Poll: What do you want to race?
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Beyond Chaos standard mode 50.00% 1 50.00%
BC's Ancientcave mode 50.00% 1 50.00%
BC's Speedcave mode 0% 0 0%
Total 2 vote(s) 100%
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Racing on twitch with Beyond Chaos

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Ok, i opened the thread! as you noticed i wrote only Beyond Chaos, since i like it much more than the one of Dessyreqt(sorry, i don't have anything against you, it's just a matter of tastes) possibly i'd like we discuss here about racing only BC or Speedcave/Ancientcave modes... i you really don't feel like opening another thread for the other randomizer's races, then you can still discuss it here too.

Other than sharing some idea on what/how to race, i'd suggest to use this tread also as race planner... so when we agree on one date in particular, we can post the date here, maybe we can also warn other sites, like ID about the fact that in date XX/YY/ZZ there will be a BC race on twitch at a certain moment and so post the direct link to the stream when we start, how 'bout it?

There's also another factor to consider: most of people here or in ID live in America, me in Italy and others in Europe, in general: so it's a really bad idea to declare an hour for the stream... the risk of misunderstandings are really high, so i'd like to agree everybody on doing someting like:
1) days before we reach an agreement on the date;
2) on day X someone posts something like... "today we stream the race, the race will start after Y hours from now" unless you know someone who lives in Asia, then it would be better that the post is made from an European, since we are "in the future" of something like 6-8 hours compared to America, due to time zones in the world, so we should be able to warn everybody;
3) Obviously we already decided before the planned hour, anyway if something happens during that period we'll change our plans before it's too late, and then we'll race with less players/move forward the hour/change date according to the matter;
4) something like 10-30 minutes before we post the seed to write, or even better someone links a patch to vanilla rom, which we can apply and so obtain the correct BC rom, without risking an error while inputing settings on BC .exe program manually. Who is this "Someone"? anybody, volunteers, selected by rotation among racers? whatever, we can do as we please about this point.

PS. which flags to use? i'd suggest all except "random input blitz" flag, as Lockirby2 said in shoutbox; for themed races, we discuss them as usual and point that it's a themed race when we declare the date.
When i say "themed race" i mean using passwords inside the seed, like "no encounter" or "all sabin characters" passwords. Never used them but i don't mind if some of you want to experience something slightly different.

Any suggestion is accepted if someone has some better idea on how to plan races and the schedule to follow, before the streaming starts.

I also made a poll for see which mode of BC you prefer most to stream: i'd like more Speedcave, which fits best for streaming to me... yet i remember in some thread the poll won't work, any chance this poll might have any problem as well?

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Yeah, I don't think your poll works.

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Do you know how to create a poll that will work correctly?

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I'll say what I know about racing Beyond Chaos. There was a full-game race a long time ago with three participants, they used different seeds and only one of them finished after 20 hours. That was before the game guide was generated, though, so being able to consult the guide might cut the time significantly. They were also speedrunners, not rom hackers, so they had depth of knowledge but not breadth. However, they didn't randomize monsters, which is the easiest way to extend the playtime of a randomization.

The speed cave and ancient cave modes have save points scattered throughout the dungeon now, so they're a lot more race-friendly than they once were. Also, in version 58, the cave modes now generate game guides, although they don't list shops or treasure chests. I don't think the ancient cave can be completed in one sitting though. The speed cave is nice because it cuts out all of the cutscenes, but the downside is that there aren't any places where you can take a break.

Since you guys are thinking of doing an elimination round first, maybe the first round should have a shorter race, with fewer flags or maybe only partially completing the game. Maybe something like...
  • Round 1: Vanilla-ish Speedcave with glitches allowed, maybe only randomize things like characters' abilities and espers.
  • Round 2: Full-chaos Speedcave including randomized enemies and patching exploits.
It's also a good idea to share some information with each other during the race. This is a common practice for randomizer races in other games. It helps keep the gap between 1st and last place from widening too much, and people can enjoy talking about the game with each other.

Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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(09-01-2015, 09:11 AM)Tenkarider Wrote: Do you know how to create a poll that will work correctly?

Polls are broken in threads (only the one posted on main page works). Maybe we should just state which version of the randomizer we want to play.

If we get more than 4 people, I think a shorter race for first round would be a good idea. Personally, I don't see myself racing for more than 4 hours. Maybe a full randomized (except blitz inputs) normal game until the Narshe battle completed would be a good idea. All people on the same race would have the same seed but as Lockirby said, we could have two seeds for the first round.

As for the final round, full speedcave sounds good though I never tried it.

I also agree with the fact that we could look up the generated game guide a few hours before the race, when the seed is chosen.

