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Intermediate Event Editing Video Tutorials

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(12-03-2010, 12:40 PM)xJCSx Wrote: Ha I gotcha man, I just wish I knew where to start looking in the D banks, I mean there's no document for it and I've only found one JSR command in there so yeah that's a little tough.
And who knows, it could be compressed, they only had so much space on a ROM back then lolz.

Concerning the Iseria battle, ha I gotcha man, I was thinking you did that in game and whenever someone fought her, she'd literally speak in ZSNES. The only possibility I could think that would allow someone to do that would be to record your voice and convert it as a BRR and then delete FF6's instruments to replace them with your voice's BRR's.
Lolz jk that'd be nigh impossible ha but hey it'd be sweet.

And yeah some Iseria music would be awesome, I'm fixing to look in to custom music, i play two musical instruments and can read just about any format of music so if I have a feel for this, I'll tell you and try looking into an Iseria Battle theme.
Ha if I could get a request for a song, it'd definitely be Rydia's theme!
You gotta hear it if u haven't:
Scroll down to Rydia's theme, sorry the original MIDI link to the song wouldn't work :/
Pretty nostalgic sounding to me though Smile
Well I think I've made my reply overly long :p

There's this youtuber that did exactly what you mentioned, He got mint's (from Tales of Phantasia)'s voice clip for First Aid and inserted it as an instrument into chrono trigger, his name is xjustin3009x. He also made either gabriel celeste's theme or iseria queen's for chrono trigger.

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Cool stuff! Here's a link in case anyone wants to see it :p

Might look into that one day Wink
Man I feel like I'm Angelo-abusing here but there's one more thing I was wanting to ask you dude.
And if you don't know the answer that's perfectly fine cuz I don't blame you.
What I need to do in my game is make it where if the player tries to equip an esper on Locke (Bartz), he won't be able to.
You know how the game makes that sound and the screen goes mosaic if you try do something that you aren't allowed to do in the menu?
Well that's kinda what I need to do if the character tries equipping an esper on him.
So what I'm thinking is, once I find the place that has the esper menu data, should I create a jump command that goes to an empty space in the ROM and then, in that empty space, I script the mosaic screen and sound?
I feel like I'm wrong and I'm kinda in the dark with this one.
So either I do that or I guess I find some data to NOP concerning Locke and Espers...
I understand this questions hard to answer so I understand if you don't know man Wink

Thanks nevertheless! Smile


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(12-03-2010, 07:02 PM)xJCSx Wrote: Cool stuff! Here's a link in case anyone wants to see it :p

Might look into that one day Wink
Man I feel like I'm Angelo-abusing here but there's one more thing I was wanting to ask you dude.
And if you don't know the answer that's perfectly fine cuz I don't blame you.
What I need to do in my game is make it where if the player tries to equip an esper on Locke (Bartz), he won't be able to.
You know how the game makes that sound and the screen goes mosaic if you try do something that you aren't allowed to do in the menu?
Well that's kinda what I need to do if the character tries equipping an esper on him.
So what I'm thinking is, once I find the place that has the esper menu data, should I create a jump command that goes to an empty space in the ROM and then, in that empty space, I script the mosaic screen and sound?
I feel like I'm wrong and I'm kinda in the dark with this one.
So either I do that or I guess I find some data to NOP concerning Locke and Espers...
I understand this questions hard to answer so I understand if you don't know man Wink

Thanks nevertheless! Smile


No worries man, ask away anything you want :p

That shouldn't be too much trouble, you want to disable the esper option to locke right? The game already disables this ability for Gogo, it's a matter of finding it and replacing gogo's byte by locke.

Let me look to see what I can find, and I'll get back to you.
This is going to be long...
I found some pieces of code in the C3 bank that may help you, I've highlighted it in red below

