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A Final Farewell

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Obliviscence community,

Over the last two years I have come to love this community. It has been a place of personal and intellectual growth. And I have loved contributing to it in any way I could. The people here are amazing, and getting to know you all has been wonderful.

What started out as an attempt to untangle myself from the site temporarily to work on my marriage turned into a full-fledged immersion back into the site behind my wife's back. I have come to realize that gaming (among other things) can't have a place in my life any longer. They have too strong a pull on my heart and have caused me to compromise the things that matter most.

This, of course, means that Children of Vector will not be completed. I am, however, releasing my files to the public sans the story (at the request of the writer, my brother). I have dated copies of my work as well as annotations, sprites, coding, and research into FF6 that I think has potential to benefit the community. Of particular note are the changes to the disassembly notes in the "Documentation" folder, which also includes many of my own scripts as well and notes on custom abilities, menu manipulation, expanding spritesheets, and the OAM data. In the "sprites" section there are a couple unfinished sprite sheets worth looking at and a Daryl portrait some people might be interested in. I hope these resources become useful to someone else in the future.

I thank you all for the friendship and support over the years. And for my final farewell I want to, one last time, wish to you all...

Happy Hacking.

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Darn, first JCE and now you as well... Sad

You've been a great friend to me and others here as well. Your ASM skills and your willingness to contribute to the community will be missed. I've always enjoyed talking to you because your posts are always level-headed and thoughtful. Man, I was really surprised that you were leaving; even after reading the title of the PM you sent me none of the usual red lights went off in my head until I started reading it.

Thanks for sticking with us until now, and good luck to you in your future with your family.

Confused Moogles FTW

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Wow another sad news. You contribution has been really great and you were helping other. I wish you the best in your life!

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Ouch, even you? Sad

Probably i haven't seen even the 50% of your works about ff6 hacking, but i can surely say one thing: without your help, i'd never have been able to optimize at 100% my Czar hack... actually, since the AI patch took a while to being released i used your Titan EX rom, tracked down the code that changes the music and BG(comparing the rom with a fresh one in HxD) and copied it in my rom...

I'll give you credit about that, for sure Wink

You also helped me in other hex stuff, so thank you very much for your help to me and the others, i wish you the best in your life!!!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Damned, this is really Depressing, and so Shortly after JCE3000GT. You have certainly built quite the reputation here, its sad to see another great hacker go.


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God dammit Edrin, now you made me feel bad enough to try to complete CoV myself! If you're won't, then god dammit it might as well be me to do it!

If you ever feel useless, just remember that Umaro has an MP stat.

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I am pretty sad about this, but I knew it was coming... Still, it does get under my skin when a large awesome hack such as CoV comes into existence, just to be dropped once it has people very interested and excited. Crimson Echoes, anyone? Not as bad as that though mind you. But, in Edrin's case here I can understand due to him having to dangerously juggle time between hacking and his family, but it's still kind of like, what was the point of all that work then? Thankfully he did make his work public which is very cool of him.

A person should be able to have a hobby, like ROM hacking, but if it becomes an obsession and takes away from the more important things in life, then calling it quits is the best option.

But yeah this sucks! I already spoke with him about how I'm sorry to see him go and all that, so I will not do that here. Just know that he is truly gone and will never be coming back. =(

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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oh wow, this breaks my heart, I'm really sorry to see you go, and I would be honored to use some of your work for my projects and have a special place on a pedestal bro lol, but I truly wish you the best in the future with your family, its truly something I envy about you (and I am not in any way shape or form envious), but if I were in your shoes I would have done the exact same thing no question

I feel like I've lost another friend in my life Sad

I'll put you and your family in my prayers Aaron

God bless brother

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Bye dude,
You are doing the right thing. Best of luck in the future and in your marriage. Sometimes you have to focus on the most important things in life and I hope that everything works out. Best wishes to you.

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Wow. This is a real shame. I saw the thread for CoV, and that was what inspired me to come to this community for guidance on my own hack in the first place. The trailer was awe inspiring. Obviously you don't know me, but regardless you were obviously loved in this community, and for that I'm saddened I never got a chance to get to know you.
Take care of yourself, your family, and I hope you can find something less consuming but equally fulfilling to occupy your time with!

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