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Xenovant Wrote:Haha Tongue

Well... my last Final Fantasy is and will always be, FFIX, so I can't give an opinion Tongue

I totally Understand I found XI and XII Exceedingly boring, XIII Was Okay, XIV Bored me as well, so I guess I'm not Expecting much out of XV Either.



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I've been debating even posting again because my opinions are so polarizing but I think I have to now.

FF1-FF6 each almost perfect with only minor annoyances, overall would not change a thing.

FF7 is and was more of a gimmick. Square only cared about graphics/3D versus actually designing a game that was not only fun to play but engaging. I found FF7 to be boring and mostly cumbersome. I never liked the 3D polygon movement in gaming in the mid/late-90's to early 00's. FF7 doesn't deserve an HD remake, it is a shame that so many people are asking for one over a real HD remake of say FF5 or FF6. It is a shame really because FF5 and FF6 were SO DAMN GOOD. And I'm not talking about a crummy 3D remake like FF3 & FF4 got on the DS. Those are horrendous minus the music and story.

FF8. Thankfully I thought they did us players a good service on FF8 by perfecting the overall polish on a solid game engine followed by a really good story. I also enjoyed the different-than-normal magic system because it was something that was completely unique. The music was better than FF7, graphics were better, I cared much more for the characters, and on top of it all I have more fun playing FF8 versus FF7. The irony is the FF7 remake for the NES seems to be much more fun versus the PSX release. FF8, wow what a great story and excellent gameplay. My only complaint with this is the battles are all too damned easy. Triple Triad alone is worth buying the game for.

FF9 while has a great engine, really REALLY good music, and is good enough on the graphics I actually got sort of bored. I still to this day haven't managed to get past the first disc because I get bored to death.

FF10/10-2 is horrible. I hate almost everything about them except for some of the music. Thankfully...

...FF12 fixed all the issues I thought FF10 had and made a truly brilliant game. How no one can enjoy FF12 is beyond me. I still play and beat this game about once a year, my only complaint is I wish the International Version was released in North America with the new content.

FF13 blows, plain and simple. I don't even consider it a Final Fantasy game. Final Fantasy died with 6, got resurrected with FF12 then died again promptly afterwards. FF13 is an insult to adults and jRPG lovers alike. Too dumbed down and aimed for the wrong audience (younger audiences).

FF15 is setting up to be worse than FF13 in every category that matters. Who cares if the graphics are good, graphics are meaningless. I would play any of the Final Fantasy games after FF3j using NES graphics and sound and I would be perfectly happy. I just don't understand why companies have to change a winning formula. I believe half the issue is loss of personnel and the average age/attention span of gamers has been both significantly reduced.

Please understand I am not being derogatory or addressing anyone in particular. These are just my opinions. Cheers mates.

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I can't say I agree about FFIX, FFX and FFX-2. I found them to be fine.

As for XII I find it to be a pretty good game, just not a good Final Fantasy. It's game play is just too different from came before it. And the story is part of Final Fantasy Tactics and shares none of the defining elements of the earlier games.

XI & XIV should have been called Final Fantasy Online I & II like the spin-offs that they are.

I think we have the same opinion of XIII and XV.

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I felt at the time and still do that FF7 has a lot more going on than just the graphics upgrade, I fell in love immediately with the story and world more than anything, and the characters I cared about much more than say, FF8's. The Materia System was the best thing to happen to RPGs that I can remember since the ATB and kept the character customization fresh and enjoyable.

I also grew to really like FFX, but I have to put the horrible voice acting aside and pretend that Tidus is not as annoying as he really is to me in order to play it, as well as tough out the battle music and battle structure... and the Grid System... But the story in my opinion is fantastic and really was like some Twilight Zone stuff and has many epic mind-bending dream-like moments. It kept my interest the whole way through which FFV and FFIX failed to do for me.

FFVI nailed everything perfectly for me except the difficulty, and FFIV comes close lol.

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Well since we're going to turn this into a discussion of opinions towards the Main Final Fantasy series I might as well say all of my Overall opinions.

Final Fantasy I- The Original was too f**k**g Hard, but still an overall good game.

Final Fantasy II- I enjoyed the unique level system and actual pre-given names to the Characters. Final Fantasy II was actually the first Final Fantasy I played and it could just nostalgia talking but I FREAKIN' LOVE 2!

Final Fantasy III- Honestly didn't like the Job system for it and got Bored about a 1/4 through the game and just decided to quit. I might try III again someday but definitely not soon.

Final Fantasy IV- Wouldn't change anything about it.

Final Fantasy V- Utilizes Final Fantasy III's Job system and executes it Superbly; definitely one the hardest Final Fantasy games I have played.

Final Fantasy VI- Hmmm... Do I really need to say anything about this one?

Final Fantasy VII- While I do agree Final Fantasy VII isn't all that bad, that doesn't necessarily make a very good game. Like JCE3000GT said, its more of a gimmick than an actual Final Fantasy game; the only reason why I actually went back and completed the Game is to see what all the rage is about, and I honestly didn't see it.