Determine if a character actually knows magic
C3/0D2B: AD691A LDA $1A69 (from C3/0CB7)
C3/0D2E: 0D6A1A ORA $1A6A
C3/0D31: 0D6B1A ORA $1A6B
C3/0D34: 0D6C1A ORA $1A6C
C3/0D37: D02A BNE $0D63 (branch if you have at least one esper)
C3/0D39: A667 LDX $67
C3/0D3B: 7B TDC
C3/0D3C: BD0000 LDA $0000,X (character ID)
C3/0D3F: C90C CMP #$0C
C3/0D41: F020 BEQ $0D63 (Branch if it's Gogo)
C3/0D43: B01C BCS $0D61 (Branch if it's Umaro or higher)
C3/0D45: 8D0242 STA $4202 (we're here if character is below Gogo, and you have no espers)
C3/0D48: A936 LDA #$36
C3/0D4A: 8D0342 STA $4203 (#$36 as multiplier)
C3/0D50: A03600 LDY #$0036 (TAY?)
C3/0D53: AE1642 LDX $4216 (load character * spell total)
C3/0D56: BD6E1A LDA $1A6E,X (load spell at X)
C3/0D59: C9FF CMP #$FF (learned it?)
C3/0D5B: F006 BEQ $0D63 (branch if so)
C3/0D5D: E8 INX
C3/0D5E: 88 DEY
C3/0D5F: D0F5 BNE $0D56 (branch if we haven't checked every spell)
C3/0D61: 18 CLC (used by C3/0C6C, says that this character doesn't know magic)
C3/0D62: 60 RTS

C3/0D63: 38 SEC (flag MP as ok to display)
C3/0D64: 60 RTS

Enabling and disabling aspects of the skills menu
C3/4D3D: A924 LDA #$24 (from C3/1E89, C3/4CDB)
C3/4D3F: A600 LDX $00
C3/4D40: 9579 STA $79,X
C3/4D42: E8 INX
C3/4D43: E00700 CPX #$0007
C3/4D47: D0F8 BNE $4D40 (disable all commands for that character)
C3/4D49: 20DD4E JSR $4EDD
C3/4D4C: 5A PHY
C3/4D4D: A20400 LDX #$0004
C3/4D50: DA PHX
C3/4D51: A600 LDX $00
C3/4D53: B91600 LDA $0016,Y
C3/4D56: DF784DC3 CMP $C34D78,X
C3/4D5A: D004 BNE $4D5F (branch if skill does not match one on list)
C3/4D5C: A920 LDA #$20
C3/4D5E: 9579 STA $79,X (enable the skill for that character)
C3/4D5F: E8 INX
C3/4D60: E00700 CPX #$0007
C3/4D64: D0ED BNE $4D53 (branch if haven't checked all 7 skills?)
C3/4D66: C8 INY
C3/4D67: FA PLX
C3/4D68: CA DEX
C3/4D69: D0E5 BNE $4D50
C3/4D6B: 7A PLY
C3/4D6C: B90000 LDA $0000,Y
C3/4D6F: C90C CMP #$0C
C3/4D71: D004 BNE $4D77 (Branch if it's not Gogo)
C3/4D73: A924 LDA #$24
C3/4D75: 8579 STA $79 (disable esper menu)
C3/4D77: 60 RTS

The byte 0C corresponds to Gogo's ID, you could just replace 0C by locke's ID (01?), or the long way may be using JSR / RTS to include several characters...

Let me know if this helps. :p

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or an easier way is just disable magic for that character, but if u need magic for bartz then just follow angelo26 guide lol

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This is perfect Angelo, thanks so much man!
I found my error, I was relying far too heavily on searching for the 'comments' constructed in the file concerin Gogo and failed to notice the CMP commands w/o comments. Ha and the weird thing is, it was right below the comments! xD
But thanks again Angelo, I should be good for now Wink
You'll probably be the next Leno or Assassin ha.
(Gee I need to quit putting my username at the end of my posts :S)

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Heh you know, I always do the same thing! I look at the comments, and when I find something that may resemble what I'm looking for, I look a few lines up and down from that comment. And that's where I always find what I'm looking for :p

I'm way too far from becoming a Lenophis or an Assassin. I just want to learn all I can and help others understand things in an easier way.

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Wow that's a really cool motto man. And you're doing a great job! Keep it up and you'll definitely be a either a game developer or programmer. I like to think that all this leads to game developing lol but regular life gets in the way XD
Not a bad thing though :p
But my motto is kinda cool - "Those who have the ability to do something, have that responsibility."
Of course you wouldn't apply that to everything lolz but it's cool.
But yeah something I was wondering - are you planning on making a hack? You have the hex editing skills, man you could greatly surpass my custom event skills! Btw that video of my mine event is ancient XD 
But you should give it a shot - and I really like those posts concerning how to make certain names for thing longer.
It's been helpful-  lol idk you should write a tutorial one day.
But OK I'm done talkin ha

[Image: funnysiga.jpg]


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Heh I agree, one's life gets more and more busy and the hacking time gets less and less. With the holidays coming I have quite a few days on my hand though.

