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He does have a lot of hp and a few lives I think, he dropped last time I played him though recently, eventually. How many times have you counted or estimated he regains his HP back? And is he going through the 'use time magic' to make him take damage again routine?

Looking here I see he has 3 extra lives, meaning you would have to deplete his HP 4 times. Too much u think?

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(07-25-2014, 05:17 PM)Gi Nattak Wrote: He does have a lot of hp and a few lives I think, he dropped last time I played him though recently, eventually. How many times have you counted or estimated he regains his HP back? And is he going through the 'use time magic' to make him take damage again routine?

Looking here I see he has 3 extra lives, meaning you would have to deplete his HP 4 times. Too much u think?

I don't remember him having extra lives when I fought him, he did have the time magic cycle but it only happened one time. Was he supposed to come back a few times?

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Nah you can't tell really when he loses one of the lives, it's streamless in the since that once the HP is drained, it refills to max again with no tell tale sign.

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Where to use the Time Egg: In Din Gordo's Mansion there's a painting of King Allistair. Check it twice and it'll give you the directions to flip a swith in the Ancient Castle's Throne room. If I remember right it's 6 steps down from the Queen's throne, 5 to the left, then 3 down. But if not, check the painting. You should get the Curaga Esper.

On a side note, my favorite line in the game so far is "Abracadabra, bitches!"

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Finally got some time here to answer these wonderful Feedbacks!

(07-19-2014, 02:24 PM)Bahamut ZERO Wrote: I'll state here that the airship music for the WoR is nuckin futs. Same goes for the WoR chocobo music. I can't tell if it's a track from another game or if you guys cooked it up from scratch but man, it sounds EXACTLY like a post-apocalyptic chocobo ride should.

Speaking of Pepe, when you go into his room on the airship, for a fraction of a second he's a north-facing pig sprite, then changes to Pepe's sprite. It's like the Aerith in the church thing in FF7, but with pigs and birds. Laugh

Haha so yeah, totally psyched up. It's gonna make New Game+ real fun. Speaking of which, I've been theorizing if that's what the Time Egg's for, after the woman in Township (I think) talks about wishing she had a Time Egg to go back into the past before it all began. I hope I can find the Time Egg soon so I can find out, since I haven't come across the possible bug DJKool mentioned above.

The WoR Chocobo music is an 'evil chocobo' remix that Madsiur turned me onto, I can't seem to find the original song here now to link, but it did come out really good and I'm glad you like it. The Airship song is from Rambo NES lol, it's like the stage selection screen I think. Satoscorpion showed me that one and thought it would make for good WoR Airship song, and I agree as well. Not as epic at all as Searching For Friends, but it brings the level of hope and all's lost kinda feeling, with some kick!

About Pepe - Ahh damn, I'll check it out I have had similar issues with other sprites that are secretly OTHER sprites in disguise lol. LOVE that Aerith church ghost joke XD It is, it is.

Their is an NPC in the new Esper World place that if you have the time egg he can do a new game + for you, the other way is a new game + will just start once you beat the game, although it has a slight tile layering issue at the moment that goes away real soon, but besides that I think it's good as well.

P.S. I thoroughly enjoy reading your playthrough experience and feedback Bahamut Zero, always a real pleasure!

Bahamut Zero -

Also I noticed the Crane boss doesn't have that glitching through the in-battle text boxes anymore, which is freakin sweet.

Huh it should still be messing up/hidding the cursor at the bottom for choosing attacks I believe, it was not though for you? That is an emulator issue but maybe it's more random that I thought, what emulator are you using?

Dug the darkness in Shadow's Den, a lot more than in the Sarlac Pit. Shadow was another crazy fight for me. If I didn't have Mog equipped with gear that could nullify his attacks, I don't know if I would have made it. The Pokemon music felt out of place, though it was nice to hear again. I was hoping for a SNESified Kingdom Hearts tune for this one, like when you're first fighting the Heartless on Destiny Island at night.

