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Cameo Fantasy III

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If I understand your intentions, you want to do a tribute to JRPGS. If so, why did you leave Persona 4, Mario RPGS, Lufia, and Earthbound to such minor roles? You have 2 characters from Dissigea playable. Mr. Saturn for Ghosts? It could work. Why are you fighting Ness anyways? Is he possesed? Also what do you have for Espers? You could Represent any left over games using those.
Esper Suggestions:
The Dark Dragon (Mother 3): A good replacement for Crusader. His abilities were sealed away by the needles in Mother 3. In the games ending, it used an attack which assimilated the whole world. No one lived except Lucas, Porky, Kumatora, Duster, Flint, Claus, and Boney.
Various Personas OF THE CHARACTERS IN YOUR HACK! (Persona series/Various Series): It is said to be the characters inner strength. You could use it to complete your characters development.
Legendary Pokemon (Pokemon): They are Pokemon, and they are Legendary.
Geno (Mario RPG): GENO WHIRL!
GILGAMESH (FINAL FANTASY V): If you keep any summon, make it Gilgamesh.
Buriki Daioh (Live A Live): A Giant Freaking Mech. Make it happen.

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Well, Those particular series/games have somewhat truncated roles for a variety of reasons. The Lufia series is somewhat obscure as far as RPGs go, with only one recent release in the past 5 years. Also, I'm including the Sinistrals, the most notable part of the series as bosses, so I think that does it justice.

Persona 4 doesn't get a lot of recognition for the same reason that, say, Dragon Quest 8 doesn't get a lot of recognition. There's already a PC from Persona 3 (and Dragon Quest 4). It's notable that Jack Frost is already a summon and a boss, too. Additionally, Persona's modern-day setting is actually a little out-of-place with the setting of CF6. After all, the characters in P4 can only use their powers when they're in a TV World... and it would take a LOT of graphics editing and event rescripting to make anything like that. I do kind of like the idea of using Personas of the PCs already chosen, though... but it would clash with Aigis' use of Persona-swapping, honestly.

Earthbound's weird modern-day setting is kind of hard to reconcile with CF6, too. But I turned Zozo into Moonside, which is where Ness is fought (he can't help it, it's the effect of Moonside's craziness or something). Really, I just wanted Ness in the game despite EB's setting being completely weird for the story/tone/setting I'm going for. Mr. Saturns are also random encounters.

Now, Mario RPG is a weird one. I generally didn't want to include series that -weren't- originally RPGs, but Mario RPG is -really- well-known, AND I have a special fondness for Geno, too. In the end, I just made the whole cast of Mario RPG into random encounters. Geno himself -might- have made a decent PC, but I couldn't figure out how to work his story into my plot, he's not -actually- the main character, and his skillset is REALLY small, so I was worried he might end up boring compared to the rest of the cast (and I'm already worried about that with Laharl, Ike, and Tir).

Laharl is there because he works well as Umaro. He's also the first sprite I ever drew for FF6, so I have some attachment to him. The reason the Prinnies got the Ghost slot is because there's no other possible awesome choice for replacing the Ghosts on the Phantom Train than the adorable Souls of the Damned in Penguin Costumes that explode when Thrown. If you can think of one, I will consider replacing them, but I doubt it exists.

On L.Pokemon: Note that Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Lugia, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina are summons. Pikachu is -playable- and there's a whole colony of them living in Narshe. Arceus may or may not end up a super boss (he was in Meeple Fantasy 6 and I like the idea, but I might nix him so that I won't steal more of poor Meeple's ideas).

As for Gilgamesh... I like him, but I don't have a sprite I like for him. His FF5/6 sprites just don't work with my hack and he's just too complicated for me to want to draw one of him.

Thanks for asking about the hack, though. I sometimes forget that a lot of my reasons for choosing certain series/characters aren't as obvious as I think.

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I've been making huge amounts of progress on this. About half of the spell animations are done. All preliminary items/equips are done (barring animations for Tools/Consumables/Weapons). A few new sprites are done. I have a scriptwriter now, so the story is in-progress. Biggest thing now is to finish up Boss Sprites and rework the monsters and I'll have a Beta. I may release an "Alpha" when I get the PCs done, using MF6's Monsters. This means that the balance will be shot to hell, but it might be fun for people to try it out.

Also, here's some of the custom boss sprites I've done. Melfice and Tio from Grandia II:

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those are incredible man,

u need 2 get on skype ASAP (I got some custom sprites 4 u)

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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[Image: MilleniaPreview1.png]

More Boss spriting! Millenia, also from Grandia 2 (I swear I'm done with Grandia 2 now)
Updated list of Bosses:

Games you should at minimum know to play this hack: FF6, Suikoden, Valkyrie Profile, Shadow Hearts 2, Grandia 2, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire 3

