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Final Fantasy Altered

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figured i may as well post this here now as im pretty much done with it
my first final fantasy 6 hack that i made Smile
All the characters are different as follows
Terra- Darth Vader (Custom from start wars)
Locke- Xyraa (Custom)
Cyan- Zok, custom portrait, from ff5, sprite belongs to?
Shadow- Cactus the cactuar (Custom from various ff)
Edgar- Jansen (Custom from lost oddessy)
Sabin- Squall (Sprite is pocos custom portrait, from ff8)
Celes- Max the returner(Sprite is pocos returner, custom portrait, from ff6)
Strago- Goomba( Sprite is badass's, custom portrait, from mario)
Relm- Magus(Sprite belongs to metroidquest Custom portrait)
Setzer- Android #16 (Custom from dbz)
Mog- Johnny (Custom from chrono trigger)
Gau- bowser (Sprite is badass's custom portrait, from mario)
Gogo- Link (Sprite is FEOK's, Custom portrait, from zelda)
Umaro- Purple Pikmin( Custom from pikmin2)
Solider- Crimson Guard(Custom from star wars)
Kappa- Mini(Custom status from ff5, still acts like kappa)
Leo- Sid (Sprite is badass's beserker, custom portrait)
Banon- Baron (Custom from ff5)
Esper terra- Vader unmasked
Merchant Locke- Alternate xyraa colors
Ghost- Frag (Custom bomb)
Kefka- The joker( Custom from batman)

[Image: imgshk.png]

Also arvis is yang from ff4 XD

Vader starts with magic much like terra, however he has powerful magic such as demi from lv 1, lv 3 x zone, lv 6 metor, lv 12 quater
and little mp, this makes the overall flow of the begining much harder, but metor becomes your friend haha
Zok carries the throw command which makes doma a bit harder
The cactus weilds the tools
Jansen has the health ability, which makes up for lack of vaders magic
Squall has both blitz and shock so a very hady guy to have in battle
16 Uses magitek
Baron uses control and gp rain
sid uses rage and tools
all others are same

The story has also had a complete rewrite, humour was very much my goal
and i hope you enjoy some of the jokes Smile

Theres new espers also:

Ramuh is now quezacotl from ff8
shiva has been replaced with kraken from memoria ff9
stray has been replaced with mog.. yeah thats right hes a summon instead on this 1 lol
odins still there but hes had a ff8 makeover Wink
alexanders gone, instead cuchulan from tactics nd 12
starlets gone instead a Abadon from ff9 nd chronicles
and phoenix is anima from ff10

thats about it changes wise.. for mini it now works on enemies, a stationary
mini sprite Smile, also a new status icon for it

[Image: imgshk.png]

[Image: imgshk.png]

Link to patch:

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 

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From a graphical point of view it's a really nice hack. I like your crew!

Now go fix your bugs. :P

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not sure how to fix serpants trench Sad

please note gi nattak has fixed the serpants trench Laugh

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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(03-17-2013, 04:11 PM)Jameswhite89 Wrote: not sure how to fix serpants trench :(

Gi Nattak has made a tutorial on how to fix this:

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yeah that stuffs beyond me.. im a spriter lol

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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Should be, but take notice he says:

"BUGS:please not that the serpants trench is screwed. i suggest you grab a save state to get past it
BUGS (fixed?) The opera house lemme know if thats workin ok."

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Quote:Gi Nattak Wrote:What up bro, been playing Altered and thought I'd take some notes. Hopefully you won't mind! Should help to make it better, so that way you can re-release it and I can help to advertise it more so people will play.

notes, from start to up to floating continent:

- dialog during the intro 'movie' scene, needs to have a button pressed to advance it, or it bleeds over and will not be read. It will produce a graphical issue with the textbox in the intro event on the cliff, if the very last dialog box wasn't button pressed on.

- The intro dialog on the cliff is automatic, meaning it will advance on it's own without needing to press a button, which is how it's done in the original, but, there is one dialog box where Vader says

"Imbecils!" you have there that does not advance and requires a button press, and that is inconsistant with the others. The very next dialog box also same thing.

- Countless grammar and spelling mistakes lol, I'm sure you must be aware of this and I'm not going to catalog each and every one I see, but they're all over the place, missing punctuation and capitolization errors is the main thing I've noticed. I don't really mind it but anyone else will undoubtadly b*t*h a ton about it and might not even want to play, trust me. I think before you re-release it you should address this issue it will go a looong ways.

