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terra's magitek

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AHA! Thanks.

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I hate to necro a topic but I was wondering if its possible to simply make all characters get the default Magitek set and perhaps assign the one for Terra to a different command.
example: assign the second set to the dummied command "Summon" which is already programmed to open a sub menu? is it doable?

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Don't get excited, or carve it in stone yet, but there might be a slim chance it could be possible to redirect the summon command to simply run the code to load Terra's magitech menu. Again, will require some looking into.

*Edit* Okay, I take that back. The check for "is Terra?" Is done after the menu is drawn, and before it is filled. In other words, a simple jump wouldn't help.

On the other hand, the code for doing it isn't that complicated, might be easier just to remove the check for Terra (give her the standard list) and have the "summon" command draw the alternative list using entirely new code. Maybe shuffle the old code around to allow the new command to cut in where it needs to be.

Will look into it more when have more time.

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Sweet thanks for checking. basically Im trying to get a free 8 skill command set for a new character.

Alternatively is it easier to set the check to the actor i want, then is it possible to set magitek status to give you the "shock" or "health" command? my idea here is i could free up two 8 command menus and just make magitek armor use one direct skill.

hope i worded that right but two extra command sets is appealing

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Hrm, that would take some work. The part about turning Magitek into a single spell. The problem is, there is a whole lot of checks for replacing commands with Magitek (instead of fight or rage).

It would be some coding, but you really wouldn't have to "free up" anything. The menu drawing and filling is done in C1, could just set it to draw a new menu. The problem would be in the editing of the spell list afterwards.

By making Magitek only use one list of commands for all characters, in theory you could set the other list of commands to be pulled up using a differend command (such as summon). The real value here would be that you could use the usME afterwards to change THAT list without doing it manually via hex editor.

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Yes the ability to change the skills in usME gave me that Idea.

there are so many great possabilities to freeing up one of the magitek menus especially useful for one of the last 4 PC slots who all cant learn magic.

alternative enemy skills, a paladin set that also included shock, even a select set of regular spells for an actor without magic. perhaps turn the thrown magic items into actual skills themselves

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Hrm, after actually reading this thread... this actually might be even easier than I was thinking.

If FF6usME can edit both magitek list without issue, it should be easy enough to just relocate all the vanilla Magitek information (window and spells) to a new location and intact, then have a custom command (formally know as "Summon") use the original code in C1/. Would allow Magitek to work unchanged, yet add the use of a normal command to pull up a list of spells that, yes, could be changed from the standard editor.

The only thing at that point that would require a hex editor dirrectly would be to set which character got the special list vs the normal list. (I would say just redirect two commands, one to reach each list but that would be a little wastefull and limiting in regards to the number of availble commands).

Only one problem, I never fully grasp how a command's C2/ data connected to the window drawing in C1. And naturally I've forgotten 90% of the little I figured out last time I tried it. So yeah, the C1 side of it seems pretty simple (and is covered in this thread pretty well), I'd have to do some research to figure out the rest of it though.

Makes me wonder about something else, hrm.

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Well I appreciate you looking into this! Im very interested in seeing just how doable this might be. I'd imagine this could be quite useful to anyone making hacks for the game and I doubt many will miss Terra having a few extra unnecessary magitek spells for that tiny fraction of the game.

Otherwise the only other way to use this I could think of would be to give the command "Magitek" a more vague name like "Tech" and set a late game actor (after Cyan's WOR dream) to have Terra's version. Problem with that is the time you trigger that dream is optional so still have a problem.. this way is too much of a workaround if you ask me

Anyway im interested to see the results. Ill try to get another vanilla sprite done. I think im gonna do one of the old lady Matron lol

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Well... short update, relocating the Magitek information was easy as cutting cake with a chainsaw (once I managed to remember how to open a hex editor. Data for Mtek relocated to the great beyond, FF6usME showing all blanks on both MagiTek spell list, AND targeting data showing "everyone" (yes, fully intentional being that I cleared all the original data after the move/redirect.)

So with Mtek functional and comfortable in its new home, I still have to figure out how to make a command draw a window and fill it (failed last time I tried this btw). First plan, saw open the Blitz menu patch and see how's it's ticker ticks. Should be good as finished if I can figure that step out.

*Edit* Yeah, that information should get me there soon as I can read it. Would really rather just copy/use the Mtek code, finding that part of it would be required first though. Then still have to figure how connect the command to it though.

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Nice to see its come that far at least!
i did a test run of mtek replacing Terras 'morph' command so i could see how it functions without being in Mtel armor status (mostly a shorcut while testing my sprites). as i figured too, they ignore the spellcasting/lore intro also, no matter what skill it is, it costs 0 mp. Not bad at all, tho potentially OP. Id probably make skills that scale steadily as the player levels up but still usefull the whole game.

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