I agree the poke music was kinda whack lol. I musta been high when I decided it was a good choice. I changed it for the BoF cave music recently here, I wanted the Heartless battle as you suggested, but the song is just too much to fit in any way imo into 8 tracks =(

Found a hidden save point when you first get to the Phantom Train section of the dream. It's
located in the upper-right corner of the first train car you have to walk through. If a save point's meant to be there, (and it's at a great spot for one, being directly after the Axem Rangers Fight) the sprite for the save point isn't showing.

Oh I must have forgot to remove the event trigger. I think I'll put the save point sprite back, that area could probably use it.

EDIT: Another thing I noticed is that everyone keeps saying that the dead have risen and that there are zombies everywhere, but the only undead things I've seen are trees.... zombie trees hahaha. I even checked the graves in the town you find Aurora for zombies, but instead was raped by tomberries. It would be great to fight random sprites that are zombified and half decayed (like how you fight the merchants in Cloud's scenario, a battler of a sprite).

Very good point, I agree with this and while I tried to portray that the dead are rising and walking the destroyed planet, I really did not implement the idea outside of text. I recently here changed the music in WoR Narshe to some nice zombie-ish tune, and at least threw some zombie monsters in the town as a possible battle. But they are super weak. I should probably replace a monster with a WoR tough human Zombie monster. And also put some Green zombie guard NPCs like banging at the doors like you suggested, like Astral fused the doors shut due to that. Great idea. I will go for the Zombie theme in Narsh , I really like that. I'll see what I can do.

The boss was fun to kill, and I thought the Mario Painting giving the middle finger was boss. Great job to whoever made that beaut.

Haha nice! Yeah that was Poco's masterpiece there, I remember when we did that very vividly. Good times~

Gaff -

Zemus/Zuriel fight made me really angry. Wasn't very fun getting everyone hit with cyclonic then instantly hit with another spell to be wiped out. Rubber shield was probably the only reason why I didnt rage quit at this point. Also Oboro was fairly useless... kept getting one shot so I just left him dead on the fight.

Totally, I will make it so he either casts Cyclone or powerful spell there instead of both.

World of Ruin. Near Kefka Tower, Devil babies throw a machete for 3.5k hp and instant killed
my group. I hate to think of how hard this would be if I didn't level Tifa as part of my floating

continent group lol.

Again ouch. I can do something about that.

Just completed the Zebes Cave... After being teleported back to Jerico I leave the town and end up in the middle of water where Thamasa normally is on the bottom right of the map with the airship two or three spaces away. Nooo I'm stuck lol.

Please excuse me while I say DAMN IT!!! I thought I was in the clear as far as those go lol. Glad you found it though. I thought I took care of that one though, you were playing with the latest version of the hack?

DJKool - Just finished Tyrano Tower, no real issues, however can you possibly add a save point in there somewhere? If not that, then maybe at least the ability to Teleport? It really sucked
having to haul ass out of there after beating Azala and being all hurt.

Save point is a good idea...there isn't one in that tower? huh. Sadly Teleport cannot be used there for a reason that I cannot remember now, but it's worth looking into. I remember it glitches something though.

You need to take Eiko with you to get FuSoYa, currently it seems to still require her just like it used to require Relm to get Strago back (any chance of changing that, Gi Nattak? It doesn't seem to be as intuitive as the original Strago/Relm recruitment was).

Yeah I did sort of take the lazy way out of editing that event. I'll consider changing it, but I'm all burned out again so it might be a 2.0 thing if it does happen.

Lord Sutebenu -

Alright, now in the scene with Cloud and was f**k**g shit up like nobodies business and even defeated the last fight on the river...yet somehow she lost?...

Uh oh did she actually beat him?! He never lost for me, but I was not playing with legit characters so it's possible. I think I'll throw in a couple fixed battle spells or something to make real sure.

