Poll: Kefka vs. Sephiroth
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Kefka 58.41% 66 58.41%
Sephiroth 26.55% 30 26.55%
They'd Ally 15.04% 17 15.04%
Total 113 vote(s) 100%
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Kefka vs. Sephiroth

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Kefka all the way
Kefka eliminated magic when he was killed thus he has the upper hand
When Sephiroth was killed there wasn't much impact on the people that were alive

I chose Sephiroth because he is far more intimidating than Kefka. He's scary, and he probably knows it. Kefka on the other hand, is not very intimidating at all, infact that alone may bring him more victims simply because they wouldn't know to run because they're too busy laughing at his clowny nature.

Sephiroth also does things like impale the midgar zolom on a giant tree, fly through the floor, mess with your head and make you give him black materia, and other scary features.

So, my vote goes to Sephiroth.

Also I'm having some sort of problem with voting, it's being all weird and the page reloads with no poll.

There's no way Kefka wouldn't win. Absolutely none. If Final Fantasy VI wasn't limited to the fact that, well, it's a game and the player has to be able to win in some form, there's no way the Returners would have been able to defeat him either. He became the god of all magic and was powerful beyond all comprehension. He even created his own spells: Light of Judgment and Forsaken. Of course, given how nihilistic Kefka was, he could have let them win. It seems likely he realized his own mortality (though given his power, perhaps he could have lived forever disproving this theory?) or accomplished all the destruction he felt necessary and was ready for his life to end. "Life, dreams, hope... where do they come from? And where are they headed?" In this case he could have been speaking of himself. His laugh heard during the final battle would have been because of the Returners proving him right. He did turn out to be right, however: everything exists to be destroyed. Everything ends in ruin and death. He wanted to leave a monument to non-existence, and even after he was defeated and the world began to recover, signs of Kefka's reign and destruction of the world would have remained. He perhaps realized (in his own twisted mind) that because life has no meaning, neither does his.

Plus Kefka gets extra points for starting out as a completely normal human with no extraordinary powers (until his Magitek infusion which granted him some magic and broke his mind), and gradually becoming more and more powerful simply through the use of his own cunning and deviousness. And, as everyone knows, Kefka is a rare exception in that he actually succeeded in his goal (arguably even after he was finally defeated) and held a destructive and terrifying reign over the world for an extended period of time before the Returners could regroup enough to overcome him, whereas Sephiroth did not. Also not sure why some people are saying Kefka wasn't physically powerful. Look at his final form sprite! That guy is covered in muscles! He doesn't even need a weapon, he just punches you in the face. Not sure what looking "scary" has to do with anything either, or why no one would be afraid of Kefka. He had a reputation for being incredibly dangerous and he was (one of) the most feared people in the Empire.

Sephiroth wanted his mommy and summoned a big rock.

Hm... who is the winner here?

(Of course I have to point out how ridiculous and overdone this pairing is here. It's not like it's never been done or these arguments haven't been made before.)

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(08-03-2011, 08:52 PM)HaloOfTheSun Wrote: There's no way Kefka wouldn't win. Absolutely none. If Final Fantasy VI wasn't limited to the fact that, well, it's a game and the player has to be able to win in some form, there's no way the Returners would have been able to defeat him either. He became the god of all magic and was powerful beyond all comprehension. He even created his own spells: Light of Judgment and Forsaken. Of course, given how nihilistic Kefka was, he could have let them win. It seems likely he realized his own mortality (though given his power, perhaps he could have lived forever disproving this theory?) or accomplished all the destruction he felt necessary and was ready for his life to end. "Life, dreams, hope... where do they come from? And where are they headed?" In this case he could have been speaking of himself. His laugh heard during the final battle would have been because of the Returners proving him right. He did turn out to be right, however: everything exists to be destroyed. Everything ends in ruin and death. He wanted to leave a monument to non-existence, and even after he was defeated and the world began to recover, signs of Kefka's reign and destruction of the world would have remained. He perhaps realized (in his own twisted mind) that because life has no meaning, neither does his.

