landing before you exited? Nothing wrong with aerial insertion and all but who's gonna land the ship after you jump out the cargo door? Without rewriting the whole airship routine to work like when the blackjack gets molested by espers and you have to use the front door is it possible? Not to mention the pain of having to walk to the door every time you land.
What about making the cargo bay door work like the wheel on deck? "Exit" through the bay, be taken back to flying control till landed, re-entering the ship would work as normal if, or even without, a check to disable while on the airship mount. A lift from bay to deck would cover that issue too.

Next, for character like Gau, Umaro, and to a lesser extent Gogo. Disable for them entirely? Have Magitek overide Rage as well? Umaro, unless replaced, there's just no excusses to put in a mech. Gogo COULD raise some problems maybe if deliberatly trying to break it. Gau is a question, no reason he couldnt work one. Personally I'm a fan of placing Rage/Leap in the same slot and giving him a Fight command but without that... would it be best to not allow at all or try for changing Rage to MTek?

I think that covers it all for the moment except where to start. I'm leaning toward airship reworking since thats where everything is going. My mind would have a little trouble writing an event to send something to a place that dont exsist yet anyway.
Does anybody happen to recall an event that uses a check to determine where an exit goes based on a set bit? Or some that checks to see if you have aquired the Falcon. Daryl's Tomb door maybe? Dont remember if it locks when complete or not. There are several bits cleared and set for Setzer's flashbacks but do they stay that way or am I over thinking this entirely and there's a bit directly related to "have falcon"?

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Two things:

1: One major issue that nobody has pointed out yet is that many of the moulds in battle are glitchy when you bring Magitek Armor to the fight. Giving the player access throughout the WoR would doubtless trigger some of the glitchy moulds. I don't know what you would want to do to fix it (and I don't have any ideas) but I figured I'd bring it up so that you have a heads up. I want to link you to a video, but I have to be out the door in two seconds, so...

2: Gau, Gogo and Umaro can be brought to the Magitek Armor portion of Cyan's Dream. Perhaps you could just see what vanilla does and go from there? It already has this problem sorted out, just perhaps not in the way that you want it to be fixed.

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I would like to know about that glitch. There has to be something to do about it to at least marginalize it.
Something I have to ask for the time being though, and this probably sounds like a really really stupid question, but whats the best way to go about map editing?
*Edit* Nevermind, it really was a stupid question. Note to self: stop keeping multiple copies of the exact same folder. Actually though, which is a better program? FF6LE or ZoneDoctor? or something I missed?

Regardless, a real question regarding Events. I've got the idea behind event editing, but if you make a new event how do you use it? What kind of limits are there for accessing a segment of code? Does it have to be in one cluster, can you jump to a line 200 offsets away then another line 200 in the other direction to form one event?

Okay, what I'm looking for is a tutorial for creating new events. Haven't seen one, if I missed it forgive me, but a link would really rock.

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The only way to really marginalize it without doing some seriously unprecedented re-coding would be to make all the formations that the glitch occurs on, have less monsters, or use smaller monster sprites. I'm pretty sure that's when that glitch occurs, the armor needs to reserve some pixel space I guess is what it is.

ZoneDoctor is capable of event editing, without having to use a hex editor that is, but it is highly unstable with hacks that have changed a lot of stuff. It crashes more than a blind drunk Chinese motorist. It has some new map editing features I think also, but nothing really that makes me want to use it over the much more stable FFLE Rogue Version. I'm not sure when the last update was for Zone Doctor or how stable it might be these days, but when I tried it I couldn't use it at all without getting an error all the time. Plus, while the event editing feature is really nice to have, I could run circles around it with hex editing events, so no love lost there.

These event hacking tutorial vids by JCS are the best ones we have here to get up and running:

and then the all things event hacking thread lists most of the commands and what not, for after you get the hang of the process from the vids I suppose:

The best way to go about creating new events or splicing them together is to, yes, use a jump command (B2) You can jump to any bank in the ROM, including expanded data, and that's how you will have tons and tons of space to work with. Then, you can jump back to the original code, or usually just use an (FE) to return to previous code.

There should be some good event-related threads that may help as well (search 'event hack'), I remember this one had a lot of good info for example:

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