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Final Fantasy VI Advance Editor

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Another Address
Coliseum bet (ordered by item)
62A618 (4 Byte)

Byte 0 = 8 bit of monster
Byte 1 = 10 x msb monster + msb item (for over 256)(It seems the default value is 40, but changing them causing no BUG)
Byte 2 = 8 bit of item
Byte 3 = 0 for not Hidden

By applying these changes, it's possible to include those Advance exclusive items (and with Advance exclusive Monster).

Item Fix
F526E 29FF into E000
F5276 210F into 2103

Monster Fix
F5296 29FF into E000
F529E 21F0 into 2130

Dungeon encounter rate(512 value)
5F581A-5F5899 (1 Byte per 4 dungeon)

Overworld encounter rate (WoB and WoR)
7378FA-737979 (1 Byte per unit area)

EditLaughelete the formation and pack address since they've been mapped. Sorry for posting similar address.
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Once again, valuable info. Thanks a lot!

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Hi there, love this editor, great work. Smile

I know I'm super later and all, but I was just wondering if there were any plans for you to add monster formation data/editing in future? Since it's different from the SNES due to new additions, I'd love to find out.

Thanks for all the awesome work you're doing with this rom editor.

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(01-31-2015, 02:43 PM)Technobliterator Wrote: Hi there, love this editor, great work. Smile

I know I'm super later and all, but I was just wondering if there were any plans for you to add monster formation data/editing in future? Since it's different from the SNES due to new additions, I'd love to find out.

Thanks for all the awesome work you're doing with this rom editor.

If the data is the same as the SNES, I will add it in the next version. If the data is in another format, it might be more difficult to do since it would require reverse engineering to find out where is the data.

I hit a brick wall with monster graphics but I got a full portrait editor now, which is frustrating, a bit like doing the blueprints for a house but not having the material to build it.

Anyway I'll still work on the editor but I can't give a release date for the next version. Thanks for the comments!
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  • JWhiteLXXXIX (02-01-2015), Rjenyawd (12-20-2015), Robo Jesus (03-12-2015), Technobliterator (02-07-2015)

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XD Heeeeeey, Madsiur? do you still have that portrait editor handy? I'm about thiiiiiiis close to finishing up my graphics project, and advanced palette editor has decided to start corrupting my rom everytime I try to edit Terra's portrait palette. Sad

If not, Can I pick your brain for the location of the portrait palettes in the rom so I can try and manually edit them?

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(12-20-2015, 09:16 PM)Rjenyawd Wrote: If not, Can I pick your brain for the location of the portrait palettes in the rom so I can try and manually edit them?

Yeah the portrait editor is usable though I don't remember if it saves correctly. I could check this week to build an exe I could sent you. Basically I gave up on that editor because monster graphic data or w/e data is used for molds is not the same as the SNES version.

The GBA portrait are also 40x40 BUT there is an transparent padding on each portrait mainly on the width in order to have them fit nicely on screen. As an example, a portrait that covered 38px of width (let's say at the bottom) in the SNES version could be 34-35px in the GBA version (still in a 40x40 image). Minor differences.

5FE83E-60301D GFX   Portraits (4bpp, 23 entries * 0x320 bytes)

Tile arrangement:

00 01 02 03 08
10 11 12 13 09
04 05 06 07 0A
14 15 16 17 0B
0D 0E 0F 18 0C

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Quote:the portrait editor is usable though I don't remember if it saves correctly. I could check this week to build an exe I could sent you. pressure or anything, but that would be AMAZING. You would be saving the world from so many headaches. lol.

Quote:The GBA portrait are also 40x40 BUT there is an transparent padding on each portrait mainly on the width in order to have them fit nicely on screen. As an example, a portrait that covered 38px of width (let's say at the bottom) in the SNES version could be 34-35px in the GBA version (still in a 40x40 image). Minor differences.

I noticed that! The portraits I had done up use a 2px boarder, and it shifted things around on me. lol.

Quote:5FE83E-60301D GFX Portraits (4bpp, 23 entries * 0x320 bytes)

Awesome! Thanks! Do you, by any chance, know the location of the palettes?

You, as always, are fantastic. ^_^ Thank you, sir!


"Find the crystals? Save the world? ...Who even was that guy?!"  Shrug


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I'm closing this thread. A new version will soon be in production. Check the Project Thread or the GitHub Repository for future updates.

The download link for the winform version will be available until the WPF version reach the same features implemented than the previous editor (version 3.1.1).

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