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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
33 samples
$0C408E-$0C40D5 BRR samples pointers
$0C40D6-$0C4105 Loop start positions
$0C4106-$0C4135 Pitch Multipliers?
$0C4136-$0C4165 ADSR data
$0C4767-$0DB9C8 BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Treasure Conflix ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $0C4767-$0C62DD $1B77 chorus FFE0 3D00 0705
$02 $0C62DE-$0C7461 $1184 electric guitar FFE0 D600 0807
$03 $0C7462-$0C863F $11DE kick drum FFE0 0000 0000
$04 $0C8640-$0C8ACA $048B electric bass FFEF A99F B103
$05 $0C8ACB-$0C9321 $0857 oboe FFE0 FD00 0408
$06 $0C9322-$0CB26D $1F4C strings FFE0 94A8 B502
$07 $0CB26E-$0CC07F $0E12 snare drum FFE0 AF00 0000
$08 $0CC080-$0CCE91 $0E12 tam FFE0 0000 100E
$09 $0CCE92-$0CD56E $06DD marimba FFE0 5150 5406
$0A $0CD56F-$0CE851 $12E3 open hi hat FFE0 0000 0000
$0B $0CE852-$0CEB2C $02DB closed hi hat FFE0 0000 0000
$0C $0CEB2D-$0CF0D7 $05AB harp FFE0 517C 7305
$0D $0CF0D8-$0CF628 $0551 organ FFE0 AFEC 6E04
$0E $0CF629-$0D0A19 $13F1 brass section FFE0 0048 6309
$0F $0D0A1A-$0D1993 $0F7A crash cymbal FFE0 0000 B205
$10 $0D1994-$0D21B4 $0821 shaker FFE0 0000 0000
$11 $0D21B5-$0D3005 $0E51 closed cymbal FFEF 0000 9D08
$12 $0D3006-$0D3FD9 $0FD4 timpani FFE0 0000 D20F
$13 $0D3FDA-$0D4D0A $0D31 bass drum FFE0 0000 2F0D
$14 $0D4D0B-$0D571A $0A10 bell FFEF FE00 1506
$15 $0D571B-$0D70EA $19D0 synth strings FFE0 DF00 A608
$16 $0D70EB-$0D9144 $205A conga roll FFE0 0000 0000
$17 $0D9145-$0D9E51 $0D0D flute FFE0 F700 9A02
$18 $0D9E52-$0DB9C8 $1B77 orch hit FFE0 D500 0000
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/tc.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)