- Cactuar walking through South Figaro = priceless. Love how the dog is also following him and he can't shake him lol. Nice way to switch that up and still make it work. Love this Cactus guy!

- Trilium monster has goofy palette.

- Squall comes equiped with a sword that he is not supposed to be able to use, looses it once unequiped. Also Squall using knuckles instead of sword?!? Not sure I'm feeling that, maybe knuckles can go to someone else?

- Kefka's pallete is jacked up in battle, prolly cause last 4 colors thing.

- Laughing gas is great, the dying kings speach is funny as f**k!

- Merchant monster sprite is some messed up thing.

- Aww no Joker monster sprite to replace Kefka?! =(

- Compressed Esper Terra flying to Zozo still.

- It's funny how Rachel forgets who her father is, but remembers her boyfriend lol.

- NPC in ZOZO after the Ramuh Scene, is stuck in the rock unnable to be talked to. The Thief NPC that is, right when you enter the town.

- "Oh bollocks" at the opera scene had me ROFL. In fact, the whole new opera lyrics did as well!

- Old man needing to take a piss to sneak into the factory was very funny.

- Ifrit monster sprite in the Factory is messed up graphicly.

- elevator down to magitek cart ride thing has funky color.

- baby Vader sprite = awesome

- sealed gate has some funky palette going on.


Character Notes:

Xyraa is awesome, my favorite character out of the bunch. He doesn't seem like Locke at all which is an impressive feat to achieve.

Bowser, I don't recal him talking cavemanish in any games he was ever in, for instance Super Mario RPG, so I'm curious why he does here? It comes off more like Gau still imo.

Vader is dope, love when it says (heavy breathing) lol. Wish he could be more evil and less of a emotional scared wreck like Terra was though.

Zok is another favorite, doesn't seem like Cyan at all and is very humorous.

Max, I more or less didn't care about at all, kinda boring character, but what can ya do.

Squall, doesn't seem like Squall at all to me, still like Sabin with most of his dialog.

Cactus is f**k**g great bro.

Janson makes a good replacement for Edgar, I never played the game he's from so I can say little more than that.

16 doesn't feel like his DBZ self, of intelligent quiet.

Goomba is alright, not much you could really do to make him seem more like a Goomba lol, as it is it is obviously a Goomba saying Strago's lines lol, maybe draw some inspiration from the Goombas in Paper Mario?

Magus, same as above kinda.

Johny (the man) is cool, seems to be about right!


Will keep on through the WOR soon. =)
thanks mike i appreciate u taking the time to go through it ill start working on it after graphical things iv got 2 do for u nd mad,

into: ah i wasnt aware of this,
spelling and grammar: i suck at these things but ill try to fix it
unaware of trillium: will be fixed
yeah this was a very early hack at the time i was unsure about squall, still am
kefka deffinatley
merchant i was Unaware of
yeah need a joker monster
at the time i had no idea how to address esper terra still unsure
the thief i was unaware of simple fix
ifrit was unaware of
yeah i bet a lot of things do it was before i new about pallet order

Xyraa thanks man it was the real challenge
Bowser: i never play supermario rpg
Vader: yeah it is hard tho cause change to much the story dont make sense
Zok: i really forget alot in this hack lol
Max was supposed to be boring its how i feel about celes
Cactus: thanks man XD
Jansen: wasnt a doctor in his game but so few people played it i doubt itl matter lol
16: again a real challenge cause setzers oppostite to 16 in many ways
goomba: yeahi guess urright been awhile since i played paper mario.. u taking bout 64 one?
johnny, yeah he has very few lines in trigger so i agree
im glad ur finding it funny thats the whole point of it [Image: wink.png]

this hack will be getting an update soonish so look forward to that

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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not bad so far

the magus was created by MetroidQuest James just so you know

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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thanks poco updated,
Currently version 1
changes to come in V2:

1# fix textual errors and grammer
2# Replace anima with a different summon-after all this was for nattak and rotds
3# joker monster, end game joker
4# fix unmasked vader flying scene
5# fix fucked up npc pallets, level editor shite
6# fix certained fucked up monster that have either become messed up or have shity pallets
7# Rewrite for certain characters ie squall, goomba, bowser, 16 and magus, and certain bits with vader
8# possibly do away with squall for a different character thoughts?
9# Ideas welcome

The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess 


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