
Description Value
Base offset (SNES) $CF0000
Block size $20
Number of blocks $0180
Total size $3000
Index Description
$00 Speed
$01 Vigor
$02 Hit Rate (%)
$03 Evade Rate (%)
$04 Magic Block Rate (%)
$05 Defense
$06 Magic Defense
$07 Magic Power
$08 HP
$0A MP
$0C Experience Points
$0E Gold
$10 Level
$11 $1F Ragnarok metamorphosis pack
$E0 Ragnarok hit rate
$12 $01 Dies if mp becomes 0
$02 ???
$04 No name
$08 ???
$10 Human
$20 ???
$40 Critical attacks if imp
$80 Undead
$13 $01 Hard to run
$02 Attack first
$04 Block suplex
$08 Can't run
$10 Can't scan
$20 Can't sketch
$40 ?Special event
$80 Can't control
$14 Blocked status 1
$15 Blocked status 2
$16 Blocked status 3
$17 Elements that absorb HP
$18 Elements that have no effect
$19 Elements the enemy is weak against
$1A Graphic for normal attack
$1B Status 1
$1C Status 2
$1D Status 3
$1E $01 True Knight
$02 Runic
$04 Life 3
$08 ???
$10 ???
$20 ???
$40 ???
$80 Removable float
$1F $3F Special attack setting
$40 No damage
$80 Can't dodge
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/fmt/monster_data.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)