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Changing where dances are learned

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Simple question: is it possible to make Water Rondo learned on the outdoor map of Zozo? I'm looking to have a way to learn all of the dances in the World of Ruin. If so, how would this be done?


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The dance learning is tied to the background number and not on location. This routine loads the dance number depending of the background. You could change the data at ED/8E5B to have a different dance learned on a plain (like near zozo) but it means you could learn this dance near Narshe as an example.

To achieve what you want you would need to modify this routine and use player location instead of background number.

C2/5EE5: AD 0A 30     LDA $300A      (which character is Mog)
C2/5EE8: 30 16        BMI $5F00      (branch if not present in party)
C2/5EEA: AE E2 11     LDX $11E2      (get combat background)
C2/5EED: BF 5B 8E ED  LDA $ED8E5B,X  (get corresponding dance #)
C2/5EF1: 30 0D        BMI $5F00      (branch if it's negative - presumably FF)
C2/5EF3: 20 17 52     JSR $5217
C2/5EF6: 0C 4C 1D     TSB $1D4C      (turn on dance in known dances)
C2/5EF9: D0 05        BNE $5F00      (if it was already on, don't display the
                                      "Learned Dance!" message)

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Interesting. Is there a table containing all of the backgrounds where the dance values are assigned? The Zozo outdoor background is unique, so if there is such a table, it would be an easy edit to make.

I'm not interested in distorting where/how the other dances are learned, because at that point, I think I am creating problems where none exist.


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(10-21-2013, 01:42 PM)fedorajoe Wrote: Interesting. Is there a table containing all of the backgrounds where the dance values are assigned? The Zozo outdoor background is unique, so if there is such a table, it would be an easy edit to make.

Well the data starts at ED/8E5B. I haven't look at it but from looking at the C2 bank code I'm assuming the non-used background would have a dance value of FF. As an example, background 03 would get the dance number byte at ED/8E5E. (ED/8E5B + 0x03).

You can set a breakpoint in the routine I posted with Geiger's debugger and look how it works.
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All right, I'm going to try that out and see how it goes. Thanks again for your help!

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