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BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Pitch, loop and ADSR data are in a text file. Download
BRR Samples with first two bytes as sample length. Each sample has it own folder with data in bin files. Download
BRR Samples with no sample length as first two bytes converted to WAV audio file. Download
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32 samples
$02BBE2-$02BC41 BRR samples pointers
$02BC42-$02BC81 Loop start positions
$02BC82-$02BCC1 Pitch Multipliers?
$02BCC2-$02BD01 ADSR data
$02C282-$042A67 BRR samples

All the data was taken from the Hanjuku Hero: Aa, Sekaiyo Hanjukunare…! ROM. ADSR stands for ADSR data, PITCH for pitch multipliers and LOOP for loop start position.

$01 $02C282-$02CC64 $09E3 snare drum FFE0 BC00 E109
$02 $02CC65-$02D221 $05BD rock organ FFF6 3D00 3D05
$03 $02D222-$02F1A3 $1F82 strings FAE0 C0C0 1B00
$04 $02F1A4-$02F8A4 $0701 bass guitar FFEC 9BFC 3906
$05 $02F8A5-$02FD89 $04E5 flute FFE0 F555 6E04
$06 $02FD8A-$0306EE $0965 acoustic bass FFEC FEA8 DB06
$07 $0306EF-$03261F $1F31 oboe FFE0 B355 2C19
$08 $032620-$03357E $0F5F orch hit FFE0 ED00 5D0F
$09 $03357F-$034111 $0B93 brass FFE0 FB70 290A
$0A $034112-$034DC4 $0CB3 wood block FFE0 0000 B10C
$0B $034DC5-$035222 $045E sitar FFF0 CFA0 9603
$0C $035223-$035B5A $0938 bagpipe FFE0 D68B 1905
$0D $035B5B-$036AE6 $0F8C tam FFEE 0000 8A00
$0E $036AE7-$036DDC $02F6 piano FFED D420 E601
$0F $036DDD-$037147 $036B harp FFED A9FF 4E03
$10 $037148-$0376B3 $056C clarinet FFE0 9BFF A404
$11 $0376B4-$038849 $1196 timpani FFE0 C1FF 9411
$12 $03884A-$03973C $0EF3 tom FFE0 7000 F10E
$13 $03973D-$03A1E5 $0AA9 conga drum FFE0 8C00 A70A
$14 $03B4C9-$03C77E $12B6 trumpet FCE0 43CF DC08
$15 $03A1E6-$03B4C8 $12E3 japanese shout FFE0 0000 A404
$16 $03C77F-$03D1FA $0A7C japanese shout 2 FFE0 0000 A404
$17 $03D1FB-$03DB68 $096E japanese shout 3 FFE0 0000 A404
$18 $03DB69-$03E6FB $0B93 japanese shout 4 FFE0 0000 A404
$19 $03E6FC-$03ED90 $0695 japanese shout 5 FFE0 0000 A404
$1A $03ED91-$03F57B $07EB grand piano FFE0 D7F4 E907
$1B $03F57C-$03FC10 $0695 rim hit FFE0 0000 9306
$1C $03FC11-$040158 $0548 clap FFE0 1800 4605
$1D $040159-$040BE6 $0A8E wood block 2 FFE0 0000 8C0A
$1E $040BE7-$0412E7 $0701 synth bass FFEE FEB1 BB05
$1F $0412E8-$041BE9 $0902 japanese shout 6 FFE0 0000 0009
$20 $041BEA-$042A67 $0E7E japanese shout 7 FFE0 0000 7C0E
  • ff3/ff3us/music/brrsamples/hh.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)