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@ BZ (Bahamut Zero)

As for that letter, there is that one NPC in the colosseum that references the secret, and actually just recently poco suggested changing up the dialog for him to be even more vague about the secret lol. But yeah, I think it's a nice little twist/secret to have to search it twice so I think I'll keep that. As for Curaga and the espers, I think that's a good idea to give Phoenix access to Curaga, at a lower % learn rate as you suggested. Your reasoning in doing this is sound indeed.

@ LK

I'm pretty sure it was some other kind of bad bug that teleporting from the tower causes actually. I remember I did just set it to the lower parts of the tower and something bad happens... I'll try again though and see what's up.

I'm also still baffled at the wrong place on the map thing after the metroid cave place. I swear I fixed that one. I'll have to go and check, I'm surprised it wasn't reported by more that 1 person yet though.

OK yeah I must have missed it, it's the wrong/old overworld exit spot alright. >_< Well at least this should be the very last then......

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Minor graphic bug, might just be because I use ZSNES idk, but when walking under the pathways in the Doma Castle lookalike(North of where Golbez joins) you appear on top of the railings instead of being invisible like you normally should.

Also fighting Shenron, I found that using the dagger that has stop casts it sucessfully when mugging. I didn't think to actually try casting stop(derp), but that made the fight stupid easy since he pretty much got no turns before he died lol.

Another note on Shenron, why did he randomly attack us? Not sure if that was really explained at all, I thought he was there to protect the espers, not just randomly beat up anyone that came to see him.

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"Minor graphic bug, might just be because I use ZSNES idk, but when walking under the pathways in the Doma Castle lookalike(North of where Golbez joins) you appear on top of the railings instead of being invisible like you normally should." - Gaff

I know where you're talking about I think. Is it a couple rooms in, at a spot where you can walk down and see the dock area with the door to the right of it? I tried to see if I could go through the door and break the game, but I was walking on top of the castle's stone railing like Gaff.

For my playthrough I've been using Snes9xTYL0.4.2mecm on PSP, and a little on the Snes9x for the Wii. Mostly PSP.

I've taken out 5 of the dragons! Each one's made me go "Holy mother of f**k!" the first time fighting them haha. The music for these fights amplifies this effect, it's like the "Oh Shit!" song. Killed off the ones at the Ancient Castle, Opera House, Death Mountain, Fraust Mountain, and Tyranno Tower, which leaves Zuriel's Tower, Phoenix Cave, and....somwhere. I'm hoping the hint the angel guy gave me in Spellbound Castle is referring to the Pheonix Cave one. After reaming me with a surprise Meteor that one time, I want to quick kill him as payback.

Where I've been so far:

1) Tyranno Tower

Remixed Chrono Trigger music ftw, never got old during my climb. Being able to attack in the tower is a welcome addition. I managed to topple the Titan after 2 tries, but man his beat-the-living-dogshit is a bit much. Reraise = survival. Haha first time I almost had him but he countered at the end and punched Oboro through a wall (figuratively speaking). Second time I had everyone alive and Rereaised, and at the end he did his counter like I thought... and then my jaw kind of dropped as he proceeded to beat the fuckin shit out of everyone hahaha. Feels good to say I sruvived it though, and good conditioning for the dragon and Azala fights. Speaking of which, it would have been cool as hell to hear some Tyranno Lair music when the Reptites block you off and Azala makes his entrance, continuing into the boss fight. The reward items in this place are SWEET AS TITS.

2) Spellbound Castle

Oh man, this place is crazy. I now know where all the things that used to tear me apart in the arena live, and they listen to some pretty hardcore FF Mystic Quest music. I liked the use of recolored Mist Castle/Opera Scene maps, I've always wanted to run around that area where Shenron fights you and kill shit! I can't quite remember why Shenron attacked me, but judging by my magicite collection he must of assumed I'm like Hitler to the Espers haha. Shenron looks cool as hell in fight, but he didn't grant me a wish when I hit him with 7 Dragon Balls. What gives? Tongue

Gotta mention I love the grey/red color scheme for the castle after the darkness lets up. Also, on the way out I thought I was trapped at the room where you're on the dock, but after a moment realized the transfer event was one tile to the right of where I kept walking to (the top left corner of the dock).