Plus Kefka gets extra points for starting out as a completely normal human with no extraordinary powers (until his Magitek infusion which granted him some magic and broke his mind), and gradually becoming more and more powerful simply through the use of his own cunning and deviousness. And, as everyone knows, Kefka is a rare exception in that he actually succeeded in his goal (arguably even after he was finally defeated) and held a destructive and terrifying reign over the world for an extended period of time before the Returners could regroup enough to overcome him, whereas Sephiroth did not. Also not sure why some people are saying Kefka wasn't physically powerful. Look at his final form sprite! That guy is covered in muscles! He doesn't even need a weapon, he just punches you in the face. Not sure what looking "scary" has to do with anything either, or why no one would be afraid of Kefka. He had a reputation for being incredibly dangerous and he was (one of) the most feared people in the Empire.

Sephiroth wanted his mommy and summoned a big rock.

Hm... who is the winner here?

(Of course I have to point out how ridiculous and overdone this pairing is here. It's not like it's never been done or these arguments haven't been made before.)
hey hey come on now, Sephiroth didn't even know of the existence of his mother Lucrecia there was no way he could have wanted her! And besides you give him too little credit.

Sephiroth used a small rock to summon a big rock to smash into an even bigger rock, get it right now! XD

But seriously Sephiroth in my eyes is a slightly better character but a much worse villain. He had depth where Kefka didn't the most depth you get from Kefka is his still deep-rooted almost fatherly affection of Celes, even then you have to dig real deep to discover that. Sephiroth had much more character appeal, still as a villain I find that he leaves something to be desired, he plays literal mind games on the main character but it only able to do that thanks to the Jenova cells. I still stand by what I said before, I love Sephiroth before he cracked, and I am annoyed by him afterwards.


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(08-03-2011, 09:57 PM)Sutebenu Sempai Wrote: Kefka didn't the most depth you get from Kefka is his still deep-rooted almost fatherly affection of Celes, even then you have to dig real deep to discover that.

I always thought kefka was asexual, sutebenu san. What makes you think kefka loves celes in a fatherly way?

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Well according to Final Fantasy Ultimania it was Kefka who discovered Celes and taught mentored her in strategy since he was the emperor's greatest strategist and was even the one who had volunteered her for the Magic Infusion procedure which was why Cid was forced to make her a Magic Knight.

It is also somewhat shown throughout the story as you will no doubt soon discover that anytime that Celes is there when Kefka is he takes careful time to mention her, extend to her an offer or some other sort, her and only her. Celes was also the only one that Kefka was ever going to bring with him into his world, but of course she betrayed him and that's when he delivered one of his most famous line, which ironically drove him into gaining the power he aspired to get.

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(08-04-2011, 08:24 PM)Sutebenu Sempai Wrote: Well according to Final Fantasy Ultimania it was Kefka who discovered Celes and taught mentored her in strategy since he was the emperor's greatest strategist and was even the one who had volunteered her for the Magic Infusion procedure which was why Cid was forced to make her a Magic Knight.

It is also somewhat shown throughout the story as you will no doubt soon discover that anytime that Celes is there when Kefka is he takes careful time to mention her, extend to her an offer or some other sort, her and only her. Celes was also the only one that Kefka was ever going to bring with him into his world, but of course she betrayed him and that's when he delivered one of his most famous line, which ironically drove him into gaining the power he aspired to get.

Now that you mention it, it's odd that kefka shows mercy on Celes many times through the game (Narshe Battle, Magitek Research Facility, Floating Continent), and he never hesitated to kill Leo or other imperial soldiers while at the Imperial Camp...Are there any links to the ultimania that we can read?

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none that I am aware of, unfortunately; I'd love to read it. What I just said is what I have gathered over numerous sources all indicating that their information was from the Ultimania.

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