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Intermediate Event Editing Video Tutorials

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Thanks a lot,I'll PM you and write the details for the event in battle. I've been thinking once or twice about adding a custom dungeon just to fight tons of bosses from other games, I'll keep your offer in mind. It'll be awesome to work together :p

Man your hack looks awesome, I want a teaser video already....where are the links!!! lol
Any ideas on how will you change the battle system? What will you edit from it?

BTW you may be able to write the whole "Crystalyte" word on the menu...I may have an idea on how to do this...I'll take a look at it and, if everything goes well, I'll send you the bytes you need to change to display the whole word.

Why don't you ask FEOK to make an Exdeath sprite for your hack? I think he said he was going to work on it after Golbez was finished? Or maybe recolor Golbez to look more like Exdeath.

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Cool stuff.
And thanks man for the encouragement, it's a pretty daunting task to meddle with all the events in the game..I mean it's not hard but I just don't wanna break the game. Lolz
And about the teaser videos, lol there's really not too terribly much to display at the moment. Ha I've completed Narshe fully, I'd say 85 percent of the original has changed from the beginning sequence of Narshe.
Ha Narshe was actually harder to code than Figaro. I've started on it and am getting there. Lol Figaro's map is what's hard to draw :p But here's where I will make a teaser video Smile
I'm gonna make this cutscene for Cloud (Replacing Edgar) and Tifa (Replacing Relm).
But recall the sequence in Figaro when you talk to the old lady and a cutscene comes with Edgar and Sabin in the Library?
OK well completely forget that ha, what I'm gonna do is load the Figaro Castle Map (nighttime one) with Cloud and Tifa looking over this big balcony with the Moon right above them. Here's what things get pretty cool I guess - I'm gonna work on composing Rydia's Theme from FFIV. So it'll be an awesome love song with Cloud and Tifa under the moon. What they'll be talking about is mainly why Cloud joins the Resistance and chooses to fight Caezrs to defend Strena.
Honestly, I can't go into the details enough to explain it all lol. But I want peoples' opinions on New Figaro - just to see what they think - b/c the majority of the maps will be altered and I just want a good review of what needs to be improved and the such Wink
So I guess I'll either gonna do two things - make a ZSNES save on the world map before you enter Figaro, or just let everyone play from the beginning, which they'll probably do to begin with XD
But either way's cool Smile
And yeah FEOK has already started on making me a Lenna, Krile, Faris, and Bartz sprite.
There's already a Bartz Sprite, but he's gonna make him a warrior. And Faris had a lot of distortion so he's patching her up. He's awesome man, ha I told him after those sprites he can do however many sprites of his own he wishes to make, and maybe get to an ExDeath soon. I don't wanna rush him XD or be bossy :p
And if you do find a way to make it possible to fit Crystalyte in the menu, it'd be awesome. I was primarily talking about the one on the Skills meny page lol but the one within the Espers page would be just as cool. I forgot I edited that!

Sorry Angelo, just saw your question concerning how I would edit the battle system. Well here's a rough idea of what I have in mind:
Bartz will be a knight, not being able to junction Crystalyte BUT his weapons will teach him Techs which will replace some spell data..not sure where to draw from yeyt.
Lenna will wield Crystalyte at it's peak - she'll be granted the Crystalyte elements. I'm really considering ASM hacking to make Espers teach Magitek (which will be called Crystal). It's just what Leno said makes me a little unsure :/
Faris will be the summoner. The summon command replaces Lore and I've already swapped over the MDE and spell data concerning the summons. She'll also have the original Summon command, named Call which she can use to summon certain Crystalyte that she can't learn.
And Krile will be a dualcaster, using the remaining Lores that aren't being used from Bartz. Once I find a command that allows the user to open a magic window in battle and cast two spells simutaneously, it'll be cool.
But unfortunately, FF6's limits half of what I seek to's tough stuff Sad
Nevertheless, I hope this is a good explanation.

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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i hav made some progress on faris u know, the spell sprites are done now and all of the walking sprites and a few in battle ones, it shouldnt be long now till she's done now but it might still take a while since i'm kinda tryin 2 complete FF13 at the min :p

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Lucky! I'm dying to play FFXIII! Lol all I can do is watch Duffking's Let's Play videos on youtube! XD
But man I love the characters - Vanille's my fav.
Ha OK off topic lolz but Faris sounds great man, still can't thank you enough for making them all!