FF6 Boss    CF6 Boss    Series
Whelk    Ryu3Whelp    Breath of Fire3
Marshal/NarsheGuards/Dogs    Ghaleon/VileTribeGirls/WolfLaguz    Lunar / FireEmblem
MTekArmor    Gear Pilots    Xenogears
Vargas/Ipoohs    Asch/Replicas    Tales of Abyss
Ultros1    Ultros    FF6
ImpCampEnemies    Melfice/Geohounds    Grandia 2
Specter    Neclord/MoonRune    Suikoden
Siegfried    MonsterZed    Wild Arms
GhostTrain    PhantomTrain/SoulEater    Suikoden
TunnelArmr    Hrist    Valkyrie Profile
Rider/Guards    Dalton (Sends out Golems~)    Chrono Trigger
Kefka    Kefka    FF6
Dadaluma    Ness    Earthbound
Ultros2    Piastol    Skies of Arcadia
Ifrit/Shiva    JackFrost/Slime    DQ/Persona
Experiment    Tio    Grandia 2
Experiment    Indalecio    Star Ocean 2
Cranes    Sinistrals (Erim & GuardDhaos?)    Lufia (Tales of Phantasia?)
FlameEater    Lynx/TrueFireRune    Chrono Cross / Suikoden
Ultros3    Lucied    Wild Arms
Kefka/MTekArmors    Kefka w/ValmarHorn guards    FF6 / Grandia 2
ImpArmada1    Silmeria/Brahms    Valkyrie Profile
ImpArmada2    Althena/DrgnMstrAlex    Lunar (RPGMaker)
ImpArmada3    Sun Rune    Suikoden
Gigantos    Sword/Shield Runes    Suikoden
AtmaWeapon    Surt    Valkyrie Profile
Nerapa    Lezard    Valkyrie Profile
Phumbaba    CorruptMillenia    Grandia 2
Tentacles    Sovereign Rune Incarnation    Suikoden
Presenter    Yuber    Suikoden
Dullahan    Fina    Skies of Arcadia
DoomGaze    Freya (DoomGaze)    Valkyrie Profile
IceDragon    Fou-Lu    Breath of Fire4
Tritoch    Lugia/TrueDragonRune    Pokemon / Suikoden
MasterPugs    Etna    Disgaea
Umaro    Laharl    Disgaea
StormDragon    Magus    Chrono Trigger
Allo    Punishment Rune    Suikoden
SrBehemoth    Ashnard    Fire Emblem
Shadow(Colloseum)    Ike (Colloseum)    Fire Emblem
Chadarnook    BeastRune Incarnation (2 parts)    Suikoden
DirtDragon    Loki (OperaHouse)    Valkyrie Profile
Hidon    Teepo    Breath of Fire3
DreamStooges    Ozzie/Flea/Slash    Chrono Trigger
Wrexsoul    DreamDemonBeatrice    Wild Arms
MasterKatana    BenHyuga    Shadow Hearts
BlueDragon    SeraphicRadiance    Shadow Hearts
ZoneEater    TARTARUS(ZoneEater)    Persona
RedDragon    LAVOS CORE    Chrono Trigger
WhiteDragon    Zio    Phantasy Star
MonsterinaBox    DarkForce    Phantasy Star
MagiMaster    ProfoundDarkness    Phantasy Star
Goddess    Leknaat: T.Wtr, T.Wind, T.Charm, T.Ltg, T.Gate    Suikoden
Poltergeist    Ashera    Fire Emblem
Doom    Myria    Breath of Fire
Kefka    Kefka    FF6

I still have a handful of bosses in Kefka's Tower and Monsters-in-a-Box left to choose, but otherwise, this is pretty much what I'm going for.

Complete list of Game series even tangentially mentioned in this hack (in order of frequency) :
Must Know:
Final Fantasy
Valkyrie Profile

Major Plot/Bosses:
Breath of Fire
Chrono Trigger
Shadow Hearts

You WILL See These In The Story:
Wild Arms
Tales series
Dragon Quest
Fire Emblem
Skies of Arcadia

Vague Knowledge is Enough:
Phantasy Star
Star Ocean

Mostly Just Enemies:
Kingdom Hearts
Golden Sun
Secret of Mana

Legend of Dragoon
Atelier series
Mario RPG
SaGa Frontier
Arc the Lad

Yeah... 29 series is a lot to be familiar with, but mostly you can get by with just knowing the first 8 or so, and be happy when you catch a reference to another game you've played~

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Terra does not look too in black but some of the sprites need some originality, some of them look like Locke recolored but I know you'll be working on them. Its a good start, don't get me on the wrong foot here.

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Terra does not look too ... what? in black?

Also, yes, Claude is almost a direct recolor of Locke, but that's because Claude looks almost exactly like Locke...

The rest of the sprites are pretty original, though I do have plans to rework the palettes and do touch-ups. But for right now, I'm trying to just get something playable, so the main sprites are on-hold.

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I am so looking foward to this hack. Smile

"Expect an early Winter with lots of snow!" Roan's Snowball Fight move
I'm a serious Grandia II fan and my all-time favorite character is Roan

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Buncha sprites update:

Some espers: I did these a while back, so they're not very good...
[Image: AsellusCard1.png] [Image: ReysonSummon2.png] [Image: DarkSeraphim1.png]

Asellus (SaGa Frontier), Reyson (Fire Emblem 10), and Seraphic Radiance (Shadow Hearts)

And from Wild Arms 3: Raftina, the Guardian of Love!
[Image: RaftinaCard1.png] [Image: WACFRaftinaArt.jpg]

This one was soooo hard and it still turned out like crap. If anyone wants to help me fix it up, I'd be much obliged.

Some bosses:
[Image: Beatrice1.png] [Image: Ashnard1.png] [Image: GearPilotShion.png]
Beatrice (Wild Arms 3), Mad King Ashnard (Fire Emblem 9), Gear Pilot Shion! (Xenosaga~)
[Image: TeepoBoss1.png][Image: RyuWhelp1.png] [Image: Ghaleon1.png][Image: Althena1.png] [Image: Melfice1.png][Image: Tio1.png][Image: Millenia1.png]
Teepo, Whelp Ryu (Breath of Fire 3)
Ghaleon, Althena (Lunar)
Melfice, Tio, Millenia (Grandia 2)

[Image: Myria1.png][Image: Leknaat1.png][Image: Ashera2.png]
The Three Goddesses - Myria (Breath of Fire), Leknaat (Suikoden), Ashera (Fire Emblem)
[Image: Royce1.png][Image: RoycePreview1.png]
Royce (Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete)
Zoomed-in because I like how it turned out.

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This hack is amazing, I love everything about it. Smile
And these bosses are just awesome, everyone of them. Wink

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