As for the time, we could all give our availability in the same timezone. There's plenty of time converters online. My timezone is currently EDT (UTC-4 hours), so here's my availability to start a race (considering a 4 hours race):

Weekdays (except Friday): 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Friday: 5:00pm to 11:00pm
Saturday: 6:00am to 11:00pm
Sunday: 6:00am to 7:00pm

Edit: I think we also should know the day and time of the race at least 2-3 days prior to it. We could the generate the ROM like an hour before that time and that would be our time to consult the game guide.

Edit2: I think also we should have first the people from FF6hacking.com racing before people from other forums (though some folks hang out at 2 or 3 places). I don't mind racing against anyone, but since you're posting here first wait a few days before posting elsewhere to see who is interested. That way you could fill the empty spots with people from other forums or even have 12 racers total.

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@Abyssonym: honestly an almost vanilla run sounds horrible to be, i mean... it's a beyond chaos race! still i can agree to set a standard BC run with the flags we said before, until the end of Narshe Battle.
You said that speedcave has no cutscenes, what does it mean? Does ancientcave have any cutscene? Which ones? At this point we might also attempt in future, as first round, an ancientcave run in which the goal is a certain event, or in which the winner is the one which reaches more cutscenes spots(in case of draw, the winner would be the one which reached his last cutscene in less time), given a fixed time of 2-4 hours.

Good idea doing a full run of speedcave as final, btw we should also do speedcave races as first round sometime, or not-finalists might risk to never enjoy a speedcave race(as players, rather than watchers)

Fully agree on having some time before the race for read the guide, about sharing infos while streaming, do as you want... i don't wan't to spoil part of the fun, but i'm not used to talk and probably i won't do it even this time, besides i don't have microphone too Cover i hope that won't cause any trouble to other racers.

@Madsiur: my timezone should be CEST(UTC+2 hours) i don't know when i have free time, potentially even always or never Laugh

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No, Ancient Cave doesn't have any cutscenes either, except for the ending of course. Sorry for the confusion.

Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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-I like the idea of doing a Battle @ Narshe for the first race and speedcave for the finals. Has anybody played speedcave before?
-I don't like the idea of setting less flags for the first run. I'd prefer to run with the flags mostly set.
-Personally, I enjoyed not reading the guide at all for the other one. We had to figure out things on the fly, take risks accordingly, and make decisions quickly. Also, there's the benefit of not having to spend an hour pouring over and memorizing a document, or having to give an advantage to opposing players. But I'm not sure how long speedcave is: we may need to consult the guide to shorten that a bit. But then again, if we spend time consulting the guide, it's not like we save time overall, unless we are just consulting the guide way in advance anyways.
-I won't make an ID thread; take care of that however you see fit.
-As far as time zones are concerned, I'll throw in a link to http://www.worldtimeserver.com/ just for easy access.
-Just to get an idea, how many people are willing to speak on stream? I don't really care about audio quality or English ability or anything. Do you have even some sort of default microphone on your computer Tenka? My brother and I will speak for sure.

NOTE: The Battle @ Narshe race took my brother and I just over two hours (thankfully Cecil kept his timer open to the end, mine was broken due to a mishap).

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I'm stuck with ROTDS(until i'll be sure my laptop won't crash due to heat) so i still have to see both BC's caves...
Looks like with flags we're all agree on setting all of them except random blitz input flag;
While i said i'm fully agree on being able to use the guide before streaming, i'm fully agree in not using it too, after all until now i made playthroughs without knowing anything about those games, and the purpose of randomization is to surprise the player, after all... so i guess we can consider the guide as a flag to set or leave clear, according to what racers decide before any race.

I guess for now the race will be restricted to FF6hacking.com site, then we'll eventually spread the race in other sites, i might make a thread in ID as well, after some race, despite Lockirby2 would get much more attention than me in that site... oh well.

about that timezone link... well, it's broken Tongue

Even if i won't speak, feel free to speak as much as you want: it's funny even just hearing the conversation between you guys, to me.
I don't have any kind of microphone... the other problem is that where i live, (without even talking about neighbors in the condominium) we're in six and speech/shouts are quite annoying for the others, that's why i always use headphones for listening music.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
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To be honest, the Speedcave mode could easily take significantly longer than four hours with all flags on. It was primarily balanced for vanilla flags, not chaos flags. It's highly variable though, and there are resources available to make it easier. The main things you would be looking for are Exp. Egg, the Lv-1 esper boost, the Lv+50% esper boost, and possibly the secret item. These are all things that would accelerate the grinding you need to do to survive the bosses at the end of the cave.

Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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