On a side note, I would totally go through more extra dungeons like this. It reminds me of the extra dungeons SE would put into a remake of a FF, but better. WAY better. Shit, I wouldn't mind like 3 or 4 more of these strewn about the WoR. Or in the WoB during a New Game+ playthrough or something. A guy can dream haha.

3) Zuriel's Tower (so far)

"Oh look, it's Professor Oak! Why's he in jail?" *jew jew!* "Oh God, it's not Professor Oak at all!!!"

*Insta Rape*

Haha that's about the extent of messing around in there so far.

EDIT: Also got to witness Cloud getting confused directly before using No Tomorrow, causing him to do his dash/leap animation multple times, then killing himself, Oboro, and FuSoYa to leave a pile of dead bodies, thus traumatizing Eiko for the rest of her life. It was hilarious. I really should've saved a screenshot to show everyone but I was too busy luaghing. XD

3 more dragons and then Zuriel's ass is mine! Still missing a few espers though. I'm missing the Esper that's to the right of Ragnarok, the right of Hrist, and the right of Venus on the Espers list. When the update's ready I'll redo Zebes Island and kill off Kraid again. Kickass Metroid music in there by the way. One of my favorite Metroid tunes by far.

Soon I'll be ready for New Game+. I'm guessing everything like Lvs, spells, items and gear/relics carry over? Or maybe items, spells and gear/relics carry over but you're back to level plus stat bonuses from tabs, kind of like Final Fantasy X-2? Maybe an extra ending or two's hidden in there somewhere ala Chrono Trigger. Manage to kill Kefka at a spot you couldn't before, you cause a rip in the space time continum and get a shot to prevent the world from falling apart.

Or Aurora and Leo fly off in a balloon, and you get to stare at the screen wondering why you just fought Lavos, er, Zuriel with one character for 20 minutes. Then both characters give you the middle finger, and the words "Congratulations! You're a [homophobic comment]!" flash on the screen for 10 seconds. Roll credits.

Actually, sarcasm aside, that would probably be the funniest thing I've seen in a game in a long time, and would be worth fighting to see haha. But now I've completely side tracked off a cliff, so back to playing. Wink

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Ah that Oak in jail should be Atma sprite. Guess I gotta man up and get in there and make sure this time lol.

Here's the list of the main things that the next update will have, in the meantime while I make sure nothing got broken:

- Expanded ROM to 6mb.
- Golbez is now able to equip Espers and learn Magic.
- Shadow (Heartless) is able to use spells that other people in the party have learned.
- Added thirty-something more songs.
- Resolved an issue of a possible event sequence break by way of chocobo to the sealed gate.
- Fixed a bad entrance event in Vector.
- Lowered monster encounter rate in some places where it was set too high.
- Created and added a relic that is a prize at the end of the WoR Dream Shrine that has the no monster encounters trait.
- Buffed up moogles stats a bit for the save terra from the guards battle.
- Made it so when the Lava Demon's flames grow stronger they can be removed with any water
- Oboro now starts out with Mug instead of Steal. (Still debating this one though...)
- Made the tube with the Mr. Saturn in the Factory broken already when you get there, to avoid confusion about the esper not being received.
- Fixed a tile issue from the orginal game where if you open and close the menu after the tubes are broken, they would appear fixed again.
- Gave Phoenix 1x learn Curaga.
- Made a new WoR Zombie monster and gave WoR Fraust a zombie feel.
- Fixed bad event exit to WoR overworld.
- Some other issues that were found by you guys.

[IMPORTANT! This update should require starting from a new game, because the RAM was altered so all the treasure chests are set to open if using any other srm. (save) data. So keep using the last version if you are in the middle of a playthrough. Not sure what might happen from a new game + though.]

I'll be sending out this update which might be the last in a day or two.