By the way, I have an idea for a boss hack and I'd like to see if you can help me code an event for that battle. I'll PM you with the details if you've got some time and are interested :p

I'm not sure if I have ever made it clear, but I'm working on one of those "improvement hacks" since last summer. I got motivated to do this after watching metroidquest's videos for the hack FF6:EC on youtube. It's not a big project like Nattak's Last hope, but it isn't small either. It's best I show you what I'm doing with pictures:

[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]
[Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png][Image: imgshk.png]

I've had to restart everything TWICE: once because the roms I was working on became corrupt; and second because I wanted to use my hack along with the improvement patch (It's given me a HELL of a time working on the improvement patched rom).

If you need anything like this done to your hack, I'll gladly help you or anyone else. And I'll think about making a video tutorial or a bigger hack some time - thanks for the encouragement!

You're working on a hack as well, right? What is it about?

I'll finish this post here, it's getting big now Laugh

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great job man

when its all done send it 2 me n I can send it 2 J

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Oh yeah definitely man, I owe you a million lolz, PM me just where the event you want to take place is at, and what you want to happen. Just be aware that the possibilities are limited to however much original space was in place to begin with.
BUT I actually have learned some ways to make an original event longer. I'll try not to go into the details too much, but if the event that happens for say, a boss battle, is an event square, then using the Level Editor, I find another event square stored somewhere in the ROM that you may not care for and if it's got more space on it, then I can get the Event Adress for that and insert all that into another map.
After that, I just find the place in the hex editor, FD (the do nothing command) everything that was originally there, and make the event long as possible Smile
OK maybe I did go too into the details XD
But that's a really cool hack you got there, man! I love having names long and not having to revert to a simplified name - like I can't fit Crystalyte in the game to replace espers so I have to type Crystl...Lol which stinks. But man, I know your pain with having to restart - it's horrible. I always make a backup before doing anything risky..I wouldn't recommend doing an MS Backup on one file. While it's good in terms of memory conservation, it's not very practical in terms of what me and you do ha.
But I'm sure that improvement patch is worth it all the way. I'm definitely gonna play it.
And seriously, if you wanna make a cool dungeon with some awesome events and monsters and the such, just get ahold of me and I'll do my very best to make it all how you want.
But it sounds awesome, we can kinda help out one another at our specialties - I can script some cool events for you and maybe you could help me extend some names for weapons, spells, and espers (Crystalyte in my case lol).
Anyways, I suppose I should make it clear to everyone what I'm doing lolz.
My hack is called 'Final Fantasy Crystal Rebirth'
It's going to be a VERY extensive hack, 80 percent of the events will be edited, the battle system will be revamped to where only 2 characters have magic, espers are called Crystalyte and DON'T grant the Magic ability once equipped.
I want to reveal more of the system, but I haven't developed the 100 percent version of it. While only 2 characters wield magic, Bartz will be granted some magical ability that I haven't named yet that will be granted via weapons.
Concerning the story - it's a continuation of FFV and all the characters - Bartz, Lenna, Krile, and Faris were whisked to the world of Strena after their victory against ExDeath on their other world (well technically world 3).
But the twist is they're all separated from one another and therefore must reunite. Now you may be wondering who the antagonist is - that's ExDeath. The world of Strena is a waking world that has just obtained their four new elemental crystals in order to restore balance to the tarnished land. But for new crystals to enter a world, old ones must pass away. Now with the previous crystals gone, the seal on ExDeath no longer holds.
But Caezrs, a race of rogues who have controlled Strena since it's birth, don't know what to think about the Crystals. Yet ExDeath manipulates the race of Caezrs under the alias Xenan, takes control of them, gives a somewhat-balance to their civilization and utilize them to obtain the new crystals.
The crystals are Mist, Steel(this one might be changed), Light, and Cosmo.
But yeah I hope I covered a somewhat-informative explanation of my game.
It's still in the making big time, but here's a few pics, again nothing amazing right now..

[Image: imgshk.png]

Remember the beginning sequence with Biggs, Wedge, and Terra on Magitek Armor in the Narshe Cliffs? This is that spot...just a bit different lolz

[Image: imgshk.png]

Crystalyte is obtained VERY shortly..Tritoch is the Mist Crystal and grants Lenna the power of Mist right after he killed Biggs and Wedge Smile

[Image: imgshk.png]

Xenan/ExDeath Scene...

[Image: imgshk.png]

Bartz seeking his allies in this new world...

Well man I hope that's a good review of what my game will contain, and trust me much more is to come! Once I can just complete the battle system, all's good. Smile
But yeah, this post is huge XD

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