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Morph glitch?

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(05-05-2014, 04:02 PM)Madsiur Wrote: Then why are you asking?

I already said why I was asking o.o. Just eliminating anything off the wall for an off the wall issue.

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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The change takes place in C1, right before the imp check.

C1/2F99:    BDC02E      LDA $2EC0,X (Load status byte 4)
C1/2F9C:    2908        AND #$08    (is Morph set?)
C1/2F9E:    F015        BEQ $2FB5   (Branch if not)
C1/2FA0:    B96C7B      LDA $7B6C,Y (Load character battle graphic)
C1/2FA3:    C912        CMP #$12    (Is it already Esper Terra?)
C1/2FA5:    F03F        BEQ $2FE6   (Branch if it is)
C1/2FA7:    A912        LDA #$12    (else, load Esper Terra offset)
C1/2FA9:    996C7B      STA $7B6C,Y (store Esper Terra as new graphic)
C1/2FAC:    205731      JSR $3157   (find new sprite location)

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So I checked the code and everything was fine. I come to notice that the trance issue only occurs in the side boss battles and nowhere else. So something in the AI script is messing with the code... And I'm not sure why or how...

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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(05-09-2014, 05:23 PM)Royaken Wrote: So I checked the code and everything was fine. I come to notice that the trance issue only occurs in the side boss battles and nowhere else. So something in the AI script is messing with the code... And I'm not sure why or how...

Did you trace the code or just checked if it was the same while not playing the game? Also, it's probably not related to an AI script if it happens on every side boss battle.

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That's really really weird xD

Did you change something on all the side bosses or did you make use of one of the undecoded bytes, a special event (with a strange and unknown side effect) or something like that?

Does it only happen with the (old) moogle suit? I know you changed it but the game doesn't have the "turn to moogle" effect, it checks the ID of the armor, and if it's the correct one, then applies the moogle sprite. Maybe this has something to do with your issue... What were exactly the changes you made to it? those "hex changes" you mention on the first post.

If you haven't already, you should make use of the debugger, like Madsiur says Tongue

[Image: SvEf6Yh.png]

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(05-09-2014, 07:37 PM)Xenovant Wrote: That's really really weird xD

Did you change something on all the side bosses or did you make use of one of the undecoded bytes, a special event (with a strange and unknown side effect) or something like that?

Does it only happen with the (old) moogle suit? I know you changed it but the game doesn't have the "turn to moogle" effect, it checks the ID of the armor, and if it's the correct one, then applies the moogle sprite. Maybe this has something to do with your issue... What were exactly the changes you made to it? those "hex changes" you mention on the first post.

If you haven't already, you should make use of the debugger, like Madsiur says Tongue

It's not the moogle suit that it happens with. It's Morph. If I am in any other battle, aside form the few side boss battles I used it works just fine. They are simple "monster-in-a-box" battles. Yes Mad, I simply checked to see if the code was changed bcuz I did not think it would matter unless the code had changed. If it calls it everywhere else, why would it not call in just those battles?

EDIT: I'm also a moron when it comes to the debugger bcuz last time I used it to check for a simple "call palette" I corrupted my ROM. And I wouldn't know what to look for anyway :/

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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I was speaking of the combo "moogle suit+morph", not the moogle suit alone. Tongue

Well... there must be something in common, but right now I'm really lost if the morph code is ok xD

[Image: SvEf6Yh.png]

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(05-09-2014, 07:59 PM)Xenovant Wrote: I was speaking of the combo "moogle suit+morph", not the moogle suit alone. Tongue

Well... there must be something in common, but right now I'm really lost if the morph code is ok xD

Ah. I see. Well for the moogle code All I did was change the load sprite to load Leo instead of Moogle. That being said, I am not using them at the same time xD.

[Image: 5452812CeqVF.png]
[Image: RoyakenGif_zpsacedef24.gif]

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