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oh man, can't wait to try it out. Though I think Oboro should keep steal instead of mug, as it's more useful against things that easily evade attacks. Or better yet, you could have him join with the mug relic equipped, and have the best of both worlds! I'll finish looting the world on this playthrough and play the update on a new game+, and backup my current version and save beforehand haha. I'm curious to see what'll happen, like if the game breaks because I'm supposed to open a chest to do something at some point haha.

I've been inching my way through Zuriel's tower. Found out 2 of the 3 dragons I have left are right there lol. Only gripe I have here is the unescapable Great Behemoth + 2 Boo Ghost encounters. They happen quite often when running around the outside areas with the search lights, and sometimes I just don't feel like killing them. Tried out the fights with ExDeath and Dark Cloud, and they definitely feel like the last boss fight-esque character's they're meant to be. I need to buff up my low lvled guys and come back for revenge, but kickass music there.

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I agree about Oboro, I actually like Steal better as it's faster. The evade % is something I hadn't even thought of but you're right. The main reason though this change came out of the blue, is that I needed a Relic to replace for a special no encounters relic, and since there's the Thief Knife that allows for Mug it seemed like a somewhat wise choice. Then I went and changed Steal to Mug for some reason... Then I thought maybe after all his dreams are seen, Steal could change to Mug, kinda like powering up. But still that might not be good as some people would like Steal more as you noted. Maybe just leave it Steal and since their are Thief Knifes around it's okay. Or maybe change some other piece of his equipment.

Anyways yeah for a new game + there I'd recommend getting this new Relic in the Dream Shrine (WoR version with all the bosses) where at the end you get this Relic for no more monster encounters, which would be nice to have for a new game +! Just a thought. I'm still pondering just giving the player this relic as well at the end of the game, before THAT new game + fires off. But I like the idea of having it solely as a rare prize and to make going through the Dream Shrine more desirable.

The site is back up again btw guys for a lifespan shorter than a fly.

Also the next update has hit a snag with the normal magic learning for Golbez, it's just not working to be honest lol. But GrayShadows is going to look into it and see what's up. Will keep yous updated!

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So I haven't gotten the new hack yet I haven't had a chance to check out the new awesomeness lol

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You could potentially combine the Thief Glove with the Sneak Ring. Although I'm bringing this up in case you think it's good, I actually don't like my idea. When I want to Steal, I don't want to trade off my odds of success (due to enemy evasion) for a wimpy physical attack. And if I want to attack, it's probably because there's nothing worth Stealing, so I'll probably just use Throw. If there's no alternative to removing Mug, I for one wouldn't miss it.

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Too bad there wasn't some miracle way to have so when the Steal is higlighted you could hit the Y button or something to swap it with Mug on-the-fly during battle. Then again, I simply use Steal. The only time I use mug is when I equip everyone else with thief knives and pillage the f**k out of my enemies. And speaking of which, I wish a few more weapons had a chance to Mug as well, like Otis' Pirate Sword, or some of the mace/blunt weapons. Or maybe a Hooked Rod that FuSoYa and Eiko could use to swoop some free stuff.

Then again, if I wanted more damage I COULD just pair a Thief's knife and a high grade weapon with a Genji Glove.

OH MAN. I just thought of something I should of tried days ago. 2 THIEF'S KNIVES AND A DIVINE GIFT. Yeah, I dfinitely need to try it, like right now haha. EIGHT MUGGINGS IN A ROW,

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(07-31-2014, 01:42 PM)Bahamut ZERO Wrote: Then again, if I wanted more damage I COULD just pair a Thief's knife and a high grade weapon with a Genji Glove.

Although attacking is usually sub-par in FF6, or nearly any FF6 hack. Even with a high grade weapon, it's unlikely that attacking two turns with this setup would be worth it very often over Throwing one turn and Stealing the next, unless you have Oboro set up in a risky, gimmicky sort of way.

That being said, at the levels you are at, it would be somewhat more effective.

Documents Updated.

Confused Moogles FTW

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