Final Fantasy VIII- Ugh. I don't have much to say about this game because I just found this game to be too much of a pain to play through.

Final Fantasy IX- I do agree with JCE3000GT, it did get pretty boring for me. But, I still like to play it because of its Classic Final Fantasy Feel to it.

Final Fantasy X- Never Liked it never will.

Final Fantasy X-2- Game-play wise better. Story wise, eh f**k NO! All you're doing is trying to get the annoying f**k back.

Final Fantasy XI- Too boring.

Final Fantasy XII- I can definitely see where You're getting at JCE, but.... Meh.

Final Fantasy XIII- Can't really say anything because I still have yet to finish it.

Final Fantasy XIV- Booooring!


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Since everybody else is giving their own opinions...

FF1: It's certainly a classic, and still loads of fun. It's more fun in a grindy way than in a strategic way, but I still like it.

FF2: I never bothered finishing this one, but that was mostly because my brother deleted my file twice. I'll blame the circumstances rather than the game. I'll probably get around to this one eventually.

FF3: I felt the battle system here was poorly designed, the story was boring, and the music was good (being merely *good* is not a compliment for FF Tongue). This is the only other one that I didn't finish. Admittedly, I've only played the DS version though.

FF4: This one is great! The first truly interesting story, and the introduction of the ATB battle system are great here. Some of the battle mechanics seem a bit clunky now, but I can't really blame them because this was the first game with the new system (Pretty much everything they fixed in The After Years, which I thought was pretty good for the nostalgia, is spot on too).

FF5: While the story had great individual moments, the overarching plot was dull overall. However, the battle system makes up for it in spades, being one of the best in the series. The job system was great this time around, doing a lot of things right that FF3 didn't.

FF6: I'll refrain from talking here, for obvious reasons.

FF7: While FF7 isn't my favorite Final Fantasy and I don't feel the hype entirely, I still think it's a good game. I'll be honest, while it does have flaws, it never felt gimmicky to me in any way shape or form. I'll admit that the graphics did feel a little like an experiment, but while playing I never felt like they were getting in the way of gameplay or story like many other games have fallen into the trap of. I also don't feel like the game was "about" the graphics either. Playing through in more recent years than my first playthrough, where I barely understood any of it, I've enjoyed the story quite a bit. Although I will say that Aeris' death is overhyped, there are other moments in the game which I found genuinely touching. And the gameplay is really solid too (I'll probably get around to doing a challenge in it eventually).

FF8: Meh. While there were some okay parts to the story, I found the majority of the characters to be annoying. That being said, that opinion is partly personal bias against romance stories, which I find pretty boring in general, and a large portion of the plot was centered around that. Going back and looking at the mechanics of most FF's tends to inspire me to want to play again, but with VIII it mostly just made me think, "Huh, it was really that broken all along?" That being said, I did enjoy the battle system the first time through. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't FF good.

FF9: While I've refrained from mentioning the music in most of the other entries to avoid repeating "This soundtrack is amazing" every time, this game game deserves a special mention for being probably my favorite soundtrack of all time. The story also kept me hooked and it is one of my favorites if not my favorite in the series. FF9's battle system is nothing particularly special necessarily, but still solid. It's my second favorite FF game, which goes to show that sometimes playing an FF game later doesn't always mean it's not as good as the ones you have nostalgia for. Tongue

FF10: This is a strange game, but I like it for what it was. The battle system was inventive but not really balanced between characters. The voice acting was bad, but not embarrassingly so IMO, and the overarching story was very interesting. It's worth playing again some day.

Anything later than that in the main series I haven't played. I'm not a fan of MMO's, because I prefer games that end. I'll get around to 12 one day.

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eh I might as well jump in the mix too

although this sorta thing should be its own thread lol

FF1 (NES) - played very little of it when I was young, but it was cool

FF2 (NES) - same as FF1 (NES)

FF3 (NES) - I liked the music a lot and it was cool although I never finished it

FF4 (SNES/PSP) - I did like 4 although I feel it wasn't as great as everyone seems, don't get me wrong this is most def among my top 5, but its far from my favorite, the psp remake was cool and I felt refreshed to replay it but I never played the DS version nor do I plan to

FF5 (SNES/PSone) - I thought 5 was ok, nothing too great, as stated by Lockirby2 it had great story moments but overall was dull, and freakin' ExDeath? really? I always thought he looked weird, and then when I found out he was a freakin tree I was like "done" lol sorry but he was lame

FF6 (SNES/PSone) - My all time favorite, although there were obvious things I didn't like, overall it was and still is the best Final Fantasy game to me (I have not played the advanced version, just because I haven't no real other reason)

FF7 - 7 was cool, I liked it, I wasn't a crazy fanboy about it though, I just felt it was a cool game thats all

FF8 - I pretty much feel slightly less so about 8 then I do 7, I mean it was cool and everything, I never beat it though, but I got close, I do plan on going back to it someday

FF9 - I have never played 9 at all lol

FF10 - I did like 10 a lot, it wasn't the best final fantasy but it was the last final fantasy that was like a final fantasy and thats why I like it, maybe I'm being bias but I'm just being honest lol it could have been a lot better no doubt about it, but it was cool