Lockirby & Magical Trevor - I will check out the documents Wink

Everyone - I just wanna say thank you to you guys for hanging in there and being such great testers and helping to make the hack better and issue free as possible! I think I will send out one last update with all the latest stuff I've been working on last couple of weeks. BUT, it will require a new game as the RAM has been altered... So I don't expect you guys to start over or anything, just to have in case you'd like to play again, the release of the hack is still undetermined, but it should be within a month. I will explain a bit more in the email. Still got some thing to work on here but it won't be much more.

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The Soul Eater drove me nuts lol. The first time I got to him, I didnt have slow on anyone in the party so I just cast haste when the time event started. After that someone died and I decided to try dispeling the buff he put on himself... When the haste was dispelled along with this, he became invulnerable again and recasting haste didn't retrigger the weakness... So I was stuck in a loop of doing only zero damage lol.

Went and learned slow after this, and decided I'd be sneaky and poison Reaper before the fight so he would regen crazy amounts of hp and cheese it... Turns out I got cheesed instead, because he was suddenly weak to status effects like muddle and no amount of hitting him would remove the muddle so he randomly one shot everyone with his instant death weapon. I laughed, but cried on the inside too.

Take three... I got to the time part again, slowed him, then he decided he would double cast the quasar spell... instant dead again =(((((

Take four, soooo much easier and beat him with no real issues.

However this took foreeeever at level 45ish. I think one less extra life would make it less irritating overall, but it wouldnt have been that challenging if I didn't go here directly after recruiting Avalon..

Oh and Gi, I was on 7/10/14 for the hack, was the last one I received. I kinda joined late with the testing so I mighta been missed on the updates, idk lol.

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However this took foreeeever at level 45ish. I think one less extra life would make it less irritating overall, but it wouldnt have been that challenging if I didn't go here directly after recruiting Avalon..

Good thinking, 1 less life sounds like the way to go.

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@Bahamut ZERO: thanks for the tip, I found it!

@Gi Nattak: In regards to the Curaga esper, I have a few ideas. Firstly, maybe allow the gaining of the letter the first time a player looks at the Alistair painting? I remember looking at it on the way to Eiko, but I only did it one time, and thus missed the letter. Secondly, would you consider adding Curaga onto Phoenix, perhaps at a x1 learn rate and give the Queen esper the ability to learn at x3 or x4? Or possibly switch Reraise and Curaga between the two espers? Basically my concern is that, out of all the Espers, the Curaga esper was by far the most difficult to find (have to manage to get in a fight with Garuda, find the Ancient Letter, etc) but having the ability to learn Curaga is pretty important when fighting the Dragons or entering the last dungeon, and so I feel it should be less hard to acquire. Just some food for thought Smile

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@Bahamut Zero
Hopefully you read this before Zebes Isle, but if you are going to make a Save State, I recommend making it during the boss's dying animation and leaving it there. If you make it later, the co-ordinates of the airship/party might be set in the cutscene, and the new ROM won't fix it after the co-ordinates have been set already. You would need to beat the dungeon again.

The palette issues for certain characters are near impossible to deal with, unfortunately.

In the Sarlac pit, did you have Aurora at the front of the party there by any chance? IIRC, Terra could cause extra bugs in that room because she could walk a space after the ceiling starts crashing down. You can also use that to walk past the exits and out of bounds. If that's not it, then never mind, but it could be.

Teleport is probably impossible in Tyranno because otherwise you could Teleport out without having to fight Azala. There may be other reasons if you've created them, but otherwise that's it. Just make sure the top two rooms aren't Teleportable and you should be good to go. That's great to make the dungeon less tedious.

Always glad to help with the testing! Actually, my co-op job involves testing things, and I actually mentioned testing this game during the interview, so it's helped me out too. Smile

PS: Why does the spell-checker ding "mages" and "teleport"? I swear those are both words. Sweat

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wow missed a lot in 2 weeks.

can I get the latest version of the rom?

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