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Final Fantasy VI/3us project help needed

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Hello all. I've been secretly working on a FF6/3us mod and I now need a little help with two or three key areas that I will list below. I've currently got some assistance with music and character sprites but the rest is proving difficult to do alone. I need someone who does have some freetime and doesn't have any large or projects with a deadline.

I will be doing all of the dialogue and story myself including battle dialogue. I will also be doing all of the monsters, their AI and any of the other statistical stuff. I do need help with the Magic spells and whatnot but that can come much later unless I have a volunteer!

What I need...

-Mapping, I just don't do well with trying to do maps beyond simplistic FF4 style. I'm using Zone Doctor as I'm sure everyone is, but I just don't really get it. LOL I could use a dedicated mapper as well as someone who can show me exactly how to create a map so I can begin.
-Assembly, I have a handful of assembly needs that are currently needing doing. I think this is the least time consuming part of what help I need--but I just don't have the experience and knowledge yet to do what I need done.
-Events, I can do these myself but it will take bloody forever and they may not be as dynamic as I'd like. The good news is the game I'm doing is pretty simplistic so the events won't be too complicated--and there won't be nearly as many as FF6 has. Probably about a third to half maybe?

Further breakdown of the above...

Mapping. I will need approximately...
-1 guild hall that resembles something like the opera house with 4 floors and a basement floor for treasure (*) -- THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE FIRST
-17 "houses" (1 room house like Duncan's house), one house needs a secret basement with a cave dungeon that has 5 areas plus a treasure room
-9 "churches" and or healing altars (1 to 2 room structures that resemble the opera house)
-2 cave dungeons, one will need 3-4 floors and the other will need 8-10 floors with an additional 3-5 rooms for treasure
-1 castle dungeon that leads to a cave, castle dungeon needs 1 floor in the castle and about 6-7 areas for the path leading out in to the mountains. Also need about 2 areas on the mountain that leads to the ground
-1 mountain path that leads to treasure, needs about 5-6 areas with 2 rooms or so for treasure
-10 castles that are "dungeons" with approximately 6-12 floors each (including 2-4 treasure rooms each)
-1 castle that needs a cave dungeon (2 floors) and 10 floors (with 4 additional treasure rooms)
-1 mountain area dungeon that needs approximately 8-12 floors (with 5-6 additional treasure rooms)
-2 forests with about 6 or 7 areas each
-1 desert area with 2 or 3 areas

Assembly. I need at least the following...
-I need to remove the opening intro with the clouds, red FF6/FF3us logo, and the entire opening story. I need the game to go stratight from my splashscreen intro(s) to the save loading screen.
-I need to remove several commands from the menu screen completely.
-I need the game to begin with specific settings from the Config menu.
-I need the game to display only 999hp/999hp ~ 99mp/99mp in battle instead of the ATB gauge or if it won't fit put the current 999hp ~ current 99mp.
-I need to remove the overworld map overlay when the player is walking on the world map.
-I need to overhaul how the equip, item and status screen look, removing some parts of both.
-I need to remove the multi-character select equipment screen.
-I would like to add not only character jobs/classes to the menu/status screens but also their ages.
-I would like to turn off the Mode 7 effect when walking on the overworld if possible?

Events. These can be looked at way in to the future. The only events that are needed sooner rather than later when at least the guild hall is completed are...
-Opening game dialogue while diagonally scrolling over the overworld.
-After the opening dialogue have the game put the player in the Guild Hall entrance area with a specific sprite displayed to control and the menu screen (X) disabled similar to the esper world event.
-With a few character NPCs standing in the middle of the guild hall I need the player to be able to speak to them them and then the character join the party. Once four party members have been reached have the game make the NPCs walk out of the field of view "exiting" the game completely forever. Thus setting your final party of four.


Anybody interested in joining the group? The project needs to remain a secret so I need the utmost discretion in secrecy on this. :) Once finished I will provide any permanent member of the group who contributes a large amount to the completion of the mod with a reproduction cartridge of the hack. This means if you are the main assembly hacker, or mapper or events person you get a repro cart complete with a label and everything. So far my character sprite artist and music hacker are getting a repro. Who's going to be next? What better incentive is there? This will be coming out of my own pocketbook to pay for these to be made. :)

SPEAKING OF MY MUSIC AND SPRITE HACKERS! They are both regulars here and I need them to chime in this topic to let me know how they are doing? :D

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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Dang, I'd really love to chip in with the events and mapping. It's just too bad that I'm anticipating having next to no free time in the next while. Stupid summer vacation, why can't you last forever next time!

Confused Moogles FTW

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Too bad I'm not good at anything you mentioned lol Good luck with your project :-) hope to see some pics soon!

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Thanks guys for the support!

Astaroth, what are you good at? Smile Maybe there is a spot if you can do something I'm not good at.

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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I can help with spriting characters, monsters, portraits. If you need anything just pm me!

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Actually I might need a couple sprites done...

Let me check with my character sprite artist to see where they are in the process. Smile

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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I could help you with events such as what you've described in your initial post and future ones too. I'm pretty busy at the moment but I'll have time in a couple of weeks to work on that if you want.

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Awesome, that will significantly help. I will get with you when you have time to do the new game event(s) overview. As soon as the maps start to get done we can begin to code the events for them.

Do you know if events can be exported from/to Zone Doctor? I'm at work right now and cannot check.

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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(09-05-2013, 02:33 PM)JCE3000GT Wrote: Do you know if events can be exported from/to Zone Doctor? I'm at work right now and cannot check.

I don't know if it has such feature and to be honest I have never used it. The event editor can still corrupt your ROM and I rather wait for the first official release before using it.

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That's cool. The only event I really need right now is when the user presses new game it puts them in the guild hall with the menu button disabled. Do you think that is possible to do without corrupting the rom?

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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