
Name Alternate Sprites Patch 1.0
Author Nowea
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ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.0
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Header No
ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.1
ROM SHA-1 057ADA1C641E3E0B3CA34E6E4F4EB1B05A87143A
Header No

Credit goes to Bauglir for making the portraits. Celes, Sabin, and Edgar's sprites are altered. Along with Opera Celes and “Chained up” Celes. In addition, a random tree that is used in the end credits is altered slightly since it uses the hair color. There are NPCs that use this color palette. In my (admittedly short) testing I only saw 1 NPC (who you only see for a very short time) look weird with it.

Credit to Bauglir for the portrait. A few other sprites were altered (see folder) to not look too bad.

During a randomizer run Shadow's intro caused it to show Interceptor's sprite instead of “shadow's” I thought it was funny and made… this… It swaps the dogs with Shadow's sprite and Shadow's sprite with the dogs. Enemy sprites and interceptor's in-combat trigger are unaffected. The only known issue is that the ninja sprite doesn't like something about being used as a dog sprite, so it looks a little weird. Portrait by James White.

For a while I was trying to make something more ambitious for myself, in having a more full sprite edit instead of recoloring and minor tweaks. I made Locke a cosplay outfit. I'm not actually all that happy with it, but It was the best I could manage to make and I feel it was good enough to post. This one doesn't come with a portrait.

  • ff3/ff3us/patches/misc/altsprites.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)