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HVGN Review: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

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I find this somewhat interesting, you guys may too.

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I totally agree with him, I am probably one of the very few people who actually enjoyed Mystic Quest, mainly because of its simplicity, but for the most part I enjoyed the interaction with the landscape. I liked how I could chop down trees, send out a hook and drag myself across, cut things down, blow things up... then again I guess that was the only reason I liked it, lol .

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I received MQ when it came out on my birthday and had a sleep over with my friends and we played it all night. We enjoyed playing it despite what people think of it being simple and anti-deep. Sure we loved FF2 more (a lot more) but I think the simplicity of MQ is actually it's strength. I agree with this guy on the video on a lot of his reasons for liking the game. The only real problem with MQ is simply the reason why it was created--because Japan thought Americans were stupid. My personal issue with MQ is actually the idiots that blindly insult it just because they "heard" about the game or just glanced at the pictures without having an OPEN MIND to actually play it. That pisses me off more than anything.

This is solely why I am making the game more challenging, to give it that extra oomph that it needs. Long live MQ.

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

Hmm. I'll have to start checking this guy out some more, he makes for some good points(aside from the fact I've always hated when people called IV and VI by their american release titles, 2 and 3). I've always felt the same way about that game, and while I don't feel the need to play it that often, there do indeed come times where I find myself wondering why I get the urge to play it. I should probably stick to Mario RPG in that case. xD

Also, on the topic, I was wondering if anyone had a similar problem with Final Fantasy Mystic Quest cartridges that I've had throughout my life; Back when I had the game as a child, it would always freeze when getting to the first place in the ice area where there's monsters around (not battlefields), and it would only seem to happen when stepping on certain squares.. I thought it was just my copy of the game, that I lost (or, did I give it back to the video rental store? I don't recall), however, I later bought the game in my teenage years and found that I had the EXACT same problem with this new cartridge (living in a new home, states away from my old one), and wondered if the coincidence that it was the same cart could even be possible. I just sorta figured maybe many FFMQ carts had this glitch, and I'm still curious to this day whether anyone has had this same problem.

Edit: I just looked it up, and it was at Falls Basin with both cartridges, and happened almost every time I went only to that stage. I sorta memorized the squares and jumped around or walked around to avoid where I thought they were until I eventually got through the place, that's the only way I ever got through the level. Kinda funny, I expected the same glitch to happen when I played it on an emulator. xD

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I've owned and played literally a half dozen MQ carts and never had that issue.

[Image: jce3000gt_md.png]

[Image: jce3000gt.jpg]

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i enjoyed mystic quest alot and still do today. if not for this game i likely wouldve never even played or heard of an rpg. mystic quest was my starter back in late 1994. then ff 4 in feb 95 and ff 6 in late july 95.

(06-09-2011, 01:15 PM)kefkaroth Wrote: i enjoyed mystic quest alot and still do today. if not for this game i likely wouldve never even played or heard of an rpg. mystic quest was my starter back in late 1994. then ff 4 in feb 95 and ff 6 in late july 95.

And you're.. Not ashamed to say this? Laugh
Obviously just playing.

My dad beat the first Final Fantasy, and I never knew what the hell to do so I'd always have to go ask him. Until I reached the age of about 11, and then I couldn't remember learning how I figured out how to get through the game. Of course by that time I'd already been through FF4 and was more into FF7. Confused

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i've played mystic quest and not had the freezing problem, just the obvious resistance bug that is even in the virtual console version too. Surprised

"Expect an early Winter with lots of snow!" Roan's Snowball Fight move
I'm a serious Grandia II fan and my all-time favorite character is Roan

I'm gonna have to look deeper into this problem. It never happened anywhere but falls basin (But irony, the first ice area you walk around in. What?!), and it happened to me over and over again until I figured out what spaces NOT to step on, else be doomed to stay stuck there forever. I still find it weird that no one else has even heard of this. Sad

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I actually played Mystic Quest several times and beat it about 4 times. Some people dismiss the game as an entry level RPG and a black sheep of the franchise but its simplicity made it a classic. The music in the game was freaking awesome especially the Volcano and Lava Dome.
* What baffled me the most is the Ice Pyramid, I hated that freaking place and I really thought it was the hardest dungeon because it was difficult to navigate and the Falls Basin, the Nagas in there would spam Lullaby to put you asleep.
* The story is very linear and easy to follow, and all the allies your character meets, Reuben is the best because of his ball and chain and Tristam because he gives you the Dragon Claw which causes every status effect in the game. Phoebe is a gifted magic user so thats what makes her the best female.
* To make the game realistic the enemy's sprites change as they are damaged something not done in the Final Fantasy titles, and this was a nice addition.
* Other cool stuff is you could switch your weapon when fighting and magic was divided into white, black and wizard.
* There were also a lot of Mini Bosses in the smaller dungeons and then they would make appearances later on as different regular enemies. Dullahan became Thanatos.
* In the end, I enjoyed playing the game. It kind of paved the way for other Final Fantasy features like dividing up White and Black Magic, the Holy(White) Spell which later became Pearl. It certainly would have been nice had it been fleshed out. To me Mystic Quest is underrated, it is a good game to play and relive the adventure over again.

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