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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
All the 4 packages above Download
18 samples
$06BDFF-$06BE34 BRR samples pointers
$06BE35-$06BE58 Loop start positions
$06BE59-$06BE7C Pitch Multipliers?
$06BE7D-$06BEA0 ADSR data
$06C201-$07850C BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Mystic Quest ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $06C201-$06C820 $0620 guitar FFCB EF00 DF05
$02 $06C821-$06CC2D $040D kick drum FFDC 0000 0B04
$03 $06CC2E-$06E807 $1BDA brass section FFE0 8000 260D
$04 $06E808-$06F5FE $0DF7 distortion guitar FFE0 8000 3609
$05 $06F5FF-$06FA5C $045E synth bass 9F40 8000 D503
$06 $06FA5D-$0700FA $069E flute 1 8F84 CD00 8106
$07 $0700FB-$070D2F $0C35 hi hat FF18 0000 FE04
$08 $070D30-$071415 $06E6 flute 2 8FA4 CD00 C906
$09 $071416-$07144D $0038 rock organ FF84 CD00 1B00
$0A $07144E-$072205 $0DB8 electric bass CF68 0000 A80C
$0B $072206-$073164 $0F5F snare drum 8FB8 0000 7D07
$0C $073165-$074DA1 $1C3D strings A7C0 E400 1B00
$0D $074DA2-$075583 $07E2 conga drum FFD4 8000 5907
$0E $075584-$075CC3 $0740 trumpet 9FA4 EF00 FF06
$0F $075CC4-$07696D $0CAA xylophone BFAC 0000 210C
$10 $07696E-$077749 $0DDC cymbal crash AF11 0000 A905
$11 $07774A-$0781F2 $0AA9 timpani FFB2 8000 C108
$12 $0781F3-$07850C $031A wood block FFE0 0000 1803
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/mq.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)