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Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Printable Version

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RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Lockirby2 - 10-14-2015

So, is everybody cool with the race being relocated to tomorrow?

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Tenkarider - 10-14-2015

So you say Thursday? Which hour?

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Lockirby2 - 10-14-2015

(10-14-2015, 09:10 PM)Tenkarider Wrote: So you say Thursday? Which hour?

Same time. Any race during the week has to be at that time if I'm going to participate. My schedule is fairly regular.

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - abyssonym - 10-14-2015

If it works for everyone else it works for me.

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Jackimus - 10-15-2015


RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Cecil188 - 10-15-2015

I'm ready to go for today! Was it...7:15?

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - abyssonym - 10-15-2015

7:30pm EDT if I'm not mistaken, which is in a little less than 3 hours.

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Tenkarider - 10-16-2015

First of all GG to the finalists and the winner is Abyssonym... Mr.Entity was quite close to him, anyway.

While it's true that bosses in the last part are deadly, we seen how it was still possible to find the 10th shop and the victory revolved around it... i guess it's necessary running away less often to be able to stand a fight against the bosses

Abyss also added endless fight NPC which are really useful to get stuff and grind... so i think that 12 shops race is still great and shouldn't really be changed.

Still i had a proposal: making a little change to the goal:
instead of searching Shops you search for save points and to do that we might do it
in 2 ways to be counted as milestone:
1) you get the milestone if you save; (after you spent gp)
2) you get the milestone if you are in the square of the savepoint or the 4 squares next to the save point; (it's counted before you actually spend gp)

The main difference is that also Atma's savepoint would be counted for the score, adding more variety to how to race the cave(assuming that you manage to beat Atma, of course)
In future i might plan something also for some other NPC boss, but i might like to test this idea meanwhile...

What do you think about, would you agree in seaching savepoints instead of the shops? (which is almost the same thing)

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - MrEntity - 10-16-2015

I still think it should be the first person to get through the door. Also, I'm pretty sure neither atma nor the dragons drop save points in Abys'ssssss thing.

RE: Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos - Tenkarider - 10-16-2015

Only Atma drops a save point, the others won't do that anymore, still Atma should be quite strong.

I don't like the thing of getting through the door, really... there's enough time to potentially reach all shops and you can still do something after the door... maybe even win against some boss if you fight extra battles.(it's still more fun grinding than seeing people die and repeat a whole piece of dungeon and wasting around 1 hour of time in doing that)

I also say that when the going gets tough the tough get going... not run away(from the difficulty spike)