FF10-2 - I didn't care for it really, I mean I did like it in the sense that some gaps were filled story-wise and how some things played out was cool, but thats all I really liked about it

FF11 - never played it never will (I can't play an mmo and call it final fantasy sorry)

FF12 - now here is where it gets tricky lol I do like 12, it is a fun game, its a great game, it had its flaws but showed tremendous potential, but to me, it didn't feel like a final fantasy game to me, it felt like a spinoff, much like the tactics games (which were cool and unique in their own rights but again not a traditional final fantasy), I still got love for the game, but its not the same for me

FF13 - I haven't finished the game, I got 13-2 and haven't gotten it and I might get lightning returns only for the sake of having all 3, I think its a pretty ok game, but thats it, the graphics are cool and thats it really lol, its not a final fantasy to me and I feel its dead, sorry just being honest

FF13-2 - I haven't played it yet but I own it

FF13-Lightning Returns - I might get it and if I do I'll play it eventually lol

FF14 - I haven't played it and I won't play it (same reasons as 11)

FF15 - I don't intend on playing this game, as many said it doesn't look original, I don't even want to imagine what they are going to do with the battle system, as a real die hard classic final fantasy fan I feel like final fantasy should just retire after this, your pushing the girl 2 hard and aren't giving her the right love

and thats my 2 cents lol

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Since everyone else is...

FF1: Only played the Dawn of Souls version to the finish. Enjoyed it well enough.

FF2: Never touched it.

FF3: Ditto.

FF4: I still run through this one once a year or so. It's the first Final Fantasy I played and still one of my favorites... though things start getting a little out of hand when you're sent to the freakin' moon.

FF5: Another one I really enjoyed even with its severely imbalanced classes and lack of character development. The class system is what really shines about this game, despite the aforementioned imbalances.

FF6: I'll refrain from commenting on this one for the same reasons Lockirby did.

FF7: Despite the clunky materia system and poor storytelling, it was decent enough. Can't say I really liked any of the characters, either... which makes me wonder what exactly I do like about this game.

FF8: Ugh. I trudged my way through crappy characters, a horrible story, and the abysmal junction system only to finally put this game down for well over a year after the sickeningly awful orphanage scene. I did pick it back up and force myself to finish it out of sheer stubbornness. Luckily, it's absurdly easy, so it wasn't much of a chore aside from the fact that it's just a terrible, awful, no good, very bad game.

FF9: I enjoyed what I played, but I put it down after disc 3 for some reason. This is one I keep meaning to go back to and finish.

FF10: In general, terrible voice acting doesn't bother me too much, so I was able to set that aside and thoroughly enjoy this one. It has what is probably my favorite FF battle system, and I really like the sphere grid, even though it eventually suffers the same issues so many other FFs do - all the characters end up more or less the same toward the end. That said, none of the characters really stood out to me, and the story was decent, but nothing special. I've not played much of FF10-2, but from what I have played I think I'll enjoy the class system (despite the stupid terminology) and not much else about it.

FF11: Never played it.

FF12: The reason FF8 is only the runner-up for worst main series FF game. There was literally nothing about this game that I enjoyed. The characters were bland and uninteresting and the gameplay is virtually non-existent, but both of those pale in comparison to the utter disaster that is the license grid. I didn't play enough of the game to comment on the story, so I'll end it there. Despite my abhorrence of this game, it's another one I intend to go back and finish at some point, just to see if I can glean what people seem to like about it so much.

FF13: I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. Dull story, dull characters, and a battle system that had promise in theory but was poorly-executed. FF13-2 is slightly better in that regard, though it was a really weird story (time travel) and the cast remains dull. I've not yet played much of LR, so I can't comment much on it.

FF14: I actually quite enjoyed this one, but the terrible MMO community drove me off. It had pretty typical MMO gameplay with a few unique aspects, gorgeous settings and character models with fluid animations, and I really liked the storytelling, but unfortunately, people are assholes, and I got tired of dealing with assholes in my eight years of playing WoW.

FF15: Haven't seen much on it (intentionally), but I'll probably buy it anyway when I get bored of the games I currently have, or if the pre-order bonuses are particularly interesting (although really, for me to be interested, all they need to add are a soundtrack and an art book).


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(05-17-2014, 11:34 PM)Synchysi Wrote: FF7: Despite the clunky materia system and poor storytelling, it was decent enough. Can't say I really liked any of the characters, either... which makes me wonder what exactly I do like about this game.

I probably spent more time playing the snowboarding game with Tifa than I did the actual game.

The motorcycle chase game was pretty fun, too.

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On FFVII, I tried a replay through it a year or so again and had zero interest. Upon reflection, I think the only things I liked about it were the graphics and enhanced towns and then the minigames/sidequests. I loved Chocobo Racing.

I honestly never cared about any of the characters, didn't care when Aeris died, didn't have a connection to Cloud...etc. I think the only memorable character in that game was Sephiroth and that is just because of the visual of him and his sword.

For me the only three FF games that I put on my list of games I love are 6 (still my all time favorite game of any kind) Tactics and 4.

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