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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well a lot of people say that ff13 isnt a very good ff, i like it though
and u know a lot of people hate vanille, she's so happy go lucky and is always smiling :p
the main 2 favs are lightning (my fave) and sahz (i think thats how u spell it XD)
the best team is lightning fang and hope but i resently switched fang for vanille so i can get 3 ravagers (u may not know what that is)
anyways enough about ff13 XD

so np bro, the sprites will turn out great, i promise :p

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Ha I'm positive they will Laugh <-- (I like this emotion icon, but I wish it wasn't with Locke laughing lol Idk I'm weird)

And yeah FFXIII isn't that bad - I still prefer the old ATB battle system just a bit more but that's just cuz I've grown up on the olf FF's lol.
Maybe I'll get it for Christmas ha Smile

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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i know i'll make a vanile sprite and then someone can make it vanille laughing Laugh (this will change into vanille when its complete XD)

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Ok, going back to changing the espers by crystalytes in your hack xJCSx, I had several ideas on how to do this, but almost none of them worked. I was able to do what you want for your hack, with minor problems.

I'm using my in progress hack as a base to show you what I've gotten, so keep in mind some weird stuff seen in the pictures may not be a problem at all in your hack (the LV position waaayy to the right, the esper names are not displayed completely and MP for those is missing, No Bushido, No expanded lore names, etc...)
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]

Using the crystalyte name brings a glitch. Look at kefka's (terra's) picture above. Before selecting Lore, I first chose to see the crystalytes (espers), and then chose the magic option. As a result, some letters from previously selected options will "carry" on to the next ability you choose (the number is carried from the magic option, while the 'e' is carried from the crystalyte option). I'm 95% sure this can be fixed by increasing the ability names (espers, magic, bushido, etc.) from 7 letters up to 10 letters. I thought at first "this will be easy, just use a JSR/RTS command and it's done"...but everytime I try to use JSR the rom gets corrupted and everytime you try to access the meny, the game resets. I will leave this as it is for now, since I can't seem to fix it properly.

I chose not to move the data at all, and make abbreviations around (look at picture 6...Learn rate is now "Rate" and At level up is now "At Lvl up"). And in battle, you may not be able to expand the esper option in the magic menu up to crystalyte, the best I could do is just Crystal. And I'm terrible finding the finger pointing data to move the cursor around...

Let me know what you think about this...if you like things the way they are, and if you wanna apply this to your hack, PM me so you can send me your rom and I'll apply the changes. Or I can make an IPS patch for you, you decide. But send me the ROM version you're using before I start working on your patch.

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Ah this awesome! Thanks soo much Angelo! You put alot of effort into this! And don't sweat the battle menu thing - Crystal is great as it.
But I think I'll go with a patch if that's easier for you. Probably is, but not sure ha. I'm using version 1.0 btw.
FF3usME says 1.1 but don't worry, it's 1.0 :p
But thanks man I like how you expanded the window to fit the Crystalyte word in menu. Does the game just stretch the window in accordance to the length of the text? Just something I've always wondered. Laugh
Thanks again.
I'm thinking that some of those issue described above, like you said, shouldn't be an issue with my game. Kind of a double edged sword though if you ever released a patch with all the item and esper names increased.
But I'd think of something ha.

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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(12-15-2010, 11:51 PM)xJCSx Wrote: Ah this awesome! Thanks soo much Angelo! You put alot of effort into this! And don't sweat the battle menu thing - Crystal is great as it.
But I think I'll go with a patch if that's easier for you. Probably is, but not sure ha. I'm using version 1.0 btw.
FF3usME says 1.1 but don't worry, it's 1.0 :p
But thanks man I like how you expanded the window to fit the Crystalyte word in menu. Does the game just stretch the window in accordance to the length of the text? Just something I've always wondered. Laugh
Thanks again.
I'm thinking that some of those issue described above, like you said, shouldn't be an issue with my game. Kind of a double edged sword though if you ever released a patch with all the item and esper names increased.
But I'd think of something ha.

Yea, a patch will be easier. I'll start working on it before friday, probably.

And no, the windows do not expand by themselves when you make changes to the text inside them. After working on the texts, you need to edit the code that handles the borders of the windows. In this case, I edited the borders of the windows containing the 'espers and magic', and the other window that contains whatever option you selected on the menu. BTW I can expand the borders of the window that contains 'bushido, lore, rage' to match the one on top of it if you'd like.

And yes, if I ever release a patch for the increase in esper names and the likes you'll have -some- trouble with it, probably the 'LV' part being removed of the menu and the 'Crystal' part in battle. If i'm still around I may be able to help though :p

When I send you the patch, please play through the game so nothing gets messed up....and always keep backup copies of your work

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