====== madsiur's Patches ===== Most patches are also hosted on [[https://www.romhacking.net/community/3360/|RHDN]] and gradually since 2024 on my [[https://www.fred65816.net/en/romhacking/hacks|personal website]]. For patches that have a GBA version, the GBA version is included in the SNES archive but will also be soon listed on the wiki [[ff6a:patches|GBA patches page]]. All patches are for headerless ROMs. Some patches have asm file(s) to make possible a custom implementation, for example I often use the same free space for my patches so free space code relocation is easy with the asm file provided. All ASM hacks can be assembled with {{ff3:ff3us:util:asm:xkas_v06.zip|xkas 0.06}} for the older patches or {{ff3:ff3us:util:asm:bass_v14.tar.gz|bass v14}}. Newer patches usually use bass. The ''readme.txt'' file with each archive often contain more info than the patch wiki page so have a look at it. If you have any question or comment you can post in the FF6Hacking forum thread linked or you can send me an email! * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:amanoesque_portraits|Amanoesque Portraits]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:antifreeze|Antifreeze Hack]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:auction_chocobo|Auction Chocobo Fix]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:battle_form| Battle Formation Event Command]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:ct_menu_bg| Chrono Trigger Menu Backgrounds]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:cursed_tweak|Cursed Tweak]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:cycle|Day / Night Cycle (beta)]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:debilitator|Debilitator Reset]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:equipment_check|Equipment Check Event Command]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:ff5_shield|FF5 Shield]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:frozen_terra|Frozen Terra Fix]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:hp_gain|HP Gain On Each Step]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:mastered|Mastered Esper Icon]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:mini_maps|Mini-Maps Upgrade]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:music_player|Music Player]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:multiple_fonts|Multiple Fonts]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:no_gradient|No Gradient]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:opened_eyes_terra|Opened Eyes Terra Fix]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:random_battle_songs|Random Battle Songs]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:encounters|Random Encounters Menu Option]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:shadow_shadow|Shadow's Shadow Fix]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:shorter_skill_name_fix|Shorter Skill Name Fix]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:status|Status Timers Hack]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:sram|SRAM Expansion]] * [[ff3:ff3us:patches:madsiur:zozo_sign|Zozo Sign